1.On the basis of the described theory of geological hazard condition evalution, this paper provides an evalution of land slide hazard in Wanxian City.本文以四川省万县市为例,在论述地质灾害灾情评估理论的基础上,对万县市的地质灾害~滑坡群进行了灾情的评估。

1.Tracing the Significance of Wanxian Incident and Roar,China!万县案与《怒吼吧,中国!》意义溯源
2.Other counties like Hsiangtan, Hengshan, Liling and Changsha have 70,000--80,000, or 50,000--60,000, or 30,000--40,000 each.其他各县,如湘潭、衡山、醴陵、长沙等,七八万枝、五六万枝、三四万枝不等。
3.Yongjia Wanbao Stone Developmeng Co., Ltd.永嘉县万宝石业开发有限公司
4.The place where he live in seclusion is Gu Hill in Wan rong,Shanxi province today.隐居地点在今山西省万荣县孤山 ;
5.Also, 67,500 km of roads connecting counties, townships and villages were constructed.修建县、乡、村公路6.75万公里。
6.Generating the 30-m DEM of Jiangpu City on 1∶50000 Scale;江浦县1:5万30m空间分辨率DEM的制作
7.Pearl Bearing in Wannian Country and Analysis on External;万年县珍珠养殖与环境代价经济分析
8.Qingyuan County is in Liaoning province, east of Fushun city. It is a small town with a population of 80,000.清原县位于辽宁省内,抚顺市东,是一个人口仅有8万的小县城。
9.Shangrao has a large place and population, the situations among the counties. villages and towns are different.上饶地域大,人口多,县与县、乡与乡的情况千差万别。
10.In addition, more than 15,000 hospitals at or above the county level had set up departments of gynecology, obstetrics and pediatrics.另有1.5万多个县及县以上医院设有妇产科和儿科;
11.Status quo and countermeasures for human resources in national-level poverty-stricken counties in southwest China--Taking Chengkou County and Wanyuan City as an example;西南地区国家级贫困县人力资源现状与对策——以城口县、万源市为例
12.Are Administrations begun from Counties:Xiancheng and Xunjian Judicial Organs Found in Nanbu Dicumentsin Qing Dynasty万事胚胎于州县乎:《南部档案》所见清代县丞、巡检司法
13.Today Liucheng County has planted more than 5333 hectares of pollution-free Chinese honey oranges, yielding more than 50000 tons a year.柳城县目前种植无公害蜜桔8万多亩,年产量达5万多吨。
14.The population of a county in our country ranges from less than 10,000 to more than a million.我国一个县的人口,少的不到一万,多的在百万以上。
15.1∶250 000 Lhunze and Zara Sheets in Xizang1∶25万隆子县幅、扎日区幅地质调查成果与进展
16.Survey on People s Houtu Belief in County of WanRong, South of ShanXi;晋南万荣县后土祠俗民后土信仰调查研究
17.Discussion on the Industrialization of Agricultural Operations in Wanshun Town, Nong an County, Jilin Province;吉林省农安县万顺乡农业产业化经营初探
18.Reporting Analysis of a Sheep-Head Carving of jade Found in Wanquan County;关于在万全县发现的玉髓羊头像的分析报告

Wanquan County万全县
1.Evaluation of Regional Ecological Security Based on Dynamic Factors——A Case Study of Wanquan County,Hebei Province;基于动态因子的区域生态安全评价——以河北省万全县为例
2.Study on the Poverty Problems in State-owned Forest Farm of Wanquan County万全县国有林场贫困问题研究
3)Wanxian City万县市
1.In this paper, the basic regularities of geo-hazards in Wanxian City of Chongqing are presented through systematic analysis.万县市滑坡地质灾害发生有一个规律,在分析此规律的基础上,将万县市各种有关与滑坡地质灾害的信息输入计算机,基于地理信息系统(ARCVIEW)建立万县市滑坡地质灾害属性数据库,实现对滑坡灾害的空间信息管理、查询、更新以及滑坡稳定性分析和灾害发生的易损性分析,为万县市地质灾害的防治和管理提供了方便、可靠的平台。
2.Depending on the road network topological graphs of Wanxian city in 1956,1983 and 1991 andwith the use of the indices of network conectivity and circurity,the author studied the developmentsand problems of the city road netword.根据1956,1983和1991年万县市城市道路网络拓扑图,运用连接度、环通度等指标研究该市城市道路网络的发展变化及存在的问题。
4)Wanxian Incident万县案
1.Tracing the Significance of Wanxian Incident and Roar,China!万县案与《怒吼吧,中国!》意义溯源
5)the reservoir district in Wanan County万安县库区
6)Wannian province of Jiangxi city江西省万年县

义县万佛堂石窟  中国北方地区佛教石窟寺。在辽宁省义县西北 9公里的万佛堂村,位于大凌河北岸。为一处北魏石窟群,内容风格与云冈石窟、龙门石窟较为接近。 分东、西2区,西区9窟,东区7窟,现存石窟造像多风化泐损。    西区石窟有上下2层,上层3小窟已风化,下层6窟中以第1、第5和第6窟较大。第1窟为方形平顶中心塔柱窟。塔柱四面各开2龛,正面下层龛中雕结跏趺坐释迦牟尼像,龛楣上为十一体小坐佛,中间小坐佛趺下有二圆轮,前卧2鹿,佛旁各有3个听法比丘,为鹿野苑初转法轮故事。其余3面佛龛布局大体相同。塔柱四角下层雕罗汉,中部束腰,上层为缠龙须弥山。窟室左、右、后3壁各开3个佛龛,中龛上悬宝盖,左右飞天翔绕。第6窟规模最大,窟前部已崩圮,尚存后壁高逾3米的交脚弥勒坐像,头发呈水波状,左右有弟子,像后凿出礼拜式遂道。第5窟内有北魏太和二十三年 (499)营州刺史元景为孝文帝祛病祈福,"敬造石窟一区"的造窟题记,宽约1米,上方雕小千佛,千佛上有屋形龛楣。此题记的书法精美,堪称魏碑上乘,素为书家所爱重。    东区诸窟残损过甚,仅第 6窟后壁大龛中的释迦坐像,还能看出北魏雕刻的原貌。第5窟内有北魏景明三年(502)"慰喻契丹使"韩贞等人"建造私窟"的题记。    东西二区遗存的两方题记,是了解万佛堂石窟营造史的实物资料,也是研究中国北部边疆历史和地方民族历史的重要铭刻。