外军,foreign army
1)foreign army外军
1.The composition and development of foreign army\'s medical equipments are discussed,of which,medical equipments for satisfying the requirements of informatized war,NBC protection and MOOTW are paid special attention to.探讨了外军卫生装备的构成体系,分析了外军卫生装备的发展现状,指出信息化卫生装备、三防卫生装备和非战争军事行动卫生装备等是当前的发展重点,装备的快速反应能力和战场生存能力得到了很大提高。
2.This paper analyzes the actuality of load and unload equipment construction from the foreign army railway,waterway,road,aviation and containerization,studies the characteristic and development trend,educes the several revelations of the developing the foreign army military transportation load and unload.分析了外军铁路、水路、公路、航空以及集装化等运输方式装卸装备的建设现状,研究了外军军交运输装卸装备的特点与发展趋势,得出了发展我军军交运输装卸装备的几点启示。

1.Enlightenments on Foreign Military Trailers' Development Actuality外军军用挂车发展现状及对我军的启示
2.Foreign Military Institutes of PK and the Future Development of PLA Institute of PE;外军体育院校与解放军体院未来发展
4.The Enlightenments of Field Combat Survival Training of the Foreign Special Forces to Our Army;外军特种部队野战生存训练对我军的启示
5.Research on Set-Up of Military Sports Curriculum for Foreign Military Trainees;外军留学生军事体育专业课程设置体系研究
6.Actuality and Revelation of the Foreign Army Military Transportation Load and Unload Equipment外军军交运输装卸装备发展现状与启示
7.the French Foreign Legion法国军队中的外籍军团.
8.Military equipment other than uniforms and weapons.配备除军服和武器外的军事装备
9.used of soldiers hired by a foreign army.被外国军队雇佣来服役的军人。
10.An expeditionary force, eg an army sent to take part in a war abroad远征军(如到国外参战的军队)
11.The invading army, under General Chang, was encamped outside the city walls.张军长的军队还驻扎在城外。
12.Our troops joined with enemy forces just outside the city.我军就在城外与敌军接上了火。
13.The military music played by the military band is especially powerful.军乐团演奏的军乐格外雄浑有力。
14.arms race in outer space外层空间的军备竞赛
15.yomping across moorland穿过荒郊野外负重行军.
16.located outside a military base.位于军事基地的外面。
17.dismantling of foreign military bases撤消(拆除)外国军事基地
18.Married officers get extra allowances.已婚的军官有额外津贴。

foreign armies外军
1.In order to cultivate our armys’ fighting spirit,the available foreign armies’experiences were outlin-ed,in terms of analyzing comprehensively the methods and features of foreign armiesc’ultivating fighting spirit.为了更好地培养我军战斗精神,通过综合分析外军培养战斗精神的方法和特点,总结了外军的有益经验,提出了我军加强战斗精神培育的新思路。
3)foreign troops外军
1.The typical cases of failures and accidents caused by poor environmental worthiness were introduced of foreign troops.介绍了外军在陆军装备、空军装备、海军装备、导弹和核武器等方面大量的环境适应性质量故障和事故的典型案例。
4)foreign armies'officer外军军官
5)foreign armed forces practice外军实践
6)foreign troops artillery外军火炮
1.Introduced the development history of artillery from ancient times to now, and functions improvement in the world war period; take the anti-tank cannon, howitzer and bazookas as an example to introduces foreign troops artillery of development circumstance after the World War II.介绍了火炮从古至今的发展史及世界大战期火炮性能的改善;并以反坦克火炮、榴弹炮和火箭炮为例介绍了二战以后外军火炮的发展情况。
