1.Effect of the Middle Line Project of South-to-North Water Transfer on the Ecological Tourism in Yuliangzhou;南水北调中线工程对鱼梁洲生态旅游的影响
2.Analysis on the Influence on Eco-tourism of Yuliangzhou Caused by the South-to-North Water Transfer Project;南水北调中线工程对鱼梁洲生态旅游的影响分析

1.Effect of the Middle Line Project of South-to-North Water Transfer on the Ecological Tourism in Yuliangzhou;南水北调中线工程对鱼梁洲生态旅游的影响
2.Analysis on the Influence on Eco-tourism of Yuliangzhou Caused by the South-to-North Water Transfer Project;南水北调中线工程对鱼梁洲生态旅游的影响分析
3.lenticular beam鱼[扁豆]形梁, 组合梁
4.European carp closely resembling wild goldfish.非常象金鱼的欧洲鲤鱼。
5.Any of several Australian food fishes, such as the lungfish.澳洲肺鱼一种澳大利亚食用鱼,如肺鱼
6.Fish begins to stink at the head.〔谚语〕上梁不正下梁歪,鱼要腐烂头先坏。
7.A Brief Discussion on Designing the Fishway and Fish Repro-duction Station in Weir Maritime Hub鱼梁航运枢纽鱼道及鱼类增殖保护站设计浅述
8.common smelt of Europe.欧洲出产的普通胡瓜鱼。
9.Inter-America Tropical Tuna Commission美洲热带金枪鱼委员会
10.Inter-American Tropical Tuna Convention美洲热带金枪鱼公约
11.Tuna Corporation of Africa, Ltd.非洲金枪鱼业有限公司
12.Tung Lung Chau Mariculture Association东龙洲海鱼养殖业协会
13.the common North American shiner.北美洲普通的银色小鱼。
14.food fish of European coastal waters.欧洲沿海水域的食用鱼。
15.Sai Kung Tai Tau Chau Fish Culture Business Association西贡大头洲养鱼业协会
16.any of several North American species of small pike.北美洲几个小狗鱼品种。
17.flesh of a large European flatfish.一种欧洲大比目鱼的肉。
18.slender freshwater fishes of Eurasia and Africa resembling catfishes.亚欧和非洲类似鲶鱼的细长淡水鱼。

3)Scleropages formosus亚洲龙鱼
1.Analysis on the D-loop Structure of Two Stock of Scleropages formosus;2种亚洲龙鱼的D-Loop序列结构分析
4)Hypomesus transpacificuc nipponesis亚洲公鱼
1.Study On Transplant Biology of Pond Smelt ( Hypomesus transpacificuc nipponesis) In Xigou Reservoir;黑河西沟水库亚洲公鱼移殖生物学研究
5)Red Tilapia星洲红鱼
6)african crucial carp非洲鲫鱼
1.During 1982-1983 three batches of african crucial carp from Beijing Xiaotiangshan hot fountain fishing ground were introduced to the fishing ground.红雁池鱼场利用电场冷却电机回流水饲养非洲鲫鱼。

鱼麟洲位于东方市八所镇西南海滨,这里在清代康熙年间就已经是海南的风景名胜地。前人曾写诗赞叹这里:“鱼鳞洲耸接云天,策枚登临别有天。怪石回环看不厌,奇峰重叠翠相连。 泉流一井清如许,浪击千层势欲颠。海上仙山何处觅?分明此景是神仙。”诗中提到的“泉流一井”是指鱼鳞洲岸边的一口永不干涸的井,这个井里涌出的是甘甜的泉水。井的西边还有一个栖息着众多海鸟的洞穴。鱼鳞洲海滨水清沙白,波平风轻,是理想的天然浴场。交通:从海口乘坐至八所的省汽快车,再乘当地的中巴车到景点。