预应力闸墩,prestressed pier
1)prestressed pier预应力闸墩
1.Design of prestressed piers of release gate for Zilanba hydropower project;紫兰坝水电站泄水闸预应力闸墩设计
2.Research on the anchorage forms for deep outlet prestressed pier of high arch dam;高拱坝深孔预应力闸墩锚固形式研究
3.Study on model test similar constant of prestressed pier in Pushihe pumped-storage power station;蒲石河抽水蓄能电站预应力闸墩模型试验相似常数研究

1.Study on model test for a large scale prestressed pier of a flood releasing and scouring sluice大型泄洪排沙闸预应力闸墩结构模型试验研究
2.Design of Pre-stressed Pier for Sluice Gate in Third Cascade of Baishuijiang Power Station白水江三级水电站泄洪闸预应力闸墩设计
3.Study on Behaviour of Anchorage Zone of Tendon in Internal Prestressed Sluice Pier预应力闸墩体内锚束锚固区受力性能研究
4.Force State Investigation about Prestressed Pier model of Pushi River Pumped Storage Power Station蒲石河水库预应力闸墩模型受力状态研究
5.Study on Prestressed Pierworks of Zilandan Based on Finite Element Method;基于有限元方法的紫兰坝预应力闸墩分析研究
6.The Design of the Spillway Crest Outlet Pre-stressed Gate Pier Structure of Jufudu Hydropower Project居甫渡水电站溢流表孔预应力闸墩结构设计
7.3D finite element analysis of prestressed pier of amptying bottom outlets in Xiaowan arch dam小湾拱坝放空底孔预应力闸墩三维有限元分析
8.Comparison on the Schemes of the Neck Position Slotting of Pre-stressed Pier of Pankou Hydropower Station潘口水电站预应力闸墩颈部开槽方案研究
9.Stress and Strain Analysis on the Spillway Silo Prestressed Pier of Lidi Hydropower Station里底水电站溢洪道竖井式预应力闸墩应力及应变分析
10.Study on Work Behavior of New Prestressed Pier and Sensitivity Analysis of Nuo Zhadu Spillway;糯扎渡溢洪道新型预应力闸墩工作性态研究及敏感性分析
11.Finite Element Method Analysis of High Arch Dam Pre-Stressed Pier with Submodeling Method;用子模型方法进行高拱坝预应力闸墩结构有限元分析
12.Numerical Simulation for Pre-Stressed Pier of Two Type Anchor Silo Contrary Tensile and U;竖井对拉式和U形锚固两种预应力闸墩结构有限元数值分析
13.Calculation and analysis on hollow anchor block of prestressed pier for Pushihe Pumped Storage Hydropower Station蒲石河抽水蓄能电站预应力闸墩空腔式锚块的计算分析
14.The Study of Prestressed Anchor Funicular Applied in Pier Works of Xiao Xia Hydroelectric Power Station;预应力锚索在小峡水电站闸墩中的应用研究
15.Application of New Technology in Construction of Gate Urge Pre-stress Reinforcing Steel新技术在闸墩预应力钢筋施工中的运用
16.Prestressing Tendon Construction for Spillway Weir Piers in Guazhi Hydroplant挂治水电站溢流坝闸墩预应力锚索施工
17.Forecast of Dam Pier s Ability to Get Across Ice Sheet and Study of Icebreaker Project;泄洪闸墩过冰能力预测与破冰方案研究
18.Influences of Water-Seal Position on Pier Stress of Concrete Gravity Dam混凝土重力坝止水位置对闸墩应力的影响研究

pre-stressed pier预应力闸墩
1.Stress recheck of pre-stressed pier for surface outlets in Wuqiangxi Dam;五强溪大坝表孔预应力闸墩应力复核
2.Application of large finite element software ANSYS,this paper has been carried out the 3D FEM calculation for pre-stressed pier in extending cantilevers of bottom outlet of some double-curvature arch dam.应用大型通用有限元软件ANSYS,对某工程拱坝底孔的外伸悬臂式预应力闸墩进行了三维有限元计算,通过与无预应力闸墩结构对比,分析了由于上下游悬臂和闸墩预应力锚索的布置对坝体应力的影响,表明上、下游悬臂对坝体泄水孔进、出口侧壁应力影响较大,预应力的施加改善了闸墩和大梁的应力状态,但对预留竖井周围的应力分布影响较大。
3.Owing to the greater catanchor coefficient of pre-stressed pier resulting in the higher construction price,taking Yanshan Reservoir for an example,this paper calculated the maximal stress by adopting structural mechanics method and 3D finite element method.针对预应力闸墩的拉锚系数普遍较高造成工程造价偏高,以燕山水库为例分别采用结构力学法与三维有限元法计算最大应力。
3)New prestressed pier新型预应力闸墩
4)prestressed V shaped pierV墩预应力
5)prestressed gate room预应力闸室
6)sluice pier闸墩
1.Effect of internal cooling pipes and external heat preservation on prevention from concrete cracking during construction of sluice pier;闸墩内部水管冷却和表面保温措施的抗裂作用研究
2.Model test for ice-force acting on sluice piers and ice-passing capacity;闸墩冰荷载及过冰能力的模型试验研究
3.An analysis of reinforcing projects for sluice piers of an overflow dam;某溢流坝闸墩除险加固方案分析

闸墩闸墩pier  zhadun闸墩(pier)多孔闸室中用于分隔闸孔和支承闸门、胸墙、桥梁等的墩式结构物,又称中墩。在一般情况下,闸墩既支承闸门,又支承胸墙和桥梁;为了减小弧形闸门的跨度,也可在闸孔中间另设门墩,但对过流及排放漂浮物十分不利,工程实践中很少采用。对平面闸门,墩侧设门槽;对弧形闸门,墩侧设牛腿,以支承闸门(见图1)。 ┌─────┐ │产汾气自鱼│ ┌─┬─┬──┼─┬─┬─┤ ┌───┐ │匕│匕│.日 │日│」│匕│ │州口 │┌─┼─┴─┴──┼─┴─┴─┤ │ ││ │ │ │ ├───┤├─┴──────┼─────┤ │一1」 ││ │ │ ┌────┐│ │└────────┴─────┘ │一地几·│├───┤ │闸槽 ││’{ │ ┌─┐ │ 二匕 │├───┤ │} │ │ 二二 ││rse一.│ │ │ │ 丁 │├───┤ │ │ │ ││1~lwe │ │ │ │ │├───┤ │ │ │ ││广, │ │ │ │ │└───┘ │ │ └────┘ └─┘ ┌───────────────┐ │‘卜‘J曰‘曰目曰山召‘‘盛J‘│ ├───────────────┤ │ │ └───────────────┘ 图l闸墩布置示意图 在工作闸门槽前一般应设检修门槽。为了改善进出流条件,墩头平面轮廓应平顺,多采用半圆形或其它曲线形。