防渗帷幕,anti-seepage curtain
1)anti-seepage curtain防渗帷幕
1.Deep mixing pile continuous wall including many advantages such as retaining,water stop,high construction efficiency and low cost,is a common foundation pit supporting method as anti-seepage curtain under complex geological condition.深层搅拌桩连续墙是一种专门用于复杂地质条件下,作为防渗帷幕施工的常用基坑支护方法,具有挡土、止水作用,成墙效果好,施工工效高,造价低等优点。
2.Based on the results,the effect of anti-seepage curtain site to be built is numerical predicted by FEFLOW.在此基础上,对拟修建的防渗帷幕的防渗效果进行了数值预测,分析了防渗帷幕对拦截北帮地下水的效果。

1.Design of Anti-seepage Curtain for Karstland & Its Construction Characters喀斯特地区防渗帷幕设计及施工特点
2.Construction Technology of Curtain Grouting of Deep Gravel Layer深厚砂砾石层防渗帷幕灌浆施工技术
3.Simulation of random damage of grouting curtain and its influence on seepage flows in dam foundation防渗帷幕随机缺损的模拟及对坝基渗流的影响
4.Optimization Research for Anti-Seepage Curtain of Dam Foundation with the Thoery of Coupled Seepage and Stress Fields;基于水—岩耦合理论的坝基防渗帷幕优化研究
5.Application of High Waterhead Pressure Water Anti - seepage Curtain in Gushan Stope高水头承压水防渗帷幕在姑山采场的应用
6.Studies on technology of seepage-prevention curtain grouting with thick sand and gravel layer深厚砂砾石层防渗帷幕灌浆施工技术研究
7.Analysis on Seepage Field and Study on Impervious Curtain in QingJing GaoBaZhou Hydropower Station;清江高坝州水电站坝区渗流场分析与防渗帷幕研究
8.Application of High Density Resistivity Method in Leakage Detection of the Watertight Screen in Gushan Open- pit Mine高密度电法在姑山露天矿防渗帷幕渗漏检测中的应用
9.Study on numerical simulation and property evaluation of pollution prevention from vertical barrier curtains in sanitary landfills填埋场防渗帷幕污染防治数值模拟及性能评价研究
10.Whether or not the water pressure outside the curtainaffect the foundation?防渗帷幕外测的高水头产生的水压力是否会影响支护结构?
11.Utilizing Hertzian Wave Computer Tomograpger to Optimize Curtain Treatment Measure for Hydropower Project利用电磁波层析成像技术优化水电工程防渗帷幕处理技术方案
12.Construction technique of anti-seepage curtain grouting for underground powerhouse of Wujiangdu hydropower station enlargement project乌江渡水电站扩机工程地下厂房防渗帷幕灌浆施工技术
13.Evaluation on design and effect of anti-seepage curtain for risk-elimination strengthening of dam of Eltuokosail Reservoir in Xinjiang新疆鄂托克赛尔水库大坝除险加固防渗帷幕设计与实施效果评价
14.The application of curtain grouting method in reservoir dam mass seepage protecting engineering帷幕灌浆在水库坝体防渗工程中的应用
15.Application of curtain grouting in anti-seepage treatment at high and moderate permeable foundation帷幕灌浆在中强透水地基防渗中的应用
16.Seepage and Seepage Stability Analysis of Dam Foundation Cut-off Wall and Grout Curtain under Cut-off Wall坝基防渗墙及墙下灌浆帷幕渗流及渗透稳定性分析
17.Analysis on karstic seepage and evaluation on anti-seepage effect from curtain grouting for Haizi Reservoir海子水库岩溶渗漏分析及帷幕灌浆防渗效果评价
18.Construction of Cutoff Wall with Self-Setting Mortar of the Outside Curtain in Southern Anchorage Foundation of the Yangluo Bridge武汉阳逻长江大桥南锚碇工程外围挡水帷幕自凝灰浆防渗墙施工

impervious curtain防渗帷幕
1.The chemical grouting treatment of impervious curtain in full- and strong-weathered rocks under the Permanent Ship Lock for the Three Gorges Project;三峡永久船闸全、强风化岩体防渗帷幕的化灌处理
2.Based on the detection and monitoring of pervious situation of parts of the dam base s impervious curtain and the review of the cementation of dam concrete and rock and the geological conditions of bedrock,the causes of the abnormal pressure are determined,and some suggestions for its treatment are presented.文章对大坝部分坝块坝基防渗帷幕透水等情况进行探查和监测,对大坝坝基混凝土与基岩的胶结情况和基岩的地质情况进行了复查;并依据监测和复查实测资料对坝基扬压力过高现象产生的原因进行分析,提出了相应的处理方案。
3.The main contents of the paper include: the description of fracture system in term of fluid flow analysis, the mathematical model of transient ground water flow in a three dimensional fracture ststem and its finite element solution, the identification of intersections (points and lines) between fractures, the treatment of impervious curtain in the finite element model, the.主要内容包括:岩体裂隙系统特征,三维主干裂隙系统非稳定渗流数学模型和有限单元法,交叉点和交叉线识别,防渗帷幕的有限元处理,井流量在裂隙系统中的分配方法,排水管道问题,面状补给作用和面状排泄作用,非线性模型的迭代解法等。
3)seepage proof curtain防渗帷幕
1.Scheme study on seepage proof curtain under a crossing-dyke sluice;穿堤涵闸防渗帷幕的方案研究
2.This paper discusses the application and effect of chemical grouting in seepage proof curtain of interception-pollutant dam of Weihai waste treatment plant.文章讨论了化学灌浆在威海市垃圾处理厂截污坝防渗帷幕中的应用及效果。
3.The experience of dam body anti-infiltration project in Jianning port,Gantian town,Zhuzhou County indicates that high-pressure jet grouting in the egg riddlings below the dam body will form seepage proof curtain to stop up leaks successfully.在株洲县淦田镇建宁港坝体防渗工程中,应用高压喷射对坝体以下卵石层进行注浆,形成防渗帷幕,成功堵漏,效果好。
4)impermeable curtain防渗帷幕
1.4m of the dam,and connecting grouting is conducted so that the concrete plate and the existing impermeable core could form a new impermeable curtain.为不影响原水库在施工过程中对下游的灌溉和供水功能 ,设计采用在原老坝上游面高程 185 4m的灌浆平台砌体上修建砼防渗面板 ,并和原坝防渗心墙基础的防渗帷幕进行联接灌浆 ,使之形成新的防渗帷幕 ,同时对原灌浆平台的砼浆砌石体进行加固和防渗灌浆 ,从而加快了工程进度 ,节省了投资 ,对整个大坝扩建工程的提前完成起到了重要作用 。
5)seepage prevention curtain防渗帷幕墙
1.The construction method of high pressure spray grouting technology in seepage prevention curtain against municipal flood control dykes in cold region was presented.阐述了高压喷射灌浆技术用于寒区城市防洪大堤的防渗帷幕墙灌浆工程的施工技术和施工方法。
6)anti-seepage curtain grouting防渗帷幕灌浆
1.Because of influence of faults solution cavities,fissures,argillation intercalations strongly develop in these strata,they are main difficult points for anti-seepage curtain grouting.索风营水电站左岸帷幕穿越三叠系下统夜郎组玉龙山段(T1y2)厚层及薄层灰岩,由于断裂的影响,地层中溶洞、溶蚀裂隙及泥化夹层均较发育,是防渗帷幕灌浆处理的难点和重点。

防核、防化学、防生物武器训练  对核、化学、生物武器的袭击所进行的防护训练。简称"三防"训练。苏军称"化生放"防护训练,美军称 "核生化" 防护训练。目的是提高军队的防护能力,免受或减轻核、化学、生物武器对人员、牲畜的杀伤和对武器、装备、物资的破坏。    简史  "三防"训练是随着核、化学、生物武器的出现、发展而逐渐形成和加强的。第一次世界大战中德国首次使用化学武器,第二次世界大战期间出现了生物武器和核武器。这些新武器的出现和发展,引起许多国家军队对其防护研究和训练的普遍重视,先后设置组织机构管理训练。1939年,针对侵华日军多次使用化学武器,中国人民抗日军事政治大学一分校设立了防化学队,八路军各师建立了防化勤务主任室,部队开展了防化训练。1952年,中国人民志愿军针对侵朝美军多次使用生物、化学武器,普遍进行了防生物和防化学武器的训练。1953年,人民解放军建立了各级"三防"训练的专业机构,并将"三防"训练列入训练大纲,作为全军训练的共同科目,普遍开展了训练。      内容和方法 其内容通常包括:核、化学、生物武器的基本性能,防护的基本原则和措施,发现放射性沾染和毒袭的方法,个人和分队对核、化学、生物武器的防护方法,在受染地域、地段的行动要求和通过的方法,消毒、消除沾染和急救方法等。这种训练的组织方法:军官采取短期集训或结合部队演习,演练防护的组织指挥;部队训练通常由团以上机关培训骨干,以连、排为单位组织实施。一般使用图表模型、毒剂嗅样盒和模拟化学武器、模拟核爆炸等代用器材进行训练。有时亦可在专用场地进行实毒训练,或利用核武器爆炸试验进行训练。    苏联和美国军队在营一级分队设有专职(或兼职)的军官,指导对核、化学、生物武器的防护训练;在团(旅)以上部队设有专业机构或人员,计划和监督防护训练。苏联在军外训练中,受训人员即进行穿带防毒面具和使用侦察仪器的训练,入伍后的新兵增加防护训练时间和内容,并结合战术训练进行。美军明确规定了单兵在核、生物、化学武器条件下的训练内容,以及生存和基本作业的标准。    发展趋势  随着战术核武器、中子弹的出现,速效、高效化学武器的发展,生物战剂传播、扩散方法的改进,增大了杀伤、破坏的广泛性和严重性。因而加强群众性的防护训练,利用现代科学技术成果改进训练方法,提高训练效果,将更为各国军队所重视。