岸坡,bank slope
1)bank slope岸坡
1.Optimization of conjunction for bank slope at inlet of spillway tunnel of Heihe Reservoir;黑河水库溢洪洞进口岸坡连接型式优化选择
2.Mechanics of the wash-out of the particle bank slope by wave;波浪对散体岸坡冲刷破坏的机理
3.Main deformation failure patterns of bank slope in the middle-lower stream of the Yangtze river and countermeasures;长江中下游岸坡变形破坏的主要型式及处理

1.Research on some issues related to stability analysis of reservoir banks涉水岸坡稳定性分析相关问题的研究
2.Analysis of Collapsed Deformation of Riverbank and its Treatment某河道岸坡塌滑变形分析及治理对策
3.Quantitative Study of Stress-release Zone of Low-elevation Slope in a Certain Hydroelectric Station某水电站低高程岸坡卸荷带量化研究
4.Experimental research on the effect of groundwater seepage on bank slope′s stability地下水渗流对岸坡稳定影响试验研究
5.Analysis on stability of left bank slope of Hechuan water diversion project引沁入汾和川引水枢纽工程坝址区左岸岸坡稳定性分析
6.Development Principle of Landslide and Stability Risk Analysis of Slop of Reservior Bank of Boluo Hydroelectric Power Station in Jinsha River;金沙江上游波罗水电站库区滑坡发育规律及岸坡稳定性风险分析
7.Study on the Criterions of Slope Stability Analysis with Shear Strength Reduction Method and the Computation of the Slope Stability of the Bank at the Longtan Harbor;强度折减法边坡稳定分析失稳判据研究及龙潭港岸坡稳定性计算
8.Application of Embedded Anti-slide Pile in Sloping Wharf of Three Gorges Reservoir Region埋入式抗滑桩在三峡库区斜坡码头岸坡中的应用
9.Patterns of Ecological Slope Treatment and Application Research about Town River Slope;城镇河道岸坡生态整治模式及应用研究
10.The river bank side slope landslip treatment of Fangzheng PCB industrial parks in Zhuhai珠海方正科技PCB产业园河岸边坡滑坡治理
11.long unbroken(often curved) stretch of road,river,coast,etc or of sloping land延伸的(常指弯的)路、河、岸等;绵延的坡地
12.The slope eases off to- wards the edge of the lake.斜坡朝着湖岸的方向平缓地向下伸展。
13.The bank eased down to the water in a gently sloping stretch河岸以平缓的坡度逐渐伸展到水边。
14.The Research on Speed of the Landslide and Its Surge Hazard in Reservoir;水库库岸滑坡速度及其涌浪灾害研究
15.Research on incipient velocity of nonuniform sediment on slope of bend river bank河湾坡岸非均匀沙起动流速公式探讨
16.Failure Mechanism of Muzhuping Landslide in Shuibuya Reservoir Area,Qingjiang River清江水布垭库岸木竹坪滑坡失稳探讨
17.Finite element analysis of seismic response on levee slope岸堤边坡地震反应影响的有限元分析
18.Study on Stability of the Right High Slope and Dangerous Rock in the Dam Area of GuWa Hydropower Station;古瓦水电站坝址区右岸高边坡及两岸危岩体稳定性研究

1.Research on 3D Elastic-Plastic Finite Elements Analysis Method of Piled Wharf-Slope System and Its Application;高桩码头—岸坡体系三维弹塑性有限元分析方法及应用
2.The special railway line from Jiuquan Steel Plant to Jingtie Mountain is located on the right bank slope of the reservoir.由于酒钢至镜铁山专用铁路线位于水库右岸岸坡上,水库蓄水后,库水的长期浸泡和库水浪蚀作用的增强,岸坡坍塌,出现库岸再造现象将导致铁路基沉陷,并危及铁路运营安全。
3.In order to solve these problems,this paper made a research on the piled wharf and slope interaction in the zone.文中从这些问题入手,以天津港二突堤为对象,系统地研究了该突堤转角区域码头结构和岸坡相互作用机理和变形特点,并指出突堤转角区域的码头结构受力比较复杂,其变形具有空间变化特点,传统的二维分析和设计方法是不够全面的。
3)Bank Slope库岸岸坡
1.Study on Stabilities of Section a Bank Slope in Dongrangkou Reservoir;三峡库区东壤口A段库岸岸坡稳定性研究
4)right bank slope右岸岸坡
1.Construction contract management of right bank slope and diversion tunnel of Longtan hydropower station;龙滩水电站右岸岸坡和导流洞施工合同管理
5)bank landslide岸坡滑坡
1.Based on an engineering case,this paper analyses the influences of different testing methods on mollisol shearing strength indexes,and presents a survey of index adoption methods and successful treatment experiences in the treatment design of mollisol bank landslide.通过工程实例分析了不同试验方法对软土抗剪强度指标的影响,介绍了软土岸坡滑坡治理设计过程中软土抗剪强度指标的选用方法及软土岸坡滑坡治理的成功经验。
6)beach angle岸坡坡度

岸坡破坏防治  对土质河岸和库岸将要出现或已经出现塌岸所采取的预防和整治措施。水流淘刷、波浪冲击或高水位骤降是岸坡崩塌的主要原因。拦河建闸、筑坝以后,上游水位抬高,水文地质条件发生变化,坡积层、黄土层浸水后,都可能使库岸塌陷;闸坝下游河势发生变化,来水来沙条件改变,也可能出现塌岸。河道塌岸将危及堤防险工的安全;输水、泄水建筑物本身及其附近的塌岸,将影响引水、泄流;水电站尾水河道塌岸,将减少落差、降低发电效益;坝上游附近大体积塌岸,有可能影响大坝安全和效益。    河岸破坏防治  河水上涨时,水急浪高,退水时水位降落过快,或主流逼岸,或顶冲点上移下延,均可能出现河岸堤脚的严重淘刷而塌岸。防止塌岸的根本途径是按规划整治河道,建筑必要的治河工程以控制河势。通航河道,还应结合通航要求,稳定中枯水河床,维持一定航深,采取适宜的河道疏浚和裁弯措施。对塌岸严重的河段,根据河势、冲刷情况和岸坡土质等河道状况,可采用各种形式的护岸工程:枯水位以下,用抛石、沉排、沉枕或打桩等措施;枯水位以上,应用较多的是平顺型护岸,利用块石或混凝土等材料护砌岸坡、堤坡;也有采用丁坝群护岸和矶头护岸的形式。护岸的稳定,关键在于底部根石是否牢固。如根石走失、底脚被严重淘刷,堤坡、岸坡和险工即将破坏。因此,在护岸的经常性养护修理工作中,必须保证根石的块石质量和坡度的稳定,并使之完整无损。在塌岸出现以后,应进行清理,并应针对塌岸原因采取防治措施,以防塌岸的继续发生。    库岸破坏防治  水库岸边破坏的形式有崩坍和滑坡两种。规模较大的破坏一般皆有先兆,可据以加强观测预报,并采取适宜的预防措施。如严禁在可能坍滑体前缘进行开挖和爆破,不要破坏岸坡表面的原有植被和排水条件,在库岸植树造林加强水土保持和控制水库初期蓄水的升降速度等。如通过观测分析和边坡稳定核算,水库蓄水后可能引起崩坍或滑坡时,可采取放缓岸坡、挖除顶部土体以减载、加大坡脚压重、表面封闭裂缝减少雨水渗入或增设表面和深层排水系统改善水文地质条件等措施。对规模不大的崩滑体,有条件时,还可采用抗滑阻滑工程,在坍滑体或坡脚修建支挡加固工程。如修筑圬工、混凝土挡墙、拱形拦网,也可对岩体实施钻孔桩或钢索、预应力锚杆等加固措施,以提高阻滑作用和滑坡体的抗滑能力。