三峡水利枢纽,Sanxia Multipurpose project
1)Sanxia Multipurpose project三峡水利枢纽

1.On the Ski-jump Atomization Flow of the Three-gorge Project三峡水利枢纽挑流雾化流问题的研究
2.Practice on the Third Phase Construction and Management of Three Gorges Project长江三峡水利枢纽三期工程建设管理实践
3.Quality Management for the Third Phase Construction of Three Gorges Project长江三峡水利枢纽三期工程质量管理简介
4.Hydraulic Model Tests on Bottom and Middle Outlets for Three Gorges Project长江三峡水利枢纽底孔和深孔水力学研究
5.Three Gorges Project Construction Management System and Its Implications三峡水利枢纽工程建设管理体制及启示
6.Research summary of key technologies on electro-mechanical design of TGP三峡水利枢纽工程机电设计关键技术研究概述
7.Technique of Anchorage and Shotcrete Support for High Slope Along the Permanent Navigation Channel of the Three Gorges Key Water Project三峡水利枢纽永久船闸上航道高边坡喷锚支护技术
8.Fatigue Test Analysis for Super-Large Bellow Pipe Used in Pressure Pipe for The Three Gorges Project三峡水利枢纽工程压力管道用超大型波纹管疲劳试验分析
9.The Analysis and Prediction of Stress and Deformation in Maopingxi Dam of The Three Gorges Project;三峡水利枢纽茅坪溪防护大坝应力与变形的分析和预测
10.Bring Rivers and Lakes Under Control together Should be Applied in Manipulating Dongting Lake;洞庭湖治理要走“江湖同治”之路——兼论三峡水利枢纽工程建设对洞庭湖的影响
11.The key water projects at the Three Gorges on the Yangtze River and at Xiaolangdi on the Yellow River长江三峡和黄河小浪底水利枢纽工程
12.Retrospection and consideration on the resettlement of Sanmenxia and Xiaolangdiprojects in the Yellow River三门峡、小浪底水利枢纽移民安置的回顾与思考
13.On the Experiences and Lessons of the Decision-making of the Construction of Sanmenxia Water Conservancy;试论三门峡水利枢纽工程决策的经验教训
14.On Post Evaluation of National Economy of Sanmenxia Multi-purpose Dam on the Yellow River;黄河三门峡水利枢纽后评价国民经济评价方法
15.Application of 3D animation technology in Xiajiang hydraulic project三维动画技术在峡江水利枢纽的应用与实现
16.Status and Progress of Operation Techniques Integration on Cascade Project of Three Gorges and Gezhouba三峡-葛洲坝梯级水利枢纽调度技术集成研究的现状与展望
17.The Characteristis of the Planning for Water Control Projects: The Design of the Feilai Gorge Scenic Spot in Canton水利枢纽景观规划特色探讨——广东省飞来峡水利枢纽景区规划设计
18.A Study on the project of Three Gorges Cascade Reservoir Dispatching Automatization System;三峡枢纽梯级水库调度自动化系统方案研究

1.Excavation along erection bay III for Stage II works of left powerhouse for TGP;三峡水利枢纽左岸电站厂房二期工程安Ⅲ一线开挖
2.Research summary of key technologies on electro-mechanical design of TGP三峡水利枢纽工程机电设计关键技术研究概述
3.The most of shaft wells of TGP s permanent shiplock characterize as large section, shaft well group, double steel bar, and large amount of accurately embedded metal structure and especially for the lower shiplock chamber section, the structure is complicated and the steel bar is dense.三峡水利枢纽永久船闸竖井多为大断面、多井群组合结构,且为双层钢筋,又有大量高精度要求的金结埋件,尤其是下部闸室段结构复杂,钢筋密集,因此工作量大,施工干扰大,施工难度大。
3)Three Gorges Project三峡水利枢纽
1.The main functions of the automatic hydrologie tele-metering system for the Three Gorges project are to collect the real time data of water level and precipitation of the region from Chongqing to Yichang, and the weather data of the dam sites of Three Gorges and Gezhouba.三峡水利枢纽水情自动测报系统是国内目前规模最大的水情自动测报系统,其主要功能是准确及时地采集重庆寸滩——湖北宜昌区间、三峡坝址上下游及三峡——葛洲坝2个枢纽之间的水、雨情实时信息,以及三峡、葛洲坝2个坝址的气象信息。
2.When the biggest shiplock, spillway and powerhouse in the world were incorporated in the Three Gorges project a series of key technical challenges faced the designer of the metal structures.三峡水利枢纽有世界最大规模的船闸、溢洪道及电站。
4)the three gorges project三峡水利枢纽
1.The scour and change of the riverbed between the Gezhouba Project and the Three Gorges Project since the beginning of the Three Gorges Project are studied according to the measured data and the effect of building the Three Gorges Project on the riverbed change between the two dams is evaluated.运用实测资料分析研究了三峡工程动工以来葛洲坝水利枢纽至三峡水利枢纽之间河道的冲淤演变情况 ,评价了三峡工程动工对两坝间河床演变的影响。
5)Three Gorges Project(TGP)三峡水利枢纽
6)Sanmenxia Hydroproject三门峡水利枢纽
1.Stress test analysis and treatment of the bottom outlet for the Sanmenxia Hydroproject;三门峡水利枢纽底孔应力试验分析
2.Restoration design of the bottom outlet for the Sanmenxia Hydroproject;三门峡水利枢纽底孔修复设计

三峡水利枢纽三峡水利枢纽Sanmenxia Hydraulic Complex sanmenxia shuili shuniu三门峡水利枢纽(Sanmenxia HydraulieComPlex)根治黄河水害、开发黄河水利的第一期工程之一。枢纽位于黄河中游一下段,控制流域面积68.84万平方公里,占黄河全流域的92%,是一座具有防洪、拦泥、发电、灌概、航运等多种效益的综合性工程。实施时,当时确定按360米水位设计、350米水位修建,总库容354亿立方米,坝顶高程353米;水库以防洪为主。初期运用水位不超过340米.按335米高程移民31.9万人,淹没耕地96万亩;水库拥有防洪库容100亿立方米,可使三门峡千年一遇洪水下泄流量削减至6000米“/秒;水电站装机8台,容量110万千瓦,年发电量60亿度;调节水量可为下游4000余万亩农田灌溉提供水源,使下游河道常保持一定的航运水深,当时估计,在运用50年后水库将拦沙180至200亿立方米。枢纽在1957年4月开工,主要建筑物为混凝土重力坝和坝后式发电厂房,大坝座落在坚硬的中生代闪长扮岩上,主坝顶长713米,最大坝高106米,电站在右,溢流部分居左,并设有12个深孔泄水。1960年9月,除水电站只装一台机组外,其余按初期规模基本建成并开始蓄水运用.最高水位达332.58米。由于库区淹没大量肥沃耕地,不符合中国人多地少,良田更少的国情,加之水库淤积迅速,故于1962年3月改为滞洪排沙、低水位运用,未能达到预期效益。 为了进一步减缓水库及渭河下游的淤积,保留有效库容,在1964年和1969年先后决定对枢纽进行改建,增加水库泄流排沙能力。两期改建内容为:左岸增建两条泄流排沙隧洞;打开八个原施工导流底孔,改为永久泄流排沙孔,五个发电机组进水口下降13米并改装机组,总装机容量为25万千瓦,另三条发电钢管亦改建用于泄水排沙。泄水能力在水位315米时,比改建前增加约2倍;年发电量为12至14亿度。在枢纽改建和总结经验基础上,1973年底水库采用“蓄清排浑、调水调沙”的运用方式,即在沙少水清的非汛期适当蓄水,沙多水浑的汛期,降低水位,将洪水泥沙及库内非汛期淤沙尽量排出。黄河水沙经过合理的调节,既有效地保存了三门峡枢纽的库容,用于防御特大洪水和冬春蓄水,发挥防洪、防凌、灌溉、发电和城市工业供水的效益,又充分利用了黄河下游河道大水排大沙的特点,减缓河道淤积。十年来库区淤积轻微,下游河道淤积状况有改善。 目前枢纽的泄水建筑物泥沙磨损较严重,影响正常运用;启闭设备太少,不能适应防汛要求;发电机组尚可扩建,以更好地利用水电资源;水库回水区淹没、浸没、塌岸及城乡防护等也还存在问题,巫待解决。计划对枢纽继续改建并加强库区的治理。 (丁六逸)