职业应激,Occupational stress
1)Occupational stress职业应激
1.Analysis on occupational stress and mental health status of nurses;护士职业应激与精神卫生状况分析
2.The relation of mental health and coping strategies for occupational stress of surgeons外科医生职业应激下心理健康与调适分析
3.Occupational stress resulted in the mental and physical disorders and caused the obvious decrement of working ability.该文对职业应激职业应激对人体健康的损害进行了探讨。

1.Relationship between job stress and allostatic load;职业应激与稳态应变负荷关系的研究
2.A Correlative Study of Occupational Stress and Mental Health in Nurses;护士职业应激与心身健康的相关研究
3.Epidemiological Study on the Pathogenic Mode of the Occupational Stress in the High Risk Population of EH;职业应激在EH高发职业人群中致病模式的流行病学研究
4.Study on the Occupational Stress of the Oilfield Workers and Its Relative Factors;某油田工人职业应激状况及其影响因素分析
5.Effect of Occupational Stress on Work Capacity of Laborers in Different Work Types;职业应激对不同类型劳动者工作能力的影响
6.Hierarchical regression analysis for relationship between job stress and job burnout in Shanghai employees;职业应激对工作疲竭感影响的层次回归分析
7.The relation of mental health and coping strategies for occupational stress of surgeons外科医生职业应激下心理健康与调适分析
8.A Study on the Relation of Occupational Stress and Social Support with Job Burnout of the Nurses in Operating Room;手术室女护士职业应激、社会支持与工作倦怠研究
9.A Study on Professional Stress and Pressure for Countryside Medical Personnel;乡镇卫生院医护人员职业应激与压力及其影响因素的研究
10.Occupational Tension and Strain Status among Primary and Middle School Teaching Staff;中小学教职工职业紧张与应激现状研究
11.An Experimental Study on the Behavioral Effect of College Students Occupational Stereotype Activation;大学生职业刻板印象激活的行为效应实验研究
12.The Study of Encouraging Theory accelerate Female s Occupation Career Supervise;激励理论促进女性职业生涯管理的应用
13.Theories on the Research of Secondary Vocational School Students Stressful Life Events;中等职业学校学生应激性生活事件研究进展
14.Investigation of Oxidative Stress in Peripheral Blood of Workers Occupationally Exposed to Hexavalent Chromium六价铬职业接触工人外周血氧化应激水平调查
15.Investigation on occupational post-traumatic stress disorder of emergency nurses急诊科护士职业创伤后应激障碍的调查研究
16.A Discussion on Police Occupational Characteristic, Mental Hyperirritability and Health;警察职业特点与警察心理应激反应及警察身心健康的探究
17.Research on Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Related to Occupation and Coping Style in Emergency Nurses急诊科护士职业创伤后应激障碍与应对方式的研究
18.Patterns of Chinese Medicine Syndromes of Psychologically Stressed Area of Taiwan Professional Women;台湾地区职业妇女心理应激人群中医证候规律探讨

occupation psychological stress职业心理应激
1.Reviewing the occupation psychological stressors,studying on the occupation psychological stress,and coping these stresses correctly improve the firemen s mental health and increase the combat capacity of fire forces.消防职业心理应激源容易使基层消防官兵处于应激状态,产生一系列心理应激反应和危害。
3)Occupation Drive职业激励
4)vocational adaptation职业适应
1.The career development of new curriculum of senior high school focuses on the individual adaptation,social adaptation and vocational adaptation which are closel.高中新课程生涯发展聚焦于与个人终身职业、休闲、社会与人际关系密切关联的个人适应、社会适应和职业适应。
2.Basic educational curriculum career development focuses on the individual adaptation,social adaptation and vocational adaptation which are closely .基础教育课程生涯发展聚焦于与个人终身职业、休闲、社会与人际关系密切关联的个人适应、社会适应和职业适应。
3.From a sociological view, this paper analyzed the meanings, influencing factors and pathways of land-lost peasants\' vocational adaptation.文章从社会学的角度分析了失地农民职业适应的内涵、影响因素及其路径。
5)vocational adjustment职业适应
1.The vocational adjustment condition of the university graduate who just left to work,will profoundly affect their entire professional career development.刚走上工作岗位的大学毕业生的职业适应状况,将深刻影响其整个职业生涯的发展。
6)occupational adaptation职业适应
1.And many occupational adaptation problems are plaguing them, for example, the ambiguity of occupational roles, the lack of knowledge skills, the interpersonal barrier and the misidentification of corporate culture, etc.目前我国关于青年员工职业适应性方面的研究还往往停留在社会学、管理学领域,而忽视了从成人教育学的角度解决职业适应问题的认识和研究。

迟发性应激反应迟发性应激反应delayed stress reactions 迟发性应激反应(delayed stress reactions)置身于高度紧张的生活情境中的人有时不立即出现明显的应激征象,只是在紧张性事件结束后很久才产生应激反应,这种见之于紧张性事件结束后较久的反应,便称作迟发性应激反应。这类反应多见于重大的自然灾害之后,如地震、洪水、咫风、滑坡。在这些自然灾害突然发生时,除少数人显露明显持久的应激反应外,大多数人很快地从自然灾害所造成的冲击中恢复过来,救援家人和邻居,并自发地组织起来向受难者家属提供社会支持,尽快地恢复正常的生产和生活。可是,自然灾害所造成的威胁过去数日或数周后,一些人开始出现应激症状,如焦虑、恐惧、抑郁、记忆功能下降、头痛、眩晕、失眠、易怒、噩梦和内脏功能紊乱的症状。除了自然灾害外,这些迟发性应激反应也可见于某些重大的生活事件之后,例如被绑架作为人质、被强奸或亲人死亡。这些情境的共同特点是:(l)个人的基本需要甚至生命受到威胁。(2)紧张性事件基本上是不可控制的突发性事件。(3)个体刻板地应用防御机制(如否认机制),没有其他有效的应对方法。临床上称为“精神创伤后应激障碍”。迟发性应激反应的持续时间因人而异,长者可持续数年之久,从而可对病人的心身健康造成严重损害。对于这些病人,应在了解其症状的前因后果的基础上,给以恰当有效的心理治疗和医学干预。 (梁宝勇撰徐俊见审)