1.The Research on Development Countermeasure to Upgrade the Lijin County Economic Level;提升利津县域经济层次发展对策研究
2.According to the observed runoff and sediment data of Lijin Hydrometric Station, the paper analyzes the characteristics of runoff and sediment variations of the Yellow River mouth since 1950.根据利津水文站的实测水沙资料,分析了1950年以来黄河口水沙的变化特征。
3.It calculates and analyzes the structure of ecological water deficiency in 1998-2003 period by taking Lijin Hydrometric Station situated on the lower Yellow River as an example.以黄河下游利津水文站为例,对1998~2003年生态缺水构成进行了计算分析,结果表明,利津水文站现状生态缺水分布总体上为汛前期高于汛后枯水期,其中汛前期生态缺水主要为概念性生态缺水,占汛前缺水的73%以上;汛后枯水期主要为过度生态缺水,占汛后缺水的64%。

1.Working Group on Funding [review of the social welfare subvention system]津贴方案工作小组〔社会福利津贴制度检讨〕
2.social welfare subvention社会福利补助金;社会福利资助金;社会福利津
3.Consultancy Service for the Review of the Social Welfare Subvention System检讨社会福利津贴制度顾问服务
4.Mortgage Interest Subsidy Scheme Unit按揭利息津贴计划组
5.system of allowances and entitlements津贴和应享权利制度
6.Charitable maternity societies . . . . . . . . . . 300 "各慈幼会津贴三百利弗
7.Bodleian Library of Oxford University牛津大学博德利图书馆
8.Subventions Branch [Social Welfare Department]津贴科〔社会福利署〕
9.Subventions Section [Social Welfare Department]津贴组〔社会福利署〕
10.Society of the mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 "传教会津贴一百利弗
11.The victory became part of sporting folklore.那次胜利已成为人们津津乐道的体育传奇故事。
12.welfare benefitsph.1. 福利金(国家津贴有需要的穷人的)
13.Religious establishments of the Holy Land . . . . . 100 "圣地宗教团体津贴一百利弗
14.Are benefits and/ or allowances included in calculating the minimum wage?津贴和/者福利包括在计算最低工资吗?
15.For the maternity charitable society of Aix . . . . . . . 250 "艾克斯慈幼会的津贴二百五十利弗
16.Taiwanese merchants receive very handsome profits from investing in Tianjin台商在天津投资获利颇丰
17.Congregation of the Holy Spirit . . . . . . . . . . 150 "圣灵会津贴一百五十利弗
18.United Nations Common System of Salaries, Allowances and Other Benefits联合国薪给、津贴和其他福利共同制度

Lijin area利津地区
1.Sensitivity of low porosity and permeability reservoir of upper Es_4 Member in Lijin area, Dongying Sag, Jiyang Depression;利津地区沙四段上部低孔低渗储集层敏感性特征
1.Objective: To establish quality standard of Liyan Shenjin Granules (LYSJG).目的 :对利咽生津颗粒剂建立质量标准。
4)Lijin Station利津站
5)Ilya Prigogine普利高津
1.Here Ilya Prigogine brings vector of time into the description of natural science and it reveals the probabilistic essence of scientific laws and the inevitability of ventures to exi.普利高津将时间之矢纳入对自然科学的描述之中 ,揭示了科学规律的概率性本质 ,从而也就揭示了科技风险的不可避免性 ,亦即按科学规律办事也存在风
1.Analysis and prevention on scaling by water injection in Lijin Oiffeild.;利津油田注水结垢分析及防治
