1.In order to enhance the level and quality of the assessment,taking a flood impact assessment of natural gas pipeline project as an example and combining with the recent problems,we analyzed and discussed a pipeline river flood impact assessment procedures,technical line,work and preventative measures systematically,made a basic frame of assessment and defined the content,which will be a reference.为提高穿河管线防洪影响评价质量和水平,便于今后同类建设项目开展评价工作,该文针对目前防洪影响评价中普遍存在的问题,以某天然气管道穿越河流工程防洪影响评价为例,对穿河管线防洪影响的评价程序、技术路线、工作内容及影响防治措施进行了系统的分析和探讨,构建了穿河管线防洪影响评价的基本框架,明确了评价的工作内容,并给出常见的防治措施供设计参考。
2)climatic factor affecting control影响防治气候因素
3)political influence政治影响
1.Globalization: Its Political Influence on Developing Countries;全球化对后发展国家的政治影响
2." However, the decisive factors of the outburst and success of the rebellion were: CCP s political influence to the army since the Great Revolution Period, CCP underground organizations effective mobilization of military rebellion and thorough deployment, CCP Central Committee and the Soviet Area Committee s direction and cooperation.宁都起义的爆发固然与“九·一八”事变后的国内政治形势有关 ,而中共自大革命时期就对起义部队进行的政治影响 ,中共地下组织在该部队中卓有成效的兵运工作和对起义的周密安排布署 ,中共中央和苏区党的指导、配合 ,才是起义之所以爆发和取得成功的决定因素。

1.The Status and Political Influence of Political Parties in Hong Kong;香港政党政治的发展现状及其政治影响
2.The economical development afftects politics.经济的发展影响政治
3.On the Impact of Political Personality on Politics--Analysis from the perspective of statesman;论政治个性对政治的影响——以政治家为分析视角
4.On the Impact of China s Entrance of WTO on Chinese Politics;WTO对中国政治的影响与政治转型趋向
5.Influence of Internal Party Politics on Taiwan Authority s Cross-Strait Policy;台湾政党政治对当局两岸政策的影响
6.The negative influence on constitutionalism of the argument of that “constitutionalism is democratic politics”;“宪政是民主政治”论对宪政的负面影响
7.The Influence of Political Marketing on the Inner-party Democracy of Major Political Parties in Europe;政治推销对欧洲政党党内民主的影响
8.Influence of Anti-Japanese War on the development of Chinese party politics;抗日战争对中国政党政治发展的影响
9.Analyse der Einwirkungen des Wahlsystems Deutschlands auf seine Parteienpolitik;德国选举制度对政党政治的影响分析
10.Study on the Influence of Digital Governance on Good Governance of Municipal Governments;数字治理对城市政府善治的影响研究
11.Politicians should not engage in business affairs that might affect their icaljudgement政治家不应该参与那些可能会影响其政治判
12.On the Influences of the U.S. MNCs Political Behaviors upon the U.S. Politics;论美国跨国公司政治行为对美国政治的影响
13.On the Influence of Chinese Contemporary Political Culture on Its Political Development;试论当代中国政治文化对政治发展的影响
14.On the Impacts of International Political Resources on the Change of International Political System;论国际政治资源对国际政治格局变迁的影响
15.Influence of online political participation on the political stability of China;网络政治参与和政治稳定的新型关系及其影响
16.The Influence on Political Development of Traditional Confucianism Political Culture;解构儒家传统政治文化对政治发展的影响
17.The Analysis of Influence of the Political Psychology Factors on the Political Development in Contemporary China;影响当前中国政治发展的政治心理因素分析
18.A Brief Discussion about the Influence of the Ttraditional Political Culture on the Political Modernization;关于传统政治文化对政治现代化之影响的思考

climatic factor affecting control影响防治气候因素
3)political influence政治影响
1.Globalization: Its Political Influence on Developing Countries;全球化对后发展国家的政治影响
2." However, the decisive factors of the outburst and success of the rebellion were: CCP s political influence to the army since the Great Revolution Period, CCP underground organizations effective mobilization of military rebellion and thorough deployment, CCP Central Committee and the Soviet Area Committee s direction and cooperation.宁都起义的爆发固然与“九·一八”事变后的国内政治形势有关 ,而中共自大革命时期就对起义部队进行的政治影响 ,中共地下组织在该部队中卓有成效的兵运工作和对起义的周密安排布署 ,中共中央和苏区党的指导、配合 ,才是起义之所以爆发和取得成功的决定因素。
4)political impact政治影响
5)flood control influence防汛影响
1.Through the analysis of the present condition and development tendency of the underground public works, the particularity of the underground public works, and the water-in and accumulating condition in the underground public works of Shanghai during "Maisha" Typhoon, the article discusses the necessity to carry out the special proof of the flood control influence of underground public works.该文通过地下公共工程的现状和发展趋势、地下公共工程的特殊性、“麦莎”台风期间上海市地下公共工程进水积水情况分析等,论述了进行地下公共工程防汛影响专项论证的必要性。
6)flood control impact影响防洪

城镇土地质量影响因素城镇土地质量影响因素  【城镇土地质l影响因素】可将影响城市土地质量的因素分为两种:1.静态因素,如人口密度,环境质量优劣度,基础设施完备度以及自然因素中的坡度、切割度、起伏度等,它们只存在质量或程度的固定分布,而不存在其空间变化。2.动态因素,如商业繁华影响度、农贸中心影响度,道路通达度和公交便捷度等因素,它们的功能是通过其特殊的设施与人流、物流的结合才能实现的,属结节性功能,这种因素影响范围广而又具有可变性。第三种因素为准动态因素,如小学、中学、医院、银行、邮局、粮店等公用服务设施,它们的功能也具有面对面的性质,即具有人和物的流动性,但其服务对象和范围具有相对的稳定性。