1.In this paper according to the conditions of large reservoir construction and their features,the capacities of large reservoirs in future 10 years are forecasted,and from the aspects of flood control,benefit in water resources an.由于长江大型水库建设步伐加快和流域经济社会的发展,迫切需要进行水库群联合调度,解决防洪、兴利和生态等问题。
2.Benefit is the central issue of economic thought of Wang Tao and he claimed to benefit from helping business and industry and to develop capitalist business and put forward a series of suggestions.兴利是王韬经济思想的中心议题,他主张通过国佐工商的途径实现全面兴利,并对发展资本主义工商业,提出了一系列具体主张。

1.storage capacity for users; effective storage capacity of reservoir兴利库容(有效库容)
2.The Relations between the Rise and Fall of West Han Dynasty and the Irrigation Works Established by Hanwu Emperor;汉武帝兴水利与西汉王朝兴衰的关系
3.They divided the profits with the employees.他们兴员工分享利润。
4.Nice to meet you, Henry.很高兴认识你,亨利。
5.Nice to meet you, Mary.很高兴认识你,玛利。
6.the heady news of victory令人兴奋的胜利消息
7.Well, nice to have seen you, Sally.好了,萨利,很高兴见到你。
8.The news of victory kept us alive in excitement.胜利的消息使我们兴奋。
9.Lord Capulet was happy.卡布利特大人非常高兴,
10.Special Rehabilitation Mission to Sierra Leone塞拉利昂复兴特派团
11.Connolly Occupational Interests Questionnaire康诺利职业兴趣提问表
12.Building a Batch of Water Conservancy Projects要兴建一批水利工程
13.Profit multiply in the boom year.兴旺之年利润增长。
14.Billy was so happy that he clapped his hands.比利高兴得鼓起了掌。
15.The government initiates collective welfare work.政府兴办集体福利事业。
16.The Italy allied itself with Germany.义大利兴德国缔结同盟。
17.Italian renaissance architecture意大利文艺复兴建筑
18.Utilizing the sharp weapon of informationization to revitalize the old industrial base of the Northeast利用信息化利器振兴东北老工业基地

effective volume兴利库容
1.The authors proposed that more attention should be put on the sedimentation in effective volume and the raising tendency of both the riverbed and the water level in the reservoir tail region instead of merely consideration of the accumulated sedimentation volume.研究表明,水库淤积初步平衡后,兴利库容淤积发展仍然很快,库尾河床与水位抬升仍在继续,并未最终稳定。
3)water utilizing benefit兴利计算
4)beneficial capacity兴利库容
1.Combining with practice of planning to build Xingqiao Reservoir on the upstream of built Tianmenhe Reservoir on the Tianmenhe River,the writer introduces the calculation method of determining beneficial capacity of the new reservoir on the upstream by joint regulation of the two reservoirs.结合贵州省桐梓县将在天门河已建的天门河水库的上游拟建新桥水库的实际,介绍通过两水库联合调节来确定上游拟建水库兴利库容的计算方法,即根据区域来水情况和用水需求,对上下两水库反复多次进行联合调节计算来确定上游拟建水库的兴利库容。
5)profiting regulation兴利调节
1.A program in Visual Lisp for reservoir profiting regulation is developed.利用VisualLisp开发的水库兴利调节程序,在AutoCAD环境下实现了兴利库容和调节流量的快速计算,为水库兴利调节提供了一种方便、快捷的新途径。
2.By analyzing incoming and using water,sediment of the reservoir,the profiting regulation of reservoir by dam combined with side diversion one is applied in order to avoid sediment deposition in reservoir and guarantee water supply.文章通过对水库的来用水情况、泥沙情况分析,采用旁引库和拦河库联合运行进行兴利调节计算,以避免水库淤积并保证供水。
6)storage expansion兴利增容
1.Based on the present situation and historical operation of the Wohushan Reservoir, the possibility of storage expansion is analyzed from the incoming flow, capacity of water supply, and engineering technology.根据卧虎山水库现状和历史运行情况 ,从水库的来水保证、供水能力、工程技术措施等方面分析卧虎山水库兴利增容的可能性。

水库兴利下限水位水库兴利下限水位lowest water level of reservoir for beneficial use shuiku xingli xiaxian shuiwei水库兴利T限水位(lowest water leVelof reservoir for benefieial use)水库在正常兴利运用情况下允许消落到的最低水位,它反映兴利需要及各方面的控制条件,这些条件包括泄水设备高程、水电站的最小工作水头、库内渔业生产、水源保护及其他要求等。 确定兴利下限水位的主要依据是原设计死水位。在水库设计中,死水位(亦称设计低水位、垫底水位)要根据灌溉、航运、发电、渔业及水源保护等方面的要求及水工结构条件等进行综合比较及经济分析选定(见水库工程规划)。在水库运行中,制定当年的调度运用计划时,应根据原设计死水位及当时各方面的要求和预报来水情况,经过论证比较后确定兴利下限水位。在一般情况下,兴利下限水位应不低于原设计死水位。具体确定时,还要考虑以下情况:①对于多年调节水库(见径流调节),为预防可能发生连续枯水情况,水库在正常年份应留有一部分储备水量,故在年初蓄水较高时,拟定的当年兴利下限水位应较多地高于原设计死水位;②当水库承担的水利任务较原设计发生变化,对兴利下限水位有新的要求时,应考虑这些要求;③对于年调节发电水库,如经过论证在一般年份控制较高的年消落水位对发电有利时,兴利下限水位也可以高于设计死水位。 在实际运用中,应根据水库调度图长计划短安排,注意掌握水库的消落,不使库水位降至兴利下限水位以下。当水库水位已接近兴利下限水位时,应及早减少供水,以免在来水较枯时后期更加紧张。当遇到特枯水年份,水库被迫在兴利下限水位以下运用时,要考虑保证重点用水单位的最低需要、水电站引水建筑物及机械设备的安全运行以及库区渔业生产和水源保护的最低要求。(谭培伦蒋光明)