运动生理学,sports physiology
1)sports physiology运动生理学
1.Development and Application of web—based CAI Courseware for the Study of Sports Physiology;基于Web的《运动生理学》CAI课件的开发与应用
2.Exploitation and application of Web CAI of sports physiology;运动生理学WEB CAI课件的开发与应用
3.Studies on Transformation of Teaching Methods in“Sports Physiology ”;集大体院《运动生理学》教学改革和课程建设探析

1.So Just to recap there's Sports Psychology, Sports Management,and Sports Physiology.重述一遍:体育心理学、运动管理、运动生理学
2.On the application of sports physioloyy in physical education and training;运动生理学在体育教学训练中的运用
3.The Research on Prospect of Exercise Physiology and Biochemistry Towards 21~(th)Century;21世纪运动生理学和运动生物化学研究展望
4.A Trial and Reflection of the Teaching Reform of Sports Physiology;《运动生理学》教学改革尝试与思考
5.Reform of Sports Physiology teaching;《运动生理学》教学改革的探索与实践
6.Design of Network Courseware on Exercise Physiology;浅谈《运动生理学》网络课程的教学设计
7.An Exploration of the Nutritional Problem of Race Walking Athletes;从运动生理学角度看竞走运动员的营养调配
8.A Preliminary Study of Sport Physiological and Psychological Features of Player in "Six-player Volleyball";当代6人制排球运动员的运动生理学与心理学特征
9.physiology of movement biomechanics运动生物力学生理学
10.The Research on the Training Method of Athletic Mentality for Middle School Athletes;中学生运动员运动心理训练方法探究
12.The Studies on the Kinetic Biomechanism of the Action Principles of Rolling Anipulation;(扌衮)法动作原理的运动生物力学研究
13.Research about Mental Health Standard of Students of Sports Schools;体育运动学校学生心理健康标准研究
14.Research to Mental Health of middle School s Athletes;中学运动队学生心理健康状况的研究
15.Discussion of Physiological Teaching Method for the Speed Skaters;对速滑运动员生理学教学方法的探讨
16.Research on Mental Health Level of Sports School Students;体育运动学校学生心理健康水平研究
17.The Use of Biomechanica Principles in Martial Arts;运动生物力学原理在武术运动中的应用
18.On Multi-phase Theory of Oxygen Uptake Kinetics in Exercise and Its Mechanism in Physiology运动中摄氧量动力学的多相理论与生理机理

exercise physiology运动生理学
1.Research on current situation and reform of experimental teaching of exercise physiology in colleges and universities;普通高校运动生理学实验教学现状与改革研究
2.A Study of Exercise physiology Teaching in Combination with Medical Knowledge《运动生理学》教学与医学知识结合的探讨
3.This article discusses the advantages and deficiencies of multimedia technology application in exercise physiology teaching.多媒体教学是一种新的教学手段,在运动生理学教学中被广泛运用,采用多媒体教学具有降低教学难度、提高学习效率、丰富教学内容、降低办学成本等优点;但也存在师生互动减少、讲授内容过多、速度快和教师课件制作易走极端等问题;教师可通过加强师生互动、把握重点、难点控制教学进度、提高多媒体课件质量等措施,使多媒体课件这一新辅助教学手段更好地服务于教学。
3)sport physiology运动生理学
1.The thesis, from the aspects of sport training theory, studies and generalizes the selection of basketball athletes with connection to the sport competition and with the theories of sport physiology and sport psychology.从运动训练学的角度出发,利用运动生理学、运动心理学的相关知识,对篮球运动的选材进行研究和综述,并与运动竞赛相结合进行分析,得出如下结论:现有的运动生理学、运动心理学的选材指标不能充分体现篮球项目的特点;运动生理学指标中,肌纤维组成、血乳酸、心功指数、发育程度的分型、尿肌酐更能代表篮球运动的特点;运动心理学的选材指标中,认知焦虑、运动智力、意志力、敢为性指标与运动员的竞技能力相关密切。
2.The paper proposes that sport physiology,as a health promotion subject,should cultivate students\' sports health consciousness and improve students\' sport health knowledge.运动生理学是运动维护健康的理论学科,在教学中应突出运动的健康促进作用,以培养学生的运动健康意识,提高学生运动健康知识的实践运用能力。
4)athletic physiology运动生理学
1.In this essay, I am going to discuss some opinions and take some steps for how to improve teaching of athletic physiology for the physi.运动生理学是体育专业学生必修的一门基础理论课,是实验性很强的一门课程。
5)Sports Physiology《运动生理学》
1.Reform of Sports Physiology teaching;《运动生理学》教学改革的探索与实践
