1.Water Effeciency Irrigation in Sustainable Agricultural in Yuncheng Prefecture;运城地区农业节水灌溉与可持续发展
2.The results showed that the wolly apple aphid distributed in Linfen,Yuncheng,Changzhi and Jinzhong Prefecture.通过对4区9地的调查结果表明:苹果绵蚜已经入侵到临汾市、运城市、长治市和晋中市。
3.YunCheng lies in China s Mainland hinterland, ShanXi the southwest,grip the Jin Dynasty, Qin, Henan Province three province throat of traffic, it is thebounded key area of "Gold Triangle of the Yellow River " that form of three provincesof ShanXi, ShaanXi, Henan, it is the area called of the quilt initially in history.运城位于中国大陆腹地,山西省西南部,扼晋、秦、豫三省交通之咽喉,为山西、陕西、河南三省交界形成的“黄河金三角”核心地带,是历史上最早被称为“中国”的地区。

1.Demonstration of the Mid-and-long-term Urban Water Transfer Project in Yuncheng City运城市中远期城区供水水源工程论证
2.provide with a canal, as of a city.在城市中开凿一条运河。
3.Salt Lake Dons Its Games Face, City Eagerly Awaits the Olympic Hordes盐湖城整饬—新迎奥运
4.The two towns are linked by a canal.两个城镇有运河相连。
5.Road passenger transport operation pattern of small-medium sized city basing on intergration of urban and rural area;基于城乡客运一体化的中小城市道路客运模式
6.Diversified Impact of City Games of the P.R.C on the Host City;全国城运会对主办城市的多元化影响
7.The Application of Urban Ventilation Channel for Urban Environment Improvement;城市通风道在改善城市环境中的运用
8.Promote the development of town in mountainous area by city operation concept;运用经营城市理念 促进山区城镇发展
9.The impact on city management ideology brought by invisible city;无形城市对当前城市运营理念的冲击
10.Discussion on Common-line Operation of Inter-city Railways and Urban Rails城际铁路与城市轨道共线运营的探讨
11.make a surcharge for delivering the trunk outside of the city limits对运送那衣箱出城界索取额外的运费
12.Analysis on Passenger Flow Forecast of MianYang-ChenDu-EMei Intercity Passenger-Dedicated Line;成绵峨城际客运专线客运量预测研究
13.Study on Transport Organization of Intercity Railway Traffic;城际客运专线运输组织相关问题研究
14.To Exploit Great Canal and Canal Culture and Dezhou City Eevelopment;运河及运河文化开发与德州城市发展
15.The Operation Mechanism Development of Urban Regeneration in Shanghai Downtown;上海中心城区城市更新运行机制演进研究
16.The Research on the Structure of the Urban Passenger Transportation According with the Ecology City;符合生态城市的城市客运交通结构研究
17.Study on Intercity Highway Passenger Trip Generation and Distribution Forecast for Urban Agglomeration;城市群城际公路客运交通生成与分布预测研究
18.Study on Choice of Passenger Transport Mode between Satelate Town and Central City;卫星城与中心城间客运交通模式的选择研究

Yuncheng salt lake运城盐湖
1.Research on removal process for organic substances in the brine of Yuncheng salt lake;运城盐湖卤水去除有机物工艺研究
2.Study on Compulsory Dissolving and Circulating System of Bittern Making with Yuncheng Salt Lake;运城盐湖强制溶解循环制卤工艺的研究
3.The preparation of white magnesium chloride hexahydrate from bittern containing high magnesium content in Yuncheng salt lake;运城盐湖高镁卤水制取白色六水氯化镁
3)Yuncheng City运城市
1.Probe into the Utilization of the Reclaimed Water in Yuncheng City;运城市中水回用状况的探讨
2.Research on the Present Image Building of Yuncheng City and the Countermeasures;运城市城市形象现状与对策
3.Analyses on the Present Situation of Water Resources in Yuncheng City and the Countermeasures;运城市水资源现状分析及对策
4)Yuncheng district运城地区
5)city passenger transportation城市客运
1.City Passenger Transportation Problems and Countermeasure Research:Taking Panzhihua City as an Example;城市客运问题与对策研究——以攀枝花市为例
6)urban passenger城市客运
1.Layout planning method for urban passenger intermodal transfer points in cluster cities;组团式大城市客运综合换乘枢纽布局规划方法
2.Location model of urban passenger intermodal transfer terminals;研究与我国大城市用地布局形态和空间结构相适应的换乘枢纽概念性布局规划,在分析枢纽选址主要影响因素的基础上,建立以提高居民出行效率为目标,使枢纽与高强度开发的商业、办公、居住用地及城市客运交通需求走廊紧密结合的选址模型。
