1.Study on Moss of Potted Flower in Greenhouse;对温室盆花栽培基质中青苔的研究
2.Effects of the Moss Removal Agent of Potted Flower in Greenhouse on Chlorophyll Content;青苔去除剂对温室盆花栽培基质中叶绿素含量的影响
3.Inhibition of CuSO 4 on moss growth was studied with water cultivation experiments.水培试验研究了CuSO4对青苔的抑制作用。

1.a boulder mantled with moss;长满青苔的鹅卵石;
2.moss-covered rocks, walls长满青苔的岩石、 墙.
3.I have warmed the moss of the stone railings as I lean on it,我倚暖了石栏的青苔
4.I nestle up to the stone railing to warm the green moss,我倚暖了石阑的青苔
5.staring at the moss on the bottom, dead.瞪着水底的青苔,死了。
6.Warm the green moss till it cools me to the depth of my heart....青苔凉透了我的心坎,……
7.A violet by a mossy stone青苔石旁的一朵紫罗兰,
8.The rock face before him, covered with green moss, seemed to sweep past swiftly.眼前粘满青苔的岩壁飞快地移动着。
9.Lichen is the dominant life-form that covers the surfaces of stones and trees.青苔是生长在石头和树木表面的主要生物。
10.and sat down on a mossy spot under a spreading oak.在一棵枝叶茂盛的橡树下,一屁股坐到青苔地上。
11.Ah, leave me alone in my pubescent park, in my mossy garden.让我独自带在我的充满青春的公园、满青苔的花圃里。
12.From the base of the steep wall of rock on which I stood, a moss-covered ledge jutted seaward into deep water.从我立脚的峭岩底部,一块被青苔覆盖的礁石伸向大海的最深处。
13."There existed a hollow way wherein one saw neither a single shrub nor a spear of moss.那里有一条凹下去的路,路上没有一根荆棘,也没有一丝青苔
14.They sat down again, side by side, and hand clasped in hand, on the mossy trunk of the fallen tree.他俩重新坐下; 肩并着肩,手握着手,就这样坐在长满青苔的倒下的树干上。
15.But reluctantly she replaced her shoes and stockings and trudged down the bank, spongy with moss, under the shady trees.但是她不得不重新穿上鞋袜,沿着长满青苔和树荫浓密的河岸一直走下去。
16.The building was of grey, lichen-blotched stone, with a high central portion and two curving wings, like the claws of a crab, thrown out on each side.这栋建筑是灰色的,石墙上有斑斑点点的青苔,中间高,两边侧翼弯曲,像螃蟹爪子向两边伸。
17."All overgrown with azure moss and flowers So sweet, the sense faints picturing them! Thou For whose path the Atlantic's level powers"而且都生满青苔、开满花朵,那芬芳真迷人欲醉!呵,为了给你让一条路,大西洋的汹涌的浪波
18.Cause analysis and synoptic characteristics for large outbreaks of enteromorpha around Qingdao in 20082008年青岛海域浒苔大爆发天气特征及成因分析

Carex moorcroftii青藏苔草
1.Aims A comprehensive survey on anatomical features of the leaves of Carex moorcroftii and Stipa purpurea,two dominant species in Tibetan Plateau,has been conducted.为了揭示青藏高原高寒草原优势物种青藏苔草(Carex moorcroftii)和紫花针茅(Stipa purpurea)对高原特殊环境的适应性,该文研究了它们的叶片结构在自然环境梯度下的变化以及这些变化与生态因子之间的关系。
1.The bryophytes resources was studied in Tiantangzhai Mountains and Qingtaiguan Mountains,in Luotian county of Hubei province.对湖北大别山罗田天堂寨、青苔关两地的苔藓植物资源进行了初步研究。
4)Carex qingdaoensis青岛苔草
