引水隧洞,diversion tunnel
1)diversion tunnel引水隧洞
1.Numerical simulation of a rock burst in long and wide diversion tunnel;长大引水隧洞岩爆的数值模拟及其应用
2.Comparison between wedge-shaped cutting and parallel cutting applied to excavation blasting of water diversion tunnel for Langwaihe Hydropower Station;楔形掏槽和直眼掏槽技术在朗外河电站引水隧洞开挖爆破中的应用比较
3.Simulation on ventilation and dust diffusion on heading face of the diversion tunnel;引水隧洞独头掘进工作面风流和粉尘扩散的模拟

1.Numerical Simulation of TBM Construction Ventilation in Long Diversion Tunnel;长距离引水隧洞TBM施工通风数值模拟
2.Construction Technology of the Invert Lining and Scratch Mold for Jinping Diversion Tunnel锦屏引水隧洞底拱衬砌刮模施工技术
3.Researches on the Condition of Cavitation of Unlined Diversion Type Pressure Tunnel and the Stability of Surrounding Rock;不衬砌有压引水隧洞成洞条件及围岩稳定研究
4.Prediction And Countermeasure Study On Rock Burst In Water Supply Engineering Tunnel For Middle Part Cities Of JILIN Province中部城市引松供水工程引水隧洞岩爆问题预测
5.Discussion on application of tunnel boring machine(TBM) to construction of water conveyance tunnel浅议全断面隧洞掘进机在引水隧洞施工中的应用
6.Hydraulic Test Study on Access Tunnel A-AN南水北调西线阿安引水隧洞水力学试验研究
8.Study on the Hydraulic Characteristics of Jinping Cascade-II Hydropower Station with Long Diversion Tunnel锦屏二级水电站长引水隧洞水力特性研究
9.Studies on Deformation Measurement for Surrounding Rock of Headrace Tunnels in a Certain Hydropower Project某水电站引水隧洞群的围岩变形量测研究
10.A Report about the Fabricating Penstocks for the Seepage Tunnel of Tianshengqiao Hydroelectric Power Station;天生桥二级水电站三号引水隧洞压力钢管制作
11.Rock Classification of Diversion Tunnel Study of Jinping Ⅱ Hydropower Station in Yalong River雅砻江锦屏二级水电站引水隧洞围岩分类研究
12.The Optimization to Diversion Tunnel Route in Hebei Section of Mid-Rout in the South-to-North Water Transfer Project南水北调中线工程河北段引水隧洞线路优化
13.Three Dimensional Seepage Analysis on Diversion Tunnel of Jinping No.2 Hydropower Station锦屏二级水电站引水隧洞三维渗流分析
14.Pre-consolidation grouting design for the tunnel exit section of Yujiang water diversion project郁江调水工程引水隧洞出口段预加固灌浆设计
15.The Research for the reinforcement and lining structure characteristics in the diversion tunnel of a hydropower station某水电站引水隧洞衬砌结构特性及配筋研究
16.Rockmass plastic deformation treatment for diversion tunnel of Budong HPP布东水电站引水隧洞岩体塑性变形的处理
17.Numerical simulation of water-air two-phase flow with free surface in long tunnel长距离无压引水隧洞水气两相流数值模拟
18.Numerical simulation on water-filling process of long-distance non-pressure water diversion tunnel based on VOF method基于VOF法的长距离无压引水隧洞充水过程模拟

power tunnel引水隧洞
1.The power tunnel of the Zhouning Hydropower Station measures 12.周宁水电站引水隧洞长12。
2.The design outlines and construction technology of circular prestressed anchorage cables by after tensioning used in lining of power tunnel of Geheyan hydropower station are described.清江隔河岩水电站发电引水隧洞衬砌施工中 ,采用了后张拉环形预应力锚束工艺 ,这是我国首次成功地将该项新工艺应用于大洞径、高水头有压引水隧洞衬砌结构 ,其成功的设计和施工工艺 ,对该项新结构、新工艺在我国同类型工程设计、施工中的推广应用起到积极的促进作
3.This paper gives an introduction to the treatment measures taken in the construction of the power tunnel for the Luosiwan Hydropower Station, which played an important role in the construction of the power station.本文介绍螺丝湾水电站引水隧洞施工中所采取的处理措施情况,对电站建设起到的作
3)water diversion tunnel引水隧洞
1.Research and practice on geotechnical investigation of large discharge water diversion tunnel excavated through loosen strata in urban area;城市松散地层大流量引水隧洞工程勘察研究与实践
2.Engineering geological conditions,excavation and support of water diversion tunnel of Baise Multipurpose Dam Project;百色水利枢纽水电站引水隧洞工程地质条件及开挖支护
3.This paper sums up the experience of the arrangement design of water diversion tunnel in Xiangjiaba Hydropower Station, which could pro.受地形地质条件的限制,下游采用变顶高尾水洞代替了尾水调压室,上游则采用加大洞径、减小引水隧洞长度的手段取消了上游调压室。
4)Tianshengquao I Hydropower Station引水隧洞群
5)the long diversion tunnel长引水隧洞
6)derivation tunnel引水道隧洞

引水隧洞引水隧洞diversion tunnel y一nshu一su一dong引水隧洞(diversion tunnel)在山体内开挖成的引水道。按洞内水流有无自由水面,引水隧洞分无压和有压两种。选择洞线时一般要求便于上下游水流衔接,洞线短,转弯少,并便于布置施工支洞,同时尽可能地要求其通过的岩体地质构造简单,岩体完整稳定,地下水位低。为综合满足以上要求,洞线常为曲折状。其断面尺寸由技术经济比较决定。一般,先假定几个隧洞断面尺寸方案,计算其水头损失、出力损失和年电能损失。将各方案的一次投资和正常运行期的年运行费按复利折算到某一基准年,选用计算期内总费用最小的方案。其纵向坡度一般在1%。~5编范围内。 无压引水隧洞断面形状多为圆拱直墙型或马蹄型,见图l。其断面高宽比一般为1一1.5。在岩石侧压力小或水位变化较大时,可选择较高的断面。水面至洞顶要留有一定的空间,以避免明、满流交替。粼合 图1无压引水隧洞断面实例 (a)国拱直培型;(b)马蹄型1一混凝土;2一钢筋混凝土;3一受力钢筋 有压引水隧洞断面形状一般为圆形,见图2。其承受内、外水压力的性能较好,湿周短,水头损失小。个必 图2有压引水隧洞衬砌 (a)混凝土的衬砌;(b)钢筋混凝土的衬砌 1一混凝土;2一钢筋混凝土;3一环形受力钢筋 隧洞衬砌引水隧洞重要的组成部分。其作用是承担内、外水压力和山岩压力、减小渗水、防止岩体崩塌和降低糙率。除岩体坚硬、致密和完整的地段外,一般都要做衬砌,主要有混凝土、钢筋混凝土和喷锚3种衬砌类型,此外还有预应力混凝土衬砌,见图l、图2。当围岩较完整,内水压力不大时,可采用混凝土衬砌;当内水压力较大,围岩较差时.应采用钢筋混凝土衬砌;当围岩完整,渗透性小,可把围岩视为受力结构.不做衬砌或采用喷锚衬砌。预应力混凝土衬砌具有较高的承受内水压力的能力,这种衬砌可节约钢材,降低造价。中国白山水电站1号引水隧洞洞径8.6m,首次采用了灌浆式预应力混凝土衬砌,已安全运行了16年。隔河岩水电站引水隧洞洞径9.sm,采用了后张法预应力混凝土衬砌,运行情况良好。小浪底工程的排沙洞洞径6.6m,最大运行水头125 m.也采用了后张法预应力混凝土衬砌。 衬砌常设纵横缝,纵缝一般都设键槽和插筋,横缝通常只设施工缝,在地质条件明显变化处宜设伸缩缝。衬砌与岩石之间必须做回填灌桨,可做排水。围岩中是否要做固结灌泉,视其地质条件和运行条件确定。