攀岩,rock climbing
1)rock climbing攀岩
1.Practical study of developing the fishing and rock climbing combined course as a physical education course in universities and colleges;高校体育开展垂钓、攀岩合并课的探讨
2.Primary exploration of evaluation system of rock climbing technical training攀岩技术训练效果评价体系初探
3.By analyzing the surface electromyography(sEMG) signal of working upper-limb muscle of rock climbing athletes,the change of the Surface Electromyogram predictors during the training can be analyzed and the feasibility apply .肌电图在攀岩领域的应用还比较少,通过对攀岩运动员在间歇训练法训练时的上肢主要做功肌肉左右腕屈肌、左右腕伸肌的的表面肌电信号(sEMG)进行分析,观察肌电图的变化情况,探讨肌电图在攀岩运动过程中应用的可行性。

1.This is definitely true in climbing whether you're working a high-ball boulder problem, ort route, multi-pitch traditional line, or alpine route.对攀岩而言也是如此,不论你是在练习抱石攀岩、动攀登、绳距传统攀登或阿尔卑斯式攀登。
2.Sport climbing started in the1970 s when French rock climbers began1) drilling bolts into rock walls to make them safer to climb.运动攀岩发源于一九七○代,当时法国攀岩者开始在岩壁上钻入耳片,增加攀岩的安全性。
3.These three climbers made it to the top and down in four hours.这三个攀岩者在4个小时内攀到顶点又下来.
4.As the climbers went up, they just clipped their ropes onto the bolts.攀岩者上攀时,只须将绳子扣在耳片上即可。
5.I just enjoy the strength and determination that the climbers show during the competition.我只有欣赏攀岩者在攀岩时表现出来的力量和毅力。
6.He gets his thrills from rock-climbing.他从攀岩运动中得到兴奋、 刺激的感受.
7.Rock-climbing is a test of nerve and skill.攀岩运动能考验人的勇气和技巧.
8.Rock coloured stainless steel should be used.同时,应使用攀岩专用的有色不?。
9.Ada was able to surmount her fear of heights by learning to rock climb.学会攀岩后,艾达终于克服了恐高症。
10.Analysis of the Impetus and Resistance for the Rock-climbing Sports at University;高校开设攀岩运动的推力与阻力分析
11.Practical study of developing the fishing and rock climbing combined course as a physical education course in universities and colleges;高校体育开展垂钓、攀岩合并课的探讨
12.Indoor climbing is good exercise, and you don't need to worry about the weather.室内攀岩是一项很好的运动,你不必担心天气。
13.They are safe because experienced climbers are always around.这里很安全,因为总有经验老到的攀岩者在场。
14.a climber of vertical rock faces.直接攀登岩石的登山者。
15.There's a lot of danger in rock climbing.攀登岩壁非常危险.
16.Study on the Stability of Surrounding Rock Mass with the Tunnels in Xipan & Pantian Expressway;西攀、攀田高速公路隧道围岩稳定性研究
17.The climber edged carefully along the narrow ledge.爬山者沿着狭窄的岩架缓缓攀爬。
18.Rock-climbers sometimes hazard their lives.攀登岩石者有时要冒生命危险。

1.According researching on the present developing situation of the Chinese competitive rock-climbing,such as the national rock-climbing championship of 2006,the national rock-climbing match for extractive athletes,the rock-climbing match in the national sports meeting 、 the list for the register rock-climbing athletes and UIAA word cup shanghai China of 2004.以2006年的全国攀岩锦标赛、全国攀岩精英赛、体育大会攀岩赛和2004年UIAA世界杯、中国上海分站赛成绩及《2007年度攀岩注册运动员名单》为依据,对我国竞技攀岩运动的开展状况进行调查分析,旨在找出我国竞技攀岩运动开展的优势和急需解决的问题,以期为我国竞技攀岩运动更好地开展提供有益的参考。
2.By using methods of locale observation,mathematic statistics and theory analysis,the 2006 rock-climbing game in the third countrywide P.4年一度的全国体育大会攀岩比赛是国家体育总局批准的正式体育赛事,它代表了我国竞技攀岩的最高水平,通过现场观察法、调查访问法和数理统计的方法,对比赛概况、竞赛成绩及存在问题进行了分析探讨,以期为我国攀岩训练和竞赛安排提供理论参考。
3.To study the mechanism of rock-climbing and its body-building function, thirty-six healthy college students(sophomore,age 20.为了探讨攀岩运动对健康大学生的健身作用及机制,本研究从浙江师范大学二年级随机抽取健康大学生36名(年龄为20。
3)The speed rock-climb速度攀岩
4)rock-climbing sport攀岩运动
1.Universities in China become fertile fields for the development of rock-climbing sport as soon as it entered into China.攀岩运动从进入中国开始就是在高校这块沃土上发展的,高校的攀岩运动水平基本可以代表我国攀岩运动的最高水平。
2.The rock-climbing sport is that a kind of pursuit of originating from Europe is challenged, vigorous extreme sport.攀岩运动是起源于欧洲的一种追求挑战,富有朝气的极限运动。
5)rock-climbing teacher攀岩教师
1.An analysis of rock-climbing teachers at Chinese colleges and universities;我国高校攀岩教师的现状分析
6)rock-climbing course攀岩课程

攀岩    攀岩    p础Ty【11{’攀岩极限运动比赛项目。攀岩的出现,已有100多年的历史。1958年6月中国登山协会正式成立。1987年在北京怀柔登山基地举办了第1届全国攀岩邀请赛,参加比赛的有国家登山队、新疆、西藏、青海、成都地质学院、地质教育中心、地矿部体协、火车头体协、中软公司、武汉地质学院,以及特邀的日本长野山岳协会和香港攀岩队等12个代表队的40名男女运动员。此后每年1届。1993年长春攀岩馆建成;同年,在长春举行了第2届亚洲攀岩锦标赛,有7个国家和地区派选手参加,中国选手最好成绩是第5名。1999年第8届亚洲攀岩锦标赛在中国华山举行,中国此次派出的参赛选手是历届亚洲锦标赛中参赛人数最多的一次。2000年第2届亚洲青年攀岩锦标赛暨第8届全国攀岩锦标赛在怀柔登山训练基地举行。2001年中国举办了首届高山攀岩国际邀请赛。