野战卫生装备,field medical equipment
1)field medical equipment野战卫生装备
1.Advance in microwave absorbing nano material and its prospective application in field medical equipment;纳米吸波材料研究进展及其在野战卫生装备中潜在应用
2.Characteristics and tendencies of Bundeswehr s field medical equipment in 21st Century;21世纪德军野战卫生装备发展特点与趋势
3.Current status and development tendency of field medical equipment in Russia;俄军野战卫生装备现状及发展方向

1.Retrospection of 20 century and prospects of 21 century of field medical equipment野战卫生装备20世纪的回顾与21世纪发展展望
2.Management of Both War and Peace Time for Medical Equipment in Field Clinics浅谈野战医疗所卫生装备平战结合使用管理
3.Applicationof bluetooth technology to field medical equipment system蓝牙技术在野外医疗卫生装备系统中的应用
4.Research on the Equipment Transport Optimization in the Laying Stage of Field Pipeline野战管线铺设阶段装备运输优化研究
5.Design of Structural Dynamic Optimization of Field Medical Vehicle;野战卫生技术车辆结构动力优化设计
6.Study on the Methods of Metrology Support for Sanitary Equipment of Campaign Support Guarantee System of Health Service;战役卫勤支援保障系统装备计量保障方法
7.Design and Realizations of the Equipment s Management System of the Field Army;野战部队装备器材管理系统设计与实现
8.The status quo and development trend on Pump Unit of Oil equipment in field operation;野战油料装备中泵机组的现状及发展趋势
9.Development of an X-ray film-developing equipment based on field emergency conditions基于野战应急条件下X线片洗片装备的研制
10.Revien and prospect of mobile power station for command equipment of field communication野战通信指挥装备移动电源回顾与展望
11.sterilizing facilities for biscuit packaging environment饼干包装间的卫生消毒设备
12.Optimizing Allocation of Military Health Resources军队卫生装备优化编配应把握的问题
13.A Study on Anti-HPM Technologies for Modern Medical Equipments医疗卫生装备抗高功率微波技术分析
14.It is the special equipment to produce ultra-thin sanitary napkin with delicate and beautiful small package.超薄卫生巾专用生产设备,小包装新颖雅致。
15.Armed defence of democratic existence is now being gallantly waged in four continents.四大洲的人正在英勇地进行武装保卫战,以保卫民主制度的生存。
16.Study on Prediction Method of Spare Demand Rate and Determination of the Storage Quantity During Military Medical Equipment Maintenance部队卫生装备维修备件需求率的预计及储备量确定方法研究
17.Construction and application of storehouse for medical camp in emergency support brigade应急保障旅卫生营装备库房的建设与应用
18.Discussion on supply of medical devices in Tibet加强西藏地区医疗卫生装备保障的几点探讨

standard of field medical equipment野战卫生装备标准
3)standard of overhaul tool for field medical equipment野战卫生装备检修工具标准
4)Field armaments野战装备
5)medical war preparedness卫生战备
1.The author quoted data of medical war preparedness and medical support in wartime of US army, and discussed their methods and experiences in training for war, construction of field medical equipment, mobile medical forces, application of information system, plan and standard working process, medical support on preventing NCB weapons.本文引用美军等一些外军医疗机构卫生战备与战时卫勤保障的大量资料 ,论述了他们在战备训练、野战卫生装备建设、抽组机动卫勤力量、战时信息化系统的应用、预案与标准化工作程序和“三防”卫勤保障方面的一些做法与经验。
6)ambulance corps野战卫生队

野战给水器材  军队在野战条件下实施给水用的机械、车辆、器具、材料的统称。包括水源侦察、钻井、汲水、净水、贮水、输水、运水、配水等器材。水源侦察器材,主要有各种水质检验器具(如常规检验箱、盒,细菌学水质检验箱,化学毒剂检验盒,放射性剂量仪等)、地下水探测仪器(如电子自动补偿仪、Υ射线找水仪等)以及测井器材等。用以侦察地下水源和检验水质。钻井器材,有钻井机、浅管井设备、土钻和其他钻井器材。用以钻凿深管井和浅管井。汲水器材,主要有摩托水泵、潜水电泵、空气扬水器和手摇水泵等。用以汲取地下水和地面水。净水器材,主要包括净水车、净水器(背囊式滤水器和个人净水器)、脱盐车、离子交换净水车以及反渗透净水装置等。普通净水车(器)能净化一般被污染的水。脱盐车主要用以淡化海水和苦咸水。离子交换净水车用以消除水中放射性物质和软化用水。反渗透净水装置是一种多用途净水装置,可用以代替上述几种净水器材。贮水、输水和配水等器材,主要有各种制式和就便的贮水器、输水管道和运水工具等,用以贮存用水并将其输送到预定地点。    为适应现代战争需要,研制新型的野战给水器材装备军队,已为各国普遍重视。20世纪80年代以来,一些国家的军队已陆续装备具有多种用途的净水车,并在研制战时能迅速寻找地下水的水源侦察器材和小口径、高效、轻便、不以水为循环介质的钻井器材。