1.77% respectively,and 15-tetracosenoic acid(NA) exists in salmon oil.采用Bligh-Dyer提取法对三文鱼鱼肉中的脂肪酸进行提取,利用气相色谱-质谱联用仪进行分析测定,共检测出25中脂肪酸。
2.A high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC) method was developed to identify salmon aquacultured with synthetic astaxanthin through determining relative ratio of chiral isomers of astaxanthin in salmon.本法可应用于快速鉴别养殖三文鱼是否使用了人工合成虾青素,并可以初步判断是否为野生三文鱼
3.To study the healthy,high quality and efficient feeding techniques on salmon,vitamin E was added as supplement,and its effect on meat quality was analyzed in this study.为三文鱼健康、优质高效养殖提供参考,采用在三文鱼饵料中添加VE进行养殖试验,并对其肉品质的影响进行了分析。

1.Decorate with some salmon roe and caviar roe, then serve.最后放上一些三文鱼子和黑鱼子酱作为装饰.
2.Special Recommendation: black mustard cucumber, fish head clay pot, crab with salmon seafood noodle.特色推荐:芥末黄瓜、鱼头煲、蟹子三文鱼海面。
3.Yes, please. I want smoked salmon and vegetable soup.好的,我要烟薰三文鱼和蔬菜汤。
4.Yes. Salmon and chips for me, please.好了。请来份三文鱼和土豆片。
5.Ask for the salmon medium rare to prevent overcooking.三文鱼要四分熟的,免得烧得过熟。
6.Effects of Supplemental Vitamin E on Meat Quality of Salmon饵料中添加V_E对三文鱼肉品质的影响
7.Effects of Vitamin E as Forage on Growth Performance of the Salmon在饵料中添加V_E对三文鱼生长的影响
8.Influence of Adding VC into Feed on The Meat Quality of Salmon Fish饵料中添加VC对三文鱼肉品质的影响
9.An excellent accompaniment to oysters, grilled or barbecued prawns or salmon, poached white fish or fresh green salads.适宜搭配牡蛎,烧烤对虾或三文鱼,蒸鱼及新鲜的蔬菜沙拉。
10.Effects of Vitamin C,E and Organic Chromium on Meat Quality of Salmon维生素C、E和有机铬对三文鱼肉品质的影响
11.Succulent salmon covered in sweet, luscious, tangy fruits and baked in a pineapple shell.多汁的三文鱼在菠萝中煎烤,点缀着酸甜,清爽,回味无穷的水果。
12.Spread the cheese mixture on the tortilla and lay the smoked salmon on it. Wrap up and cut into small pieces.将乳酪馅抹在烙饼上面,然后放上熏三文鱼。卷起后切成小件即可。
13.Rapid Identification of Salmon Aquacultured with Synthetic Astaxanthin through High Performance Liquid Chromatography高效液相色谱法快速鉴别人工合成虾青素养殖的三文鱼
14.Sprinkle the salt on the both sides of salmon. Let marinate for about 30 minutes. Tear the seaweed into small pieces or cut into shreds.三文鱼两面都抹上盐,放在盘子里,腌制30分钟左右。把海苔剪成小条,或者用手撕成小块儿。
15.Exploring the Creation Culture of Sanjiang Plain from Fish Skin Clothing of Hezhe Ethnic Group从赫哲族鱼皮服饰探寻三江平原的造物文化
16.A three-pronged spear used in fishing.鱼叉一种用于捕鱼的、有三个尖端分叉的鱼叉
17.On his fishing trip, he caught three trout and a cold.他去钓鱼,钓回了三条鲑鱼和一场感冒。
18.Macronutrient Composition of Formulated Diets for Yellow Catfish (Pelteobagrus Fulvidraco Richardson) Juvenile;黄颡鱼幼鱼三大营养素需要量的研究

salmon skins三文鱼皮
3)Rice with Salmon三文鱼饭
5)Marinated Salmon腌三文鱼
6)Graavilohi(Smoked Salted Salmon)烟三文鱼

文鳐鱼【通用名称】文鳐鱼【其他名称】文鳐鱼 (《本草拾遗》) 【异名】鳐(《吕氏春秋》),飞鱼(《本草拾遗》)。 【来源】为飞鱼科动物燕鳐鱼的肉。 【动物形态】燕鳐鱼 体略呈长椭圆形,背部及腹部颇宽,两侧较平,至尾部渐细.体长约30厘米左右。头颇短,背部平坦,两侧向下方倾斜,腹面狭窄。吻短。眼大,侧位而高。鼻孔每侧2个.口小。上下颌约等长,具圆锥状细齿.鳞圆形,甚大,其后缘呈波状。侧线位甚低,近腹缘,其后端不达尾鳍基部。背鳍12~14。臀鳍9~10,起点约在背鳍第6鳍条下方,其后端与背鳍最末鳍条相对。胸鳍15~16,宽大而特长,平置时可达臀鳍最末鳍条,可借此滑翔于水面。腹鳍大,平置时可达臀鳍底末端。尾鳍分叉,下叶长于上叶。体背面青黑色,侧下方及腹部银白色,背鳍及臀鳍灰色,胸鳍及尾鳍浅黑色。 常成群游泳于海洋之上层。能跃出水面,在1米左右的水面上空滑翔,滑行距离可至数十米甚至百米以上。产卵期5~7月。分布我国沿梅一带。 【性味】《纲目》:"甘酸,无毒。" 【功用主治】①《本草拾遗》:"令易产,临时烧为黑末,酒下一钱匕。" ②《纲目》:"已狂已痔。"