险情,dangerous situation
1)dangerous situation险情
1.This paper analyzes the dangerous situation and the potential damage in Taipinghu Reservoir earth_dam and pertinently poses the governing measure .分析了太平湖水库土坝的险情与隐患 ,有针对性地提出了治理措
2.But there were less dangerous situations than that in historically larger floods.1986年以来受长期小水作用形成的前期河槽的影响,"96·8"洪水期间黄河下游河势流路基本没有发生大的变化,但在河势没有受到工程控制的河段,主溜摆动仍然较大,且河道整治工程出险较多,漫顶现象比较严重,堤防工程险情与历史较大洪水比较,险情相对较少。
3.During the flood, the river situation is little changed except of the reaches without treatment and there has been relatively less dangerous situation.洪水期间,除缺少整治的河段外,河势没有发生大的变化,堤防险情相对较少,但由于坝垛根石缺额大,河道整治工程出险多,滩区淹没面积较大,经过抗洪抢险,洪水安全入海。

1.Danger signals for work places-Auditory danger signalsGB1251.1-1989工作场所的险情信号险情听觉信号
2.Ergonomics--System of danger and non-danger signals with sound and lightGB1251.3-1996人类工效学险情和非险情声光信号体系
3.hazard information system危险情报系统危险信息系统
4.A Study on the Necessity in the Situation in which the Actor Causes the Danger Himself;自招危险情形下的紧急避险问题研究
5.Optimal insurance contracts under particular moral hazard;道德风险情况下的最优保险契约模型
7.hazardous work, conditions危险的工作、 情况
8.a sinister look [ plot ]阴险的神情[阴谋]
9.Stories of adventure thrilled him.探险小说使他神情激动。
10.The situation, as I understand it, is very dangerous.情况据我看十分危险.
11.You know that the situation is not really dangerous,你知道情况并不危险,
12.worsen a situation or condition that is already difficult or dangerous使情况更困难或更危险
13."No, it's too risky for me," Tu Chu-chai answered shortly, shaking his head sadly.“冒险的事情我是不干的
14.The fifth point.The danger of conceit.第五点,骄傲情绪的危险。
15.Do you consider my complaint dangerous?你认为我的病情危险吗?
16.an ugly laugh, look, wink, etc奸险的笑声、 表情、 眨眼等
17.Danger gives a savo(u)r to mountain climbing.危险为爬山增添了情趣。
18.The hazards should be taken in the pursuit of emotion.追求情感是会冒险的。

1.Aiming at existing problems of dyke engineering,this paper presents removing danger and consolidating methods being suitable for all kinds of dyke damage prevention.针对堤防工程存在的普遍问题并结合城防堤实际建设工作 ,对出现的各种险情提出了可以采用的消险加固措施。
3)flood control engineering information and flood concerned & dangerous situation工情和险情
4)condition of hazards and dangerous case灾情和险情
5)Dangerous condition on railway铁路险情
6)Maritime Dangerous Situation海上险情

险情1.邪恶之心。 2.危险的情况。