细菌感染,Bacterial infection
1)Bacterial infection细菌感染
1.Clinicial evaluation of gatifloxacin in treatment of lower respiratory tract bacterial infection;加替沙星治疗下呼吸道细菌感染的临床评价
2.Effect of immunity change in patients with lung cancer after bacterial infection;细菌感染对肺癌患者免疫系统的影响
3.The clinical study of bacterial infection in ICU after liver transplantation;肝移植术后重症监护病房细菌感染的临床研究

1.A Study of Bacterial Infection of Biliary Tract Operation in Geneal Surgery Department and the Susceptibility of the Pathogenic Bacteria to Antibiotics;普外科胆道手术细菌感染及细菌对抗菌药物敏感性的调查与研究
2.an inflammation of bone and bone marrow (usually caused by bacterial infection).骨髓发炎(通常是细菌感染)。
3.Virus or bacteria infections of the alveoli result in pneumonia.病毒或细菌感染肺泡引起肺炎。
4.Analysis of Factors for Bacterial Infection Following Liver Transplantation;肝移植术后细菌感染的相关因素分析
5.Strategy of Prevent and Treat Bacterial Infection Occurred after Orthotopic Liver Transplantation;原位肝移植术后细菌感染的防治策略
6.Clinical analysis of bacterial infection in liver transplant recipients肝移植患者术后细菌感染的临床分析
7.Rapid diagnosis of bacterial infection using PCR and RFLP采用PCR与RFLP方法快速诊断细菌感染
8.Role of autophagy in bacterial infections and immune responses自噬在细菌感染与免疫应答中的作用
9.Comparison of Pulmonary Fungal Infections and Pulmonary Bacterial Infections in Patients without Mechanical Ventilation;肺部真菌感染与肺部细菌感染(非机械通气)的临床对照研究
10.Present status of Klebsiella peneumoniae distribmion and antibiotic resistance in our hospital我院肺炎克雷伯菌感染者的细菌感染分布与耐药性分析
11.Antibiotic ointments are useful for concurrent bacterial infections.抗菌素软膏对伴发的细菌感染是有用的。
12.A virus that infects and lyses certain bacteria.噬菌体感染并裂解某种细菌的病毒
13.As their name suggests, these infect bacteria.噬菌体,顾名思义它们能感染细菌。
14.Detection of archaea in root canal of primary and secondary endodontic infections by RT-PCR原发性感染、再感染根管中古细菌的RT-PCR分析
15.Bacterial flora and characteristics of infections in child burn patients小儿烧伤患者感染细菌学调查与感染情况分析
16.Intestinal bacterial translocation is the prime source of pancreas infection.胰腺感染细菌的来源主要是肠道细菌的移位。
18.Fever in surgical patients commonly represents bacterial infection.外科病人的发热通常表示细菌性感染。

Bacterial infections细菌感染
1.A multicenter, randomized and controlled clinical trial on faropenem and cefuroxime axetil in treatment of bacterial infections;法罗培南与头孢呋辛酯治疗细菌感染随机双盲多中心临床试验
2.A meta-analysis of treatment of bacterial infections with double-blind randomized clinical study of indigenous gatifloxcin versus levofloxacin;国产加替沙星与左氧氟沙星双盲随机对照治疗细菌感染的Meta分析
3.Value of serum procalcitonin in the diagnosis of bacterial infections in the critical patients;血清降钙素原对危重病人细菌感染的诊断价值
3)Bacteria infection细菌感染
1.A Study on the Relationship between the Insulin Like Growth Factor-Ⅰ(IGF-Ⅰ) and Newborn Bacteria Infection;新生儿细菌感染与胰岛素样生长因子Ⅰ(IGF-Ⅰ)关系探讨
2.Platelet phospholipase A_2 mRNA content changes and cDNA cloning in rat blood with bacteria infection;细菌感染大鼠血中血小板型磷脂酶A_2 mRNA水平的变化及其cDNA克隆
3.Objective To investigate the association of surgical skills, anhepatic time and preoperative hepatic function grading with bacteria infection after the liver transplantation and identify the common bacterial flora involved for effective prevention and treatment of the posttransplant bacterial infection.目的探讨手术技巧、肝脏移植受体待肝时间、受体术前肝功能分级和肝脏移植术后细菌感染的关系;分析肝移植术后细菌感染的常见菌群;探讨肝脏移植术后细菌感染的防治办法。
1.Rapid detection of infection with bacteria by fluorescence and non-fluorescence microarray system;非荧光法与荧光法芯片检测细菌感染的研究
2.Bacterial eradication rate was 100. 方法 治疗多中心、开放性肺部、腹腔、尿路等急重型细菌感染 2 8例。
5)Bacterial infections细菌性感染
1.Injective azithromycin in treatment of bacterial infections;注射用阿奇霉素治疗细菌性感染临床观察
2.Multicenter clinical trial of cefetamet pivoxil vs cefixime in treatment of acute bacterial infections;头孢他美酯与头孢克肟治疗急性细菌性感染多中心临床试验
3.Objective:To compare the gatifloxacin with levofloxacin in terms of efficacy and safety for the treatment of hospitalized patients with moderate-to-severe bacterial infections.目的:评价加替沙星治疗细菌性感染的临床疗效和安全性。
6)bacterial infection细菌性感染
1.Double-blind randomized controlled multicenter clinical trial of faropenem sodium tablets in the treatment of acute bacterial infections;法罗培南钠片治疗急性细菌性感染随机双盲对照临床研究
2.Randomized controlled clinical trial of cefoselis hydrogen sulfate injection versus ceftazidime in the treatment of acute bacterial infection;注射用硫酸头孢噻利与头孢他啶治疗急性细菌性感染随机治疗临床研究
3.Randomized controlled clinical trial on injective cefmenoxime hydrochloride versus cefoperazone in the treatment of acute bacterial infection;注射用盐酸头孢甲肟与头孢哌酮治疗急性细菌性感染随机对照临床研究
