心理品质,psychological quality
1)psychological quality心理品质
1.On the effect of physical education in university on the undergraduates healthy psychological quality;大学体育与学生健康心理品质培养效应探析
2.AIM: To investigate the psychological quality of qualified military academy cadets under the current situations and to establish a competency model for the selection of military academy cadets.目的 :本研究探讨新形势下我军陆军学院学员应具备的心理品质 ,以建立我军陆军学院学员胜任特征模型 。
3.As for psychological quality,they tend to have these characteristics: unceasingly persistent,unyieldingly tenacious,surefooted,glad to be ordinary,hard-working,engaged in introspection and inde.通过对高职院校毕业生创业者的跟踪调查和访谈,发现创业人才具有许多共性,就心理品质而言,往往具有这样的特点:不断坚持、顽强不屈;脚踏实地、甘于平凡;勤于学习、自省自修;自信无畏、乐观豁达;开拓创新、胆大心细;善于沟通、为人热情;认真做人、诚信经营。

1.Training Positive Mentalities as Emphasis of Mental Health Education;积极心理品质培养:心理教育的重要价值取向
2.Elementary Introduction of Athlete s Psychological Character and Psychological Train before Match;浅谈运动员的心理品质及赛前心理准备
3.Shallowly discusses the elementary student psychology quality raise three ways;浅谈小学生心理品质培养的三个途径
4.Reinforce College Students Mental Quality of Being Self-employed;加强师专生自主创业心理品质的培养*
5.The Study on the Control of Psychological Quality of University Students in PE Classes;体育教学中大学生心理品质控制研究
6.Psychological characters of teachers in elementary and middle schools for 21st century;新时期中小学教师应具备的心理品质
7.Research on Cultivating the War Psychology Character by Military Sports Training;浅析军体训练与作战心理品质的关系
8.Education and Cultivation of Personality of Female Students in Normal Colleges;高师女生个性心理品质的教育和培养
9.The Influence of the Psychological Quality of P.E Teacher On the P.Q.of the Students;体育教师心理品质及其对学生的影响
10.General Introduction of the Research on the Mental Characters of Chinese Soccer Players;我国足球运动员心理品质的研究现状
11.Education of the Positive Mental Characters--on strengthening the training of the mental quality of new police;积极心理品质的培养——论新民警的心理素质强化训练
12.A Study of Nurturing Students′ Psychological Quality During the Teaching of Physical Education;体育教学中学生心理品质培养的理论研究
13.The Singularity and Absolute Continuity of Fuzzy Measures;浅谈物理教学中如何培养学生的心理品质
14.A Survey Of Research On The Chinese Football Player s Psychological Qualities And The Group s Psychological Atmosphere IN The Football Team;关于中国足球运动员心理品质及球队群体心理氛围的研究
15.Research on basketballers psychological characteristics and mental training during each stage of their growth;篮球运动员成长各阶段中心理品质与心理训练的研究
16.It points out in the end that educators should make great efforts to cultivate the youngsters? good mental character.教育者要努力培养青少年良好的心理品质 ;
17.The Optimism of Junior High School Students: Investigation and Intervention;初中生乐观心理品质的现状调查及干预研究
18.On Effective Tactics for Suburban Middle School s Class Teaching of Mental Health Education;城郊初中心理品质课课堂教学有效性策略研究

mental quality心理品质
1.The health mental quality can t be divorced from humanistic spirit edification.健康的心理品质离不开人文精神的陶养。
2.The normal colleges should take effective measures to reinfouce the students mental quality of being self-employed and improve their coupetitive ability.据研究可知,影响师专生创业成功的非智力因素主要是自信心、意志力、创新能力、诚实守信、沟通合作和自我调节等关键性心理品质
3.Teachers should use the characteristics of Russian teaching to improvestudents cultural quality, mental quality and communicative abilities.即利用俄语教学自身的特点,提高学生的文化素养,改善学生的心理品质,发展学生的交际能力。
3)psychological qualities心理品质
1.There is a paper which gives a review about the home sport psychologicalist s some survey during recent years in the Chinese football player s psychological qualities and characteristics and the group s psychological atmosphere of the football team.对近年来的国内运动心理学者对我国的足球运动员的心理品质和特征,以及足球队的群体心理氛围进行综述,力图能整合性的更深一步的探讨运动员,以寻求相应的对策,提高运动员心理素质的稳定性和潜能,提高运动成绩。
2.Through analysis on varieties of the referees behaviors and on the factors that exert psychological influence on their enforcement,the author has made a profound research in how to foster those specific psychological qualities needed in their enforcement of regulations.通过对裁判员的心理品质的不同表现和影响裁判员心理状态的因素进行分析 ,研究了裁判员在执法过程中具体的心理品质的培养 ,指明了获得和形成良好心理品质的方法和途
3.According to the features of gymnastics contest the thesis is to elaborate the several factors that will affect the judgement of a referee,during a gymnastics contest,analyse the referees psychological state of mind during the judgement and point out the psychological qualities that a referee should have,meaning to help developing gymnastics contests in a more fair and healthy direction.根据体操竞赛特点 ,阐述了体操竞赛中影响裁判员评分的几种因素 ,分析了裁判员评分过程中的心理状态 ,指出了裁判员应具备的心理品质 ,旨在使体操运动竞赛向着更加公平、健康的方向发展。
4)psychological character心理品质
1.Topnotch sportsmen s psychological character and athlete s psychological condition before competition were analyzed in this paper.在分析优秀运动员的心理品质的基础上 ,对运动员赛前心理状况进行分析 ,研究适合我国运动员的赛前心理训练的方法 ,使运动员在比赛中获得最佳成绩。
2.The excellent coaches will take much attention to the cultivation of their individualistic psychological characters so as to improve their leading abili.优秀的教练员无不注重培养自己杰出的心理品质,以增强领导能力,从而推动目标的实现。
3.By analysing the relationshipbetween the moral and psychological education and the influence on the moral education to individual psychological character.培养大学生健康、良好的心理素质是高等院校素质教育的难点 ,本文通过研究德育与心育的关系 ,德育对个体心理品质的影响 ,选择适宜的思想教育方法 ,以培养大学生优良的心理素质。
5)psychology character心理品质
1.Affection of morning exercise on college students′ psychology character;早操对大学生课堂学习心理品质影响的研究
2.It is found for the first time that the palmar middle crease is closely associated with the psychology character of shooters,and also found that finger-prints coefficient,a-b ridge count,ATD angle are associated with the agility of shooters.通过对 1 65名速射与慢射运动员肤纹特征的比较研究 ,揭示了两类项目优秀运动员的肤纹特征 ,并首次提出掌中褶指标与运动员的心理品质有关 ,同时还发现指纹系数、a -b嵴线、atd角三指标与人的灵敏素质有
6)good mental quality良好心理品质

创造心理品质创造心理品质psychological qualities of creation  创造心理品质(P syehologieal qualities of。reation)创造型人才在创造活动中必须具备优良的心理品质。主要包括以下几个方面:(l)智力品质方面,想像的丰富性、新颖性,思维的独创性、批判性,细致的观察力。(2)兴趣与动机方面,对创造有强烈的好奇心与旺盛的求知欲,既有广泛兴趣又有中心兴趣。(3)情绪品质方面,对创造充满热情,创造情绪稳定而持久,能控制自己的激情。(4)意志品质方面,坚持不懈、百折不挠,有不达目的誓不罢休的精神。(5)性格方而,勤奋、勇敢、自信、谦虚、谨慎,有责任心、正义感与牺牲精神。 (租拥撰吴万森审)