机构设置,Organization setting
1)Organization setting机构设置
1.This article introduced the situation of organization setting and development of the department of laboratory and equipment management,and did some discussions combining the practical status in our university, gave out some suggestions about basic principle of the organization setting.文章介绍了高校实验室及设备管理机构设置及其改革发展,提出机构设置的基本原则及职能定位,并结合本校实际进行了论述。
2.Based on the completely analysis of CUBA current organization setting and regulation system, this paper points out that the subcommittees have low degree of perfection; there is a lack of good organizing on provincial and city levels; the work load of current staffs should be strengthened and the regulation system does not provide enough protections to the rights of college students.通过对CUBA现行的机构设置及规章制度的全面分析,指出各级下属委员会的健全程度不够、缺乏省、市级基层的组织、协会现有工作人员的工作力度有待加强、章程未对大学生的权力和地位给予充分的尊重和保护等问题,并借鉴NCAA的经验提出了健全优化组织结构,完善规章制度等对策和建议。

1.On The Brief Consideration About Establishment Of The lnternal Structure And Disposition Of Police Force In Grass-Roots Police Agency;浅议基层公安机关的机构设置与警力配置
2.Research on the Coordinating Mechanism of Setting Inner Organization Institutes Setting of Universities;大学组织内部机构设置协调机制探析
3.The Study of the Structuring Reform Inside the Procuratorial Organ;我国检察机关内部机构设置改革研究
4.On the Reforms and Legislative Improvements of the Subdivisions in Prosecutorial Organs;检察机关内设机构设置的改革与立法完善
5.On the Establishment of Prison Organization and Scientific Police Arrangement关于监狱机构设置与警力配置科学化的研究
6.Comparison of the setup of college physical education administration between China and the United States;中美两国大学体育管理机构设置比较
7.Calamities Prediction Theory and Institution of Astronomical Phenomena;北宋的天象灾害预测理论与机构设置
8.Staff Appointment and Organization Establishment of Eight Nobilities Junfu in the Xijin Dynasty;略论西晋八王军府之僚佐及机构设置
9.Enlightenment Gained from Establishment of Enforcement force against Competition in Western Countries;欧美竞争执法机构设置对我国的启示
10.The Organization of Co-Constructing and Sharing of Literature Resources of Yunnan Normal Acadmy Libraries;文献资源共建共享协作网的机构设置
11.Disadvantages and Reform of the Establishment of Traditional Reader Service Organization;传统读者服务机构设置的弊端与改革
12.On the Set-up of Business Financial Administrative Organizations in the Western Regions;我国西部企业财务管理机构设置分析
13.The comparison of financial management structure in commercial bank between China and Japan;中日商业银行财务机构设置模式比较
14.Research on the Organization Setting of the Department of Laboratory and Equipment Management;高校实验室及设备管理机构设置及功能探讨
15.Research on the Management Model and Institutions of Environment Supervision in Engineering Construction工程建设过程中环境监管模式和机构设置探析
16.Tentative Plan about Setting SPV for Securitilization in China;我国证券化特殊目的机构的设置构想
17.Design on Guiding Unit of Lifting Device for Casting Machine铸造设备中升降机构导向装置的设计
18.Improved Design for the Snubbing Mechanism in a Aircraft-Missile Launcher机载导弹发射装置减振机构设计改进

organization establishment机构设置
1.This thesis discusses the request of the credit system to organization establishment of university and college library,and analyzes the shortcomings of the traditional organization establishment in the university and college library.本文讨论了学分制对高校图书馆机构设置提出的要求,分析了传统高校图书馆机构设置的不足,提出了学分制下高校图书馆机构重新设置的相关问题。
1.Business institutions of modern library;2.包含两部分内容 :一是现代图书馆的 (业务 )机构设置 ;二是现代图书馆管理方式的变革。
2.Secondly, the consistency of targets, institutions and f.本文的基本结论是 ,没有处理危机经验的中央银行不是成熟的中央银行 ;成熟的中央银行要求保持目标模式、机构设置和职能设定的一致性 ;一致性要求效率和规则。
3.It is a fact that the institutions and reform of universities is highly behind of the transformation of society.我国高等院校在内部机构设置与改革方面已经明显落后于社会的转型,论文试图通过对大学机构设置历史与现实的分析,找出我国高校在内部机构设置方面所存在的具体问题,并有针对性的提出具体的应对措施,以期能对我国高等院校尤其是地方高校的内部机构设置提供有益的启示。
4)organizational structure机构设置
1.This article argues that the current organizational structure of Chinese libraries does not lend itself well to the application of new inrofmation technologies.传统图书馆的机构设置与现代信息技术的广泛应用极不适应。
2.Closer Economic Partnership Agreement(CEPA),as a free trade agreement,currently works with weak organizational structure.《内地与香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排》作为一项自由贸易协定,目前采取了弱机构设置的模式,其组织机构的设置非常简单,并采用"协商一致"的决策机制,这影响了更紧密经贸关系安排的有效运作,为此,建议对此进行修正,完善现有的机构设置:设立专门委员会,独立处理某一贸易部门的相关事务。
5)organization setup机构设置
1.To establish tax police inour country, we should start with legal basis ,organization setup and duty scope.我国税务警察的建立,主要从法律依据、机构设置、职责范围等几个方面着手进行。
2.The own viewpoint of safety supervising system and organization setup was put forward.就如何管好用好国有煤矿安全监控系统及机构设置提出了自己的观点。
6)organization structuring机构设置

房地产信贷部机构设置房地产信贷部机构设置  【房地产信贷部机构设t】房地产信贷部的机构设置必须遵循以下原则:①接受当地人民政府关于承办房改金融业务的委托,并报经人民银行批准。②真正实行单独核算、自主经营、自负盈亏、自求平衡、单独缴税的管理体制。专门办理房改金融业务。③省、自治区分行房地产信贷部在初期可与建经处合署办公,设专人管理房改金融业务,随着业务的发展逐步分离出来;直辖市、计划单列市分行和市、县支行一般应单独设立房地产信贷部,管理房改金融业务。目前各地建设银行房地产信贷部机构的设置大体有如下类型:1.上合下分型。省行房地产信贷部与建行处合署办公,一个机构,两块牌子。省以下行房地产信贷部,基本都与建经部门分开,单独设立机构。2.全分型。从省分行房地产信贷部到县支行房地产信贷部,都与建经部门分开单设,上下自成体系。3.兼职型。房地产信贷部与建经部门分开单设,由建经处长兼任房地产信贷部主任,另设专职副主任。4.全合型。上下建行部门一律与房地产信贷部合署办公。这主要在一些房改还未起步的边远省份实行。此外,机构设置程序主要是:1.取得地方政府委托。2.报人民银行批准。3.办理有关经营手续。