1.Structure and Content of Spermathecae of Portunus trituberculatus from East China Sea东海三疣梭子蟹纳精囊形态结构与内含物的变化
2.During artifical transfer of spermatophore,the male seminal products and the female spermathecae secretion will occur a intense reaction in several seconds.结果发现,青蟹精子塞为雄性精液和雌性纳精囊开口处的分泌物在短时间内发生剧烈反应的产物,它们在短时间内从液态变为胶状结构,证明了精子塞是雌雄蟹的共同产物。

1.As a result, the mature female mud crab can spawn, though the number of eggs laid is affected.结果表明精英的人工移植不会破坏成熟雌蟹纳精囊的内环境,其内精子具正常受精能力。
2.Structure and Content of Spermathecae of Portunus trituberculatus from East China Sea东海三疣梭子蟹纳精囊形态结构与内含物的变化
3.With the similar hard carapace mate methods, the spermatophores and semen an transferred to spermathacae of female mud crab artificially.首次对青蟹采用类似硬壳交配的方式,将成熟雄蟹贮精囊内的精英和精液成功移植至雌蟹纳精囊中。
4.Study on the Preparation Technology of Beef Flavor-Loaded Nanoparticles纳米微胶囊牛肉香精的制备技术研究
5.The testis sacs communicate with the seminal vesicles.精巢囊与储精囊相连。
6.Sterner had sunk in on himself like an empty gasbag, and no efforts were sufficient to inflate him.斯坦纳精神沮丧,象一只漏空了的气囊,什么力量都激动不了他。
7.congenital hydrocele of spermatic cord先天性精索鞘膜水囊肿
8.Spermathecae and their pores are not always paired.受精囊与孔常不成对。
9.Study on the Microcapsules and Nanocapsules of Gelatin-Acacia-Tannin Containing Capsaicin;辣素/明胶—阿拉伯胶—单宁微囊和纳囊的研究
10.A sperm-producing organ occurring in seedless plants, fungi, and algae.孢子囊,精子囊无籽植物,菌类植物和藻类植物的孢子囊
11.The bag containing the gas in a balloon or an airship.气囊气球或飞艇上容纳气体的袋装物
12.A Study on Chitosan-based Self-assembled Nanovesicles for Drug Delivery;自组装壳聚糖基纳米药用泡囊的研究
13.The Preparation of Polymeric Nanocapsules of Phase Change Materials;聚合物/相转变材料纳米胶囊的制备
14.Study of Preparation of DNA Vaccine Loaded with Chitosan Microspheres;载DNA疫苗壳聚糖纳米胶囊的研究
15.PCM(Phase Change Materials) Nanocapsules and Its Application in Textiles相变纳米胶囊及其在纺织品上的应用
16.Preparation of Chitosan/L-polylactic Acid/sodium Tripolyphosphate Microcapsules and in vitro releaseCS/PLLA/TPP纳米微胶囊的制备及体外释放
17.Preparation and Property of Chitosan/Sodium Tripolyphosphate Microcapsules as Drug CarrierCS/TPP纳米微胶囊的制备及其载药性能
18.Greiner chronocomparator格林纳精密时计比较仪

1.Ultrastructure of the female spermatheca and its storage spermatozoa after spawning of mud crab Scylla serrata;锯缘青蟹排卵后纳精囊及其内部精子的超微结构
2.The research, which circumfusing the changing process that from Spermatophores to sperms, worked on the spermatheca in female, accessory gland in male and other aspects hailed from these.本文根据目前我国中华绒螯蟹养殖经济中的繁育质量问题和国内外对动物生殖系统的研究情况,围绕精荚变成精子的过程,对该蟹雌体纳精囊,雄体副性腺以及精子顶体酶活力进行必要的研究。
3)seminal receptacle纳精囊;受精囊
4)Seminal vesicles精囊
1.Evaluation on diagnosis of seminal vesicles and ejaculatory duct by transrectal ultrasonography in male infertility patients;评价经直肠彩色多普勒超声在男性不育症精囊和射精管病变诊断中的价值
2.Methods: Seminal vesicles and ejaculatory duct of one hundred and fifty-two patients were detected by TURS,and semen routine checked at the same time.目的:探讨男性不育症与精囊及射精管病变之间的关系。
5)Seminal Vesicle精囊
1.The value of color Doppler ultrasonography in the diagnosis of seminal vesicle disease;彩色多普勒超声早期诊断精囊疾病的价值
2.Transurethral endoscopic approach for seminal vesicle stone removal经尿道精囊镜治疗精囊结石症
3.The present review is intended to give an outlook on the relationship between male reproduciton and seminal vesicles, which are an important subsidiary gonad of males and play a key role in male fertility process.精囊在男性生殖活动中发挥重要作用,精囊分泌果糖,是精子体外运动的主要能量来源;精囊还分泌多种生命活性物质,参与精液凝固,与精液的粘稠度有关,而且对于精子活力,精子染色质的稳定,精液的抗氧化作用以及精子在女性生殖道的免疫豁免都具有重要意义;此外,最新的研究成果表明精囊的饱胀程度还与男性性功能关系密切。
6)seminal vesicle精囊;贮精囊

急性淋球菌性前列腺精囊炎急性淋球菌性前列腺精囊炎 病名。淋病类型之一。为急性淋病患者感染淋球菌2~4周内发生体温升高、尿频、尿急、血尿、阴茎勃起痛、排尿困难乃至尿潴留,会阴肿胀不适,甚则疼痛、血性精液者。诊断依据病史、症状、体征及前列腺液常规检查(大量白细胞、脓球)与培养出淋球菌,则可确诊。治疗参见附录“淋病治疗方案”。