军事理论,military theory
1)military theory军事理论
1.Course Construction of College Military Theory-building高校军事理论课程建设探索
2.It is known to us that the military academies serve as the research base of military theory and tech-niques and the training base of military talented personnel.军队院校作为军事理论与技术的研究基地、军事人才的培养基地,如何主动适应世界新军事变革要求,调整建设思路、跟上变革步伐,全面提升学科专业建设水平,是摆在我们面前的一个重大历史课题。
3.Since the teaching staff for military theory is weak at present in Chinese vocational colleges,this paper puts forward measures to strengthen it to enhance college students\' concept of national security and national sense of urgency.军事理论及军事技能训练是国防教育的主要内容之一。

1.Military Theory and Military Training军事理论与军事训练
2.Marxist military theory马克思主义军事理论
3.It is necessary to innovate and develop military theories.创新和发展军事理论
4.What do you see as the relationship between historical versus modern military thought, and foreign versus U.S. military thought?你怎样看待传统军事理论与现代军事理论、外国军事理论与本国军事理论的关系?
5.Discussion under the new Military Revolution Background of University Military Theory Lesson Teaching;新军事变革背景下的高校军事理论教学刍议
6.On Protracted War" is one of the important military theories.论持久战》是重要军事理论之一。
7."On Protracted War" is one of the important military theories.《论持久战》是重要军事理论之一。
8.Principles of the teaching of military theories in non-military universities;试论普通高校军事理论课的教学要领
9.Highlights Points in Stalin's Military Theory(Ⅱ)论斯大林军事理论的几大亮点(下)
10.On the Merits of Stalin's Military Theory(Ⅰ)论斯大林军事理论的几大亮点(上)
11.He was an outstanding Marxist military theorist.他是卓越的马克思主义军事理论家。
12.A Tentative Probe into Stereo Teaching Mode of Military Theory Courses in Universities高校军事理论课立体化教学模式初探
13.Military Theory Course Teaching Reform and Thinking医学院校军事理论课教学改革的思考
14.As a skilled commander and military theorist, he had few equals at home or abroad.他的军事指挥艺术和军事理论造诣,在国内外屈指可数。
15.WORK OF LAYING A FOUNDATION TO THE MILITARY THEORY IN MODERN CHINA: A Newly Study on Jiang Bali s Book Junshi Changshi;中国近代军事理论的奠基之作——蒋百里《军事常识》述评
16.Discussing the Academic "boundary" Between the Modern Logistics in Military and the Military Logistics;刍议现代军事物流与军事后勤的理论“边界”
17.On Zeng Guofan's Innovation of Neo-Confucianism and the Building of Xiangjun's Military Ethics论曾国藩的理学创新与湘军的军事伦理建设
18.On Ye Jian-ying s Military Affairs Cadre Theory in the Great Cultural Revolution;略论“文革”时期叶剑英的军事干部理论

military theories军事理论
1.This new revolution requests to be more outstanding in military theories of teaching to educate the students national defense,worry education and patriotism education,make the students creat mightiness of national defense consciousness,worried consciousness and national affection,at the same time,require the teachers to take students as the basic teaching.当前世界范围内的新军事变革对我国高等院校军事理论教学有着广泛而深刻的影响。
2.The military theories course is a newly-set obligatory course in college, which encounters many problems.军事理论课是高校新开设的一门必修课,许多高校在教学过程中还存在诸多问题,为提高授课效果和教学质量,文章从四个方面进行了阐述,即基本概念必须讲“准”;基本原理必须讲“透”;基本内容必须求“新”;引用事例必须求“真”。
3)military theory course军事理论课
1.But military theory course is not recognized by the majority of teachers and students.但是,军事理论课教学仍不被广大师生认可,在教学中仍然存在很多问题,需要进行改革。
2.According to the characteristics of modern university students,this paper expounds the importance of the innovation teaching of military theory course.针对现代大学生的特点,阐述了军事理论课创新性教学的重要性。
4)military C3I theory军事C3I理论
1.This paper makes comparative analysis on the similarities,differences and junctures between the C3I syetm and enterprise\'s CIS,analyzes the advantages of constructing enterprise\'s CIS by using C3I theory and technology,and puts forward the assumption of constructing the C3I-based CIS(C3I-CIS)borrowing ideas from military C3I theory.对比分析了C3I系统与企业竞争情报系统的相同点、不同点和结合点,分析了用C3I理论与技术构建企业竞争情报系统的优点,提出借鉴军事C3I理论与技术构建基于C3I的企业竞争情报系统(C3I-CIS)的设想。
5)Military theory and military medicine军事理论及军事医学
6)Mao Zedong's martial theory毛泽东军事理论
