优势面,preferred plane
1)preferred plane优势面
1.Study on the mechanism of preferred plane of water hazard in coal mine;煤矿水害的优势面机理研究
2.The application of preferred plane theory in safety control of geotechnical engineering;优势面理论在岩土工程安全控制中的应用
3.Simulation and analysis of controlling water in tunnel based on preferred plane theory基于优势面理论的隧道控水与模拟分析
2)dominant surface优势面
1.The authors have analysed the transmissivity using the dominant surface theory and concluded that 1) the Hanqiao F1 is a waterrich dominant surface, 2) the Hanqiao F1 along with the NNW w.本文应用新构造优势面理论分析其导水性,认为韩1号断层是一条富水优势面,并和NNW向的新构造富水优势断裂组成该处地下水运移的网络通道,在韩1号断层带处一旦揭露NNW向断裂,就可能发生突水事故,将该结论用于封堵韩1号断层突水方案的选择,取得了理想的效
2.Dominant surface analysis of slope stability , evaluation to the inference tactics of expert system and its realizing process have been expounded in this paper.文章对边坡稳定性优势面分析与评价的专家系统及其推理策略和实现过程进行了阐述;并对在实现过程及实际应用中的技术问题进行了探讨。
3)dominant net优势面网
4)face dominance面部优势
5)preferred plane theory优势面理论
1.An incremental calculation method for soil nail forces based on preferred plane theory;基于优势面理论的土钉力增量计算方法
2.Finally,the cause of preferred fault effect of strata displacement is analyzed with preferred plane theory .应用优势面理论对地下工程开挖引起岩移的断层效应进行了探讨。
3.A great deal of data about weak structural plane were analyzed,the combinatorial connection of various weak structural planes were studied,and preferred plane theory was used to explain the origin of the landslide.详细介绍了三峡库区马家屋场后坪滑坡体的特征,收集了大量软弱结构面资料,研究了各软弱结构面的组合关系,运用优势面理论,合理解释了该滑坡体的成因。

1.Simulation and analysis of controlling water in tunnel based on preferred plane theory基于优势面理论的隧道控水与模拟分析
2.The practical significance of Comparative Advantage Theory, Absolute Advantage Theory and Competitive Advantage Theory;论比较优势、绝对优势、竞争优势理论的实践意义
3.Founding the Theory of Knowledge Property Advantage and the Strategy;构建知识产权优势理论与战略——兼论比较优势和竞争优势理论
4.The Theoretical Review of Enterprise Competitive Advantages;企业竞争优势的理论回顾及研究趋势
5.From comparative advantage to competitive advantage: Based on the development path on comparative advantage;从比较优势到竞争优势——基于比较优势理论发展路径的分析
6.A Further Development of International Trade Theories:Transformation from comparative advantage into competitive advantage;国际贸易理论再推进——化比较优势为竞争优势
7.Development of Comparative Advantage and Late-developing Advantage Theory and Their Fusion比较优势与后发优势理论的发展与融合
8.Analysis of the World View and Methodology of Comparative Advantage Theory and Competitive Advantage Theory比较优势理论、竞争优势理论的世界观与方法论分析
9.It must be affirmed that the bright side predominates over the dark whether internationally, at home or in the Party.应当肯定,不论国际、国内、党内形势,都是光明面占优势,黑暗面占劣势。
10.Synthetic Comparative Advantage Theory: Three major Transformations of the Comparative Advantage Theories -the Comparative Advantage Theory of Inframarginal Economics;综合比较优势理论:比较优势理论的三大转变——超边际经济学的比较优势理论
11.Advantage Obtainment Theory A probe into foreign-orientation direct investment theory;“获得优势”论——对外直接投资理论探讨
12.On Debates of Comparative Advantage Theory and Policy Application比较优势理论及其政策应用争论述评
13.Seeing the Comparison Advantage Theories and the Competitive Advantage Theorieses from the Angle of the District Making Use of in Practice our Country;从区域角度看比较优势理论和竞争优势理论在我国的现实运用
14.From Cheap Laborer Advantage to That of Rare Elements-On the Theoretical Foundation of the New Open Strategy;从廉价劳动力优势到稀缺要素优势——论“新开放观”的理论基础
15.The extending of the principle of comparative advantages of the world trade theory in China under the new situation;新形势下我国对外贸易比较优势理论分析
16.Value Chain Theory Analysis of Competitive Advantages of Sopo's "Acetic Acid";索普“醋酸”竞争优势的价值链理论研究
17.The Study of Agriculture-Industrialization Based on Competitive Advantage Theory;基于竞争优势理论的农业产业化研究
18.Theory of Comparative Advantage and the Development of Chinese Foreign Trade;比较优势理论与中国对外贸易的发展

dominant surface优势面
1.The authors have analysed the transmissivity using the dominant surface theory and concluded that 1) the Hanqiao F1 is a waterrich dominant surface, 2) the Hanqiao F1 along with the NNW w.本文应用新构造优势面理论分析其导水性,认为韩1号断层是一条富水优势面,并和NNW向的新构造富水优势断裂组成该处地下水运移的网络通道,在韩1号断层带处一旦揭露NNW向断裂,就可能发生突水事故,将该结论用于封堵韩1号断层突水方案的选择,取得了理想的效
2.Dominant surface analysis of slope stability , evaluation to the inference tactics of expert system and its realizing process have been expounded in this paper.文章对边坡稳定性优势面分析与评价的专家系统及其推理策略和实现过程进行了阐述;并对在实现过程及实际应用中的技术问题进行了探讨。
3)dominant net优势面网
4)face dominance面部优势
5)preferred plane theory优势面理论
1.An incremental calculation method for soil nail forces based on preferred plane theory;基于优势面理论的土钉力增量计算方法
2.Finally,the cause of preferred fault effect of strata displacement is analyzed with preferred plane theory .应用优势面理论对地下工程开挖引起岩移的断层效应进行了探讨。
3.A great deal of data about weak structural plane were analyzed,the combinatorial connection of various weak structural planes were studied,and preferred plane theory was used to explain the origin of the landslide.详细介绍了三峡库区马家屋场后坪滑坡体的特征,收集了大量软弱结构面资料,研究了各软弱结构面的组合关系,运用优势面理论,合理解释了该滑坡体的成因。
6)preferred plane analysis优势面分析
1.The basic geological factors affecting underground engineering stability,preferred plane analysis principles,quantitative evaluation methods and geo-engineering control principles are discussed.因此对地下工程研究的基本地学观点和原理予以讨论,着重分析了影响地下工程稳定性的基本地学要素、地下工程稳定性的优势面分析原理、量化评价模型以及地下工程治理的地质工程原理。

比较优势与竞争优势关系  比较优势是由土地、劳动、资本、自然资源等基本生产要素决定的,它属于低层次的竞争力;而竞争优势主要与知识、管理、人力资本、企业家才能等要素相关,属于较高层次的竞争力。拥有比较优势并不能说明一定拥有竞争优势,而拥有竞争优势才能算得上拥有真正的比较优势。  比较优势更多的强调各国产业发展的潜在可能性,是一种潜在的竞争力,它表现为一国的要素禀赋,所以比较优势是静态的,难以改变的;而竞争优势则更多的强调各国产业发展的现实状态,是一种现实的竞争力,它表现为知识技术等的构成,是一种动态的,可以改变的竞争力。  比较优势和竞争优势可以相互转化。一国具有比较优势的产业往往易于形成较强的国际竞争力,即比较优势可以成为竞争优势的内在因素,促进国际竞争力的提高。竞争优势一般会加强一国的比较优势,使比较优势扩大化。  比较优势和竞争优势是相互依存的。一国的比较优势要通过竞争优势来表现,即使是具有比较优势的行业,如果没有国际竞争力,也无法实现其比较优势;反之,缺乏比较优势的行业,一般也很难形成较强的竞争优势。  比较优势和竞争优势的本质都是生产力的比较,都强调的是各国产业间突出的优势。所不同的是比较优势强调的是各国不同产业之间的生产率的比较,而竞争优势强调的是各国相同产业间的生产率差异。