水污染防治,water pollution control
1)water pollution control水污染防治
1.System innovation is the key for water pollution control;体制创新是水污染防治的关键
2.National strategic plan for water pollution control of major river basins in 11th Five-Year Plan;国家“十一五”重点流域水污染防治框架与思路
3.Micro-alternating-field biotechnology and its application to water pollution control;微交变电场生物技术及其在水污染防治中的应用研究

1.Talking about Ship Pollution Prevention and Control Demands in the New Law of Prevention and Control of Water Pollution浅议新水污染防治法对船舶污染防治的要求
2.The provisions of the Law on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution shall be complied with where they are applicable.水污染防治法另有规定的,依照水污染防治法的规定执行。
3.Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution中华人民共和国水污染防治
4.To implement water pollution prevention programme of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area of the Yangtze River实施长江三峡库区水污染防治规划
5.The State Department deploys the Huai River drainage area water pollution prevention and treatment work国务院部署淮河流域水污染防治工作
7.The Research on Prevention Legal Countermeasure of Basin Water Pollution in China;我国流域水污染防治的法律对策研究
8.Suggestion on the Revision of "Law on the Prevention and Treatment of Water Pollution";关于修改《水污染防治法》的几点思考
9.Perfect the Emergency System in the Law of Prevention and Control of Water Pollution;健全我国水污染防治法中的应急制度
10.Study on Wetland System of Water Pollution Control in Middle and Lower Reaches of the Hanjiang River;汉江中下游水污染防治湿地系统研究
11.Innovtative Research of Water Pollution Control Legislation in China我国水污染防治立法现状与创新研究
12.Development Course and Achievements on Law of Prevention and Control of Water Pollution《水污染防治法》的发展历程与成就
13.The analysis for the signal transmission of the mechanism of the water pollution control水污染防治机制的信号传递博弈分析
14.Ten Bright Points of Revised Version of Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution新版《水污染防治法》修订十大亮点
15.Water Quality Analysis and Assessment and Pollution Control of Xiangshui River响水河水质分析评价及污染防治对策
16.Water Quality Actuality and Control Countermeasures for the Surface Water in Bahe River灞河地表水水质现状及污染防治对策
17.1. Environmental Pollution Control(一)环境污染防治
18.Studies on the Pollution Prevention and Control Program of Water Environment in Urban Area of Wuhan City武汉市城区水环境污染防治规划研究

water pollution prevention水污染防治
1.The Behavior of the Government on the Yangtze River s Water Pollution Prevention;论政府在长江流域水污染防治中的政府行为研究
2.By looking back the development about 60 years of American water pollution control legislation, object lessons from American water pollution control legislation are taken apart, and references are pointed out to advance our water pollution prevention legislation and improve absolutely our serious water pollution.通过对美国水污染控制立法近60年来的历史回顾,剖析了美国在水污染控制立法方面的经验教训,提出了对我国水污染防治法的借鉴,以期促进我国水污染防治立法和彻底改善我国严峻的水污染形势。
3.The focus of the water pollution prevention and control is exactly the problem about the calculation and application of water environmental capacity.小流域污染严重,直接导致干流污染加剧,其水污染防治工作迫在眉睫。
3)water pollution remediation水污染防治
1.However, there is still a large gap between the effect of water pollution remediation in.淮河是我国第一条进行水污染综合治理的大河 ,被纳入“九五”期间国家水污染防治的重点。
4)prevention and control of water pollution水污染防治
1.Questionnaire survey about the awareness for prevention and control of water pollution from local city people in the Changhu District长湖流域城市居民对水污染防治认识的调查分析
2.Furthermore,scientific management system should be set up,and the existing legal system should be improved to provide safeguard in system for protection of water resources,and prevention and control of water pollution.流域具有自然的整体性、价值的多元性和功能的统一性,现有立法已不适应流域水事管理的要求,而应当适时改变水事立法理念和立法模式,建立科学的管理体制,完善现有法律制度体系,为水资源保护和水污染防治提供制度保障。
5)Prevention of water Pollution防治水污染
6)New Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law新《水污染防治法》
1.Regulations on functions of water administrative department in the New Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law;新《水污染防治法》关于水行政管理的职责规定及分析

水污染防治水污染防治 水污染防治为防止和治理水污染而采取的技术、经济、政治、法律等措施。综合国内外防治水污染的经验,从中国的实际情况出发,水污染防治的主要措施有:①加强立法,制订有关的标准及政策规定。包括水污染防治法、水污染防治技术政策、水环境质量标准、废水排放标准等,使水污染防治纳入法律轨道。②严格控制污染源,减少废水和污染物的排放量。在工业方面要改变只注意末端治理的做法,大力推行清洁生产技术,将污染消灭在生产过程之中。③进行流域或区域的水污染综合防治,将水污染防治作为流域或区域总体规划及综合管理的有机组成部分,求得整体的最优防治方案,以最少的投资获得最大的效益。④加强水污染防治基础设施的建设,包括污(废)水收集系统及处理系统的建设。⑤大力研究并开发废水处理新技术,实现高效、低耗的目标。⑥以保护饮用水源地及人民的健康安全作为水污染防治的优先领域。