1.Application of abatis in beach protection engineering of tidal estuary杩槎在潮汐河口护滩工程中的应用
2.The application of concrete abatis group is a new channel regulation technique.混凝土杩槎群是一项新型的河道整治技术,通过水槽试验对其阻力特性的研究,考虑理论床面和边壁矫正问题,确定糙率值n的合理取值。

1.On the Resistance Characteristics of A New-type Channel Regulation Structure-Concrete Abatis新型河道整治结构——混凝土杩槎的阻力特性研究
2.that would enable him to activate the canisters and release the sento.杩欒?浠栧彲浠ュ惎鍔ㄦ瘨姘旂綈閲婃斁姣掓皵
3.This Protocol shall be registered in accordance with the provisions of Article102 of the Charter of the United Nations.?疽槎ㄊ橛σ勒铡读?瞎?苷隆返
4.Inspect about Xian-cha’s Writing on Porcelains for Hong-dian and His Disciples图说仙槎为红店及弟子代笔种种(四)
5.Inspect about Xian-cha's Writing on Porcelains for Hong-dian and His Disciples图说仙槎为红店及弟子代笔种种(二)
6.3. the inferior vein of the right superior pulmonary lobe and right posterior regressive artery crossed each other.⒂液蠡毓槎?鲇胗疑弦断戮猜鲎咝邢嗷ソ淮矶?伞
7.A Hope of Further Development Based on Published Hundred Volumes;浮槎百卷竞潮头——《黑龙江民族丛刊》百期纪念
8.The Present State of Group Competitiveness of Knitting Mills In Zhang Cha and Countermeasures;广东佛山张槎针织产业集群竞争力现状与对策
9.The aforesaid certificate shall be conclusive evidence against the shipper, receiver and/ or any holder of the Bill of Lading.⑸鲜鲋っ魇槎酝性巳恕⒒跞撕停ǎ┖伪咎岬コ钟腥硕际蔷龆ㄐ苑粗ぁ
10.Analysis on the Pit Supporting Structure of FoShan Zhang Cha-Renming Lu Section;佛山大道张槎—人民路口下沉式立交基坑支护结构分析
11.The Growth of the Su Shi s Ink-bamboo System;从王庭筠《墨竹枯槎图》看宋金及元初苏轼体系墨竹的传承
12.Mid-Qing China in the Eyes of Koreans:A Study of Sǔngch'arok by Ch'oe Tu-ch'an朝鲜人眼中的清中期中国风情——以崔斗灿《乘槎录》为中心
13.Mary Waye is the director of the Laboratory for Human Genomics, and Professor at the Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.韦妙宜是裘槎人类基因实验室的主管并且是香港中文大学生物化学系(医学院)教授。

joint part接槎
1.Construction quality control at joint parts of concrete;混凝土接槎部位施工质量控制
3)ground settlement amount直槎
1.Inspect about Xian-cha’s Writing on Porcelains for Hong-dian and His Disciples图说仙槎为红店及弟子代笔种种(四)
2.Inspect about Xian-cha's Writing on Porcelains for Hong-dian and His Disciples图说仙槎为红店及弟子代笔种种(二)
6)Chucha section滁槎断面

杩槎  用杆件扎制成支架,内压重物的河工构件。又称闭水三脚、木马。在四川地区使用较多,明嘉靖时(16世纪前半期)已见于文字记载。单架杩槎是由三根长约6~7m的木桩绑扎而成的三角支架。在施工处若干架杩槎相连,每个杩槎架上置大卵石笼作为压重(见彩图),迎水面钉长木条,前铺竹席,形成浑然一体彼此相联的挡水平面,然后在挡水面自下而上层层抛入掺有卵石的粘土,成为一道不透水的截流堰。杩槎可用作水工建筑物的施工围堰,临时调节水量的拦河堰等。此外,还可用于抢险堵口和护岸工程。杩槎的优点是易拆易建,木桩可重复使用,是一种造价低廉的临时性工程结构。