特勤疗养,special service recuperation
1)special service recuperation特勤疗养
1.The author discussed the problems of safety work of military special service recuperation,which included the absence of unified organization,longitudinal unification and lateral interaction.本文旨在探索一个特勤疗养安全模式,期望适用于军队疗养院发展模式转型后的特勤疗养安全工作。
2.To meet the need of the new stage demand,the special service recuperation should realize two basic changes which were he change from recuperat.通过分析高技术战争对特勤人员的影响,重新思考特勤疗养的服务理念和保障功能,提出了特勤疗养促进身心健康、提升作业能力和加强战伤后全面功能康复的技术发展方向和重点,强调特勤疗养要实现"从疗养服务向健康服务转变、从训练实施到能力提升转变",指出加强各种疗养因子和疗法的研究和综合应用是实现这一方向及转变的重要途径。
3.Objective: To study the system of special service recuperation under joint logistics system.目的:联勤体制下的疗养院特勤疗养制度建设研究。

1.Management Mechanism of Special Service Recuperation under Joint Service System联勤体制下特勤疗养全维保障管理机制构建与实践
2.Primary formulation of questionnaire about requirement for special duty personal convalesce特勤人员疗养需求调查问卷的初步编制
3.Drug Utilization for 710 Convalescents in Haiqin Sanatorium Area of Our Hospital我院海勤疗区710名疗养员用药情况分析
4.Construction and discussion on the mode of psychological training in sanatorium under the background of joint services system联勤体制下疗养院心理训练模式的构建与探讨
5.Conclusion Landscape convalescence has action of health care and promoting disease rehabilitation.结论 景观疗养在空勤人员保健疗养中具有医疗保健和促进疾病康复的作用
6.Conclusion Coast convaluscence has action of health care and promoting disease rehabilitation.结论 海滨疗养在空勤人员保健疗养中具有医疗保健和促进疾病康复的作用。
7.Analysis on the influence of continuous nursing management improvement on the quality of nursing service in sanatorium under the system of combined service force联勤后持续改进疗养院护理管理对护理服务质量的影响
8.Practice and exploration on medical support of non-war military action in military sanatorium军队疗养院遂行非战争军事行动卫勤保障的实践与探索
9.victual(l)ing yard[英]海军后勤(给养)仓库
10.The technical components of hospital safety include safe practice in diagnosis, treatment, and first aid, and a perfect system of rear service and security guard.医院安全保障体系的技术构成包括安全的诊疗救护技术、后勤供养技术和安全保卫技术。
11.Competency Modeling of Leaders in Military Sanatoriums军队疗养院领导胜任特征模型的建立
12.Special Air Service(of the army)(陆军的)特种空勤部队.
13.typically American hospitality美国人特有的殷勤好客.
14.Development of Information System for Enteral Nutrition Dietary Treatment肠内营养膳食治疗信息系统的组成与特点
15.Until recently, Krickitt worked as a crdio pulmonary therapist at a local medical center.直到前不久,克瑞基特一直在当地的一家医疗中心做心肺疗养师。
16.We should cultivate the good habits of diligence and frugality.我们要养成勤俭节约的好风气。
17.She has always worked hard to provide for her family.为了养家糊口,她一直在辛勤地工作。
18.Uniformed Secret Service agents led the protester away.穿制服的特勤局特工带走了抗议者。

district of special recuperation service特勤疗养区
3)Air-force sanitarium空勤疗养院
4)special force特勤
1.Recuperation of special force plays an implacable role in modern hi-tech wars:1.本文介绍了各类特勤人员作业环境对机体的影响,提出了特勤疗养在现代高技术战争中的作用:①能有效避免有害因素连续影响,提高特勤人员的健康水平;②能够全面了解特勤人员健康状况,及时发现和矫治疾病;③能够增加特勤人员的卫生保健知识,提高自我保健能力;④能提高特勤人员的综合能力和作业效率,恢复和增强战斗力。
2.To promote medical support level,the current situations of medical support for special forces were analyzed,and then the measures were proposed combining with that of foreign army as paying more attention on it,managing it with laws and promoting the information construct.本文围绕提高特勤人员医疗保障水平为主题,深刻剖析了当前区域特勤保障面临的形势和现状,提出了特勤医疗保障思路;并结合外军特勤建设情况,明确了特勤医疗保障要提高思想认识,实施依法管理,推进信息化建设。
5)characteristics of special service特勤特色
6)special fire rescue特勤救援
1.The problems and countermeasures of the special fire rescue;消防特勤救援行动面临的问题及解决对策

特非那定, 特非定,特而利,特西利药物名称:特非那定英文名:Terfenadine别名: 丁苯哌丁醇;叔哌丁醇;司立泰;敏迪;得敏功;特非那定, 特非定,特而利,特西利外文名: Terfenadine, Tamagon ,Teldane适应症: 用于季节性和非季节性过敏性鼻炎和荨麻疹。 用量用法: 成人:60mg/次,每日2次。 儿童6~12岁:30~60mg/次,每日2次。 3~5岁:15mg/次,每日2次。均于饭后服用。 注意事项: 偶见头痛、胃肠功能紊乱、皮疹、口干等。 药物相互作用: 不宜与红霉素、酮康唑、依曲康唑同时服用。不宜与能引起心律失常的药物同用。 规格: 片剂:60mg。混悬剂:30mg/5ml。 类别:抗组胺药