2)Linjiacun hydropower station宝鸡峡林家村水电站
1.Design of plant operating water supply system of Linjiacun hydropower station;宝鸡峡林家村水电站技术供水系统设计
3)Baojixia Project宝鸡峡
1.Cracks on the piers of the No.Ⅱ dam segment, Baojixia Project;宝鸡峡渠首Ⅱ坝段闸墩裂缝分析与处理

1.Meteorological Drought Analysis and Prediction in the Irrigation District of Baoji Gorge;宝鸡峡灌区气象干旱特性分析及预测
2.Countermeasure Research to Resolve Water Shortage Problem in Baojixa Irrigation Area;宝鸡峡灌区解决缺水问题的对策研究
3.Study on the Stability of Loess High Slopes in Baojixia Water Division Project;宝鸡峡引水工程黄土高边坡稳定分析研究
4.Hoisting Technique of Inverted Siphon Penstock of Weishui at Baoji Gorge;宝鸡峡韦水倒虹压力钢管吊装施工技术
5.Analysis and Consideration on the Changing Trend of Irrigation Water Consumption in Irrigation Area of Baoji Gorge;宝鸡峡灌区灌溉用水量的变化趋势分析与思考
6.Primary Discussion on the Necessity of Reinforce Works to Xinyigou Reservoir in Baoji Gorge;浅析宝鸡峡信邑沟水库除险加固工程的必要性
7.Reasonable allocation of water resources on the agricultural irrigation of Baojixia Irrigation Area宝鸡峡灌区农业灌溉水资源合理配置研究
8.Analysis and forecast of groundwater dynamic law in the Baojixia irrigation area宝鸡峡灌区地下水动态规律分析及预测
9.Water-saving Irrigation Applied in High-yield Wheat in Baojixia Irrigation Area宝鸡峡灌区高产小麦节水灌溉制度探讨
10.Study on Optimal Dispatch for Baojixia Irrigation Area and Headwaters Engineering Management Strategy Research in Western Region of Guanzhong;宝鸡峡灌区水库优化调度及关中西部水源工程管理策略研究
11.Study on the Impact of Water Consumption s Variation on the Factors of Water Balance in Baojixia Irrigated District;宝鸡峡灌区耗水量变化对水量平衡要素的影响研究
12.Experimental Analysis on the Enforcement Project of Cement Deep-mixing Pile at Xinyigou Reservoir of Baojixia;宝鸡峡信邑沟水库除险加固工程水泥深层搅拌桩成桩试验之分析
13.Discussion on the Replacement of Steel Tube for Danger-elimination and Innovation of Reverse Iris in Weishui River of Baoji Gorge;浅谈宝鸡峡韦水倒虹除险改建及更换钢管的施工方法
14.Study on economical water-use model for dry and water scarcity irrigation district--Taking Baojixia Irrigation District as a Research Object干旱缺水型灌区经济用水模式研究——以宝鸡峡灌区为例
15.Design and Application of Reinforced concrete Cofferdam on Baojixia Added Dam and Gate宝鸡峡加坝加闸拱式钢筋混凝土倒挂壁围堰的设计与应用
16.Analysis of influence factors of high slope stability of loess: Taking the Baojixia Water Division Project for example黄土高边坡稳定性影响因素分析——以宝鸡峡引水工程为例
17.Inside, there was a baby chicken.鸡蛋里头有只鸡宝宝,
18.She went into the ravine, together with the jewels.她连同那些珠宝一起掉进峡谷里了。

Linjiacun hydropower station宝鸡峡林家村水电站
1.Design of plant operating water supply system of Linjiacun hydropower station;宝鸡峡林家村水电站技术供水系统设计
3)Baojixia Project宝鸡峡
1.Cracks on the piers of the No.Ⅱ dam segment, Baojixia Project;宝鸡峡渠首Ⅱ坝段闸墩裂缝分析与处理
4)Baoji Gorge irrigation district宝鸡峡灌区
1.Countermeasures to resolve shortage of water resources in Baoji Gorge irrigation district;解决宝鸡峡灌区水资源紧缺的对策
5)Baojixia Irrigation District宝鸡峡灌区
1.Discussion on siltation causation of canal system in Baojixia Irrigation District and its countermeasures;宝鸡峡灌区骨干渠系淤积成因及对策探讨
2.Study on economical water-use model for dry and water scarcity irrigation district——Taking Baojixia Irrigation District as a Research Object干旱缺水型灌区经济用水模式研究——以宝鸡峡灌区为例
6)Baojixia Reservoir宝鸡峡水库
1.Application of silicon powder concrete for flood discharge middle outlet in the Baojixia Reservoir Project;硅粉混凝土在宝鸡峡水库泄洪中孔的应用

宝鸡宝鸡Baoji BQ01i宝鸡(Baoji)中国陕西省辖市,重要交通枢纽,军事要地。位于渭河平原西端,东距西安165千米。辖渭滨、金台2区和宝鸡、岐山、凤翔、扶风、千阳、眉县、陇县、凤县、太白、麟游10县。面积18 172平方千米,人口340.35万,其中市区面积555平方千米,人口4702万(1993)。战国时秦置陈仓县。唐至德二年(757)改称宝鸡县。元时藐县并人。1 949年析宝鸡县设市。地处秦岭与黄土高原交接地带。南依秦岭,北近黄土高原,西界陇山,东临渭河平原。地势南、西、北三面高,中部低平,东部敞开。周围山地中多关口要隘,宝鸡市西南加千米处秦岭上的大散关,扼南北交通要冲。市区位于中部关中川道,平均海拔590米。渭河自西向东流贯市区,河宽50一200米。有金陵河、清姜河等支流汇人,汛期7一10月。宝鸡峡引渭工程沿市区北缘通过。属暖温带半湿润气候。年平均气温13℃,1月平均气温一0.5℃,7月平均气温25.3℃。年平均降水量680毫米。无霜期210天。宝鸡古为秦岭陈仓道的起点、汉中北出关中之要冲,现为联结中国西北与西南地区的交通枢纽。中国第一条电气化铁路宝鸡一成都线与连云港一兰州和宝鸡一中卫铁路在此交会。有宝鸡一成都、宝鸡一汉中、宝鸡一平凉、宝鸡一西安等干线公路,宝鸡一西安的高速公路。宝鸡是新兴工业城市,工业以轻工、电子、机械、纺织、建材、化工等为主。农业产小麦、玉米、谷子、蔬菜等。宝鸡为关中的西部门户,地位重要。汉王元年(公元前206),刘邦明修栈道,暗渡陈仓,突袭关中,战败秦将章邯,控制关中地区。蜀建兴六年(公元228),诸葛亮借魏吴大战之机,统军数万挥师散关,攻打陈仓,二十余日攻城不下,粮尽还师。1949年7月,中国人民解放军第一野战军在扶凤、眉县、宝鸡、乾县进行了扶郡战役,歼灭国民党军4.4万人,宝鸡解放。(文秀清)