1.Research advances of essential fatty acids of marine broodstock and larval;海水亲鱼和仔鱼必需脂肪酸的研究进展
2.Analysis of lipid and fatty acid compositions in different tissues of the wild-caught Pampus cinereus broodstocks;海捕灰鲳亲鱼不同组织中脂肪及脂肪酸分析
3.Lipid and fatty acid composition of broodstock diet have beenidentified as major dietary factors that determine successful reproduction and survival of offspring, and most of the reports availableon broodstock nutrition are about lipid nutrition.亲鱼饲料的营养质量是影响生殖性能的主要因素之一,目前的研究大多集中在脂类营养方面。

1." Parents fish of black carp,grass carp,silver carp and bighead carp"GB/T5055-1997青鱼、草鱼、鲢、鳙亲鱼
2.Analysis on fatty acid composition in muscle of fry,male and female parent fishes (Pelteobagrus vachelli)江黄颡鱼鱼苗与雌雄亲鱼肌肉脂肪酸组成分析
3.Study on Brood Stock Culture and Embryonic Development of Epinephelus coioides;斜带石斑鱼亲鱼培育和胚胎发育的研究
4.Observation on year-round spawning and discrimination of larval activity of Epinephelus coioides斜带石斑鱼亲鱼周年产卵的观察及仔鱼活力判别
5.Any of various fishes, such as the walleye, similar or related to the pickerel.小梭鱼科类似狗鱼的鱼,或与狗鱼有亲缘关系的鱼,如突眼鲥
6.How many fish do you have, my dear?亲爱的,你钓到几条鱼?
7.The army and the people are as inseparable as fish and water.军民关系亲如鱼水。
8.any of several marine food fishes related to cod.与鳕鱼有亲缘关系的几种海生食用鱼。
9.A large, northern Pacific food fish(Ophiodon elongatus) related to the greenling.长齿鱼北太平洋的一种大型食用鱼(长蛇齿鱼)与六线鱼有亲源关系
10.halfbeaks; marine and freshwater fishes closely related to the flying fishes but not able to glide.鱵;与飞鱼是近亲的海洋和淡水鱼类,但不能滑行。
11.important food and game fish of northern seas especially North Atlantic; related to cod.北大西洋水域重要的食用鱼;和鳕鱼有亲缘关系。
12.food fish of Northern Pacific waters related to greenlings.与六线鱼有亲源关系的北太平洋食用鱼。
13.Cytochrome b Complete Sequences and RAPD Analysis of the Phylogenetic Relationships among the Fishes of the Genus Macropodus斗鱼属鱼类亲缘关系的Cyt b基因序列和RAPD分析
14.Effect of Various Kinds and Amounts of Hydrocolloid on Rheological Properties of Horse Mackerel Surimi亲水胶体对竹荚鱼鱼糜流变特性的影响
15.Effect of Hydrocolloids on the Gel Properties of Horse-mackerel Surimi亲水胶体对竹荚鱼鱼糜凝胶特性的影响
16.A Study on Genetic Relationships of Anti-disease Grass F_7(83-2 strain F_2) with Cyprinus carpio red and Ctenopharyngoden idella by RAPD用RAPD技术探讨抗病草鱼F_7(83-2系鱼F_2)与原代双亲的亲缘关系
17.Any of various similar but unrelated fishes, such as the troutperch.鲑属鱼类的鱼各种类似但无亲缘关系的鱼类,如鲑鲈
18.A fish, such as the walleye, that is related to the perch and resembles the pike.梭鲈鱼一种与鲈有亲缘关系并貌似长矛的鱼,如大眼鲥鱼

Brood fish亲鱼
1.The results showed that mature brood fish was injected with DOM and LRH-A2 for spawning inducing,artificial reproduction can be successful.结果表明,成熟亲鱼注射DOM和LRH-A2进行催产,能够成功地进行人工繁殖。
2.The artificial propagation techniques of Erythtoculer ilishaefornis including brood fish selection, methods of brood fish transport and intensive cultivation,successful hormone induction, hatchery management etc were studied in Huzhou of Zhejiang during the years from 2002 to 2003.于2002~2003年,在浙江湖州,对翘嘴红?亲鱼的选择、运输、培育及苗种的人工繁殖技术进行了研究。
3)broodstock cultivation亲鱼培育
1.Study on broodstock cultivation and artificial propagation technique of ZhouShan Flounder(Paralichthys olivaceus);舟山褐牙鲆亲鱼培育与催产技术研究
2.The broodstock cultivation and artificial propagation of Procypris rabaudi collected from water fastens,such as Jingsha River and Jialing River,achieved success during the years of 1999 to 2006.从金沙江、嘉陵江等水系中收集野生岩原鲤,于1999~2006年进行亲鱼培育及人工催产,并获得成功。
4)parent fish breeding亲鱼培育
5)Broodstock nutrition亲鱼营养
6)parent fish live through the winter亲鱼越冬
