振动训练,vibration training
1)vibration training振动训练
1.Theory and applications of vibration training.A review;振动训练法的理论与应用
2.On the study development of vibration training's physical foundation and application振动训练的生理基础与应用研究进展

1.On the study development of vibration training's physical foundation and application振动训练的生理基础与应用研究进展
2.On the Vibration Training with Different Frequency and Amplitude of Vibration Time on the Changes of Blood Flow;振动训练同振幅不同频率与振动时间对血流量变化的研究
3.The Experimental Study on Vibration Training to Develop Muscle Power;振动训练时发展肌肉力量效果影响的实验研究
4.Effects of Vibration Training on Exercise Performance of Rat Skeletal Muscle and the Possible Mechanism;振动训练对大鼠骨骼肌运动能力的影响及其机制探讨
5.Experimental Research of Combining Vibration with Exercise in Increasing Upper Limb s Muscle Strength of Senile Stroke Patients;振动训练结合运动提高脑卒中轻瘫患者上肢肌力的研究
6.The Research on the Vibration Training Effection of Two-Level Men's Long Jump Athletes对二级水平男子跳远运动员采用振动训练效果的研究
7.This article summary the three prominent effects of vibration training and analyzes its cause, and also research the trend on the vibration strength training.总结了振动训练中三种显著性的效果并分析产生的原因,并对振动力量训练发展趋势进行了探讨。
8.Research on the Effects of Vibration Stimulated Strength Training on Muscular Strength;振动力量训练对肌肉力量的影响研究
9.The Research of Designing on the Control Devices of Vibration Strength振动力量训练装置控制系统开发研究
10.Effect of Resistive Strength Training with Whole Bodily Vibration Stimulus on Muscular Training;抗负荷力量训练中附加全身振动刺激对肌力训练效果的影响
11.Research on a New Type of Sports Equipment Based on Vibration Strength Training;基于振动力量训练的新型健身器材开发研究
12.The Contrastive Research of Effects of Muscle Strength Training with the Same Amplitude and Different Frequency Vibration Stimulus;同振幅下不同频率振动刺激对肌肉力量训练效果的对比研究
13.Effects of vibration excitation on improving the leg strength of athletes;振动刺激训练提高运动员下肢力量能力的实验研究
14.Effects Of Vibration Stimulation Training On Female Weight-Lifters;后深蹲振动刺激训练对女子举重运动员后深蹲力量的影响
15.Effect of Vibration Strength Training on Changing of Muscle Power of Hip Joint of Long Jumpers振动力量训练对跳远运动员髋关节肌力变化影响的研究
16.Study of Vibration Load Assist in Weightlifting Training on Elite Woman Weightlifters振动负荷辅助举重训练对优秀女子举重运动员影响的实验研究
17.Development of Acute Effect and Structural Effect of Vibration Strength Training振动力量训练即时效应与结构性效应的研究进展
18.Study on Improvement of Body Muscles Strength Ability by Vibration Training;振动刺激训练法提高人体部分肌肉力量能力的研究

1.A study shows that whole body vibration(WBV) has effect on skin blood flow(SBF).国内外有研究表明,全身振动训练法(WBV)对增加皮肤血流量(SBF)有影响。
2.The vibration strength training is a new type of strength training,which gets more and more concerned by experts at home and abroad for effectively increase targeted muscle strength、improve the character of flexor and extensor、elevate balance capability base on the requisition of special performance.总结了振动训练中三种显著性的效果并分析产生的原因,并对振动力量训练发展趋势进行了探讨。
3)vibration strength training振动力量训练
1.Experimental study of vibration strength training of flexing and extending muscle of knee joint in supporting leg for women shot-putters振动力量训练对女子铅球运动员支撑腿膝关节屈伸肌肉力量影响的实验研究
2.The vibration strength training is a new method of strength training and can increase the harmony of central neural system.振动力量训练是一种新兴的力量训练方法 ,能提高中枢神经系统之间的协调性发展 ,使屈伸肌的最大力量、爆发力和协调性、柔韧性都能得到同时协调的发展。
3.At the same time, vibration strength training, as one of study field of sports physiology, has received more and more attention.当今新兴的边缘学科——运动生理学迅猛发展,作为运动生理学的主要应用研究课题之一——振动力量训练的研究,正受到越来越多的关注。
4)vibration stimulus training振动刺激训练
5)Review of vibration strength training振动力量训练综述
6)kinesthetic training动觉训练
1.Study of kinesthetic training of the skill of sawing in metal processing;金属锯削动作技能动觉训练法研究
