保障模式,support mode
1)support mode保障模式
1.Combining the reality of military medical measurement, related support modes at peacetime and wartime as well as supervising modes are analyzed in detail.提出了以现实需要和未来战争要求为牵引的计量管理思想,结合当前军事医学计量管理实际,对平时和战时医学计量保障模式以及监督管理模式作出具体的分析,给出了构建各类保障模块的几个方面及其逻辑关系。
2.Thus,it isvery important to envision the new materiel support modes.在这种情况下,对知识军事条件下的装备保障模式进行构想,将积极推动装备保障理论和方法的发展。
3.It would cause big effect on aviation material support mode after incorporate combined operations appeared, it is important to investigate a new aviation material support mode.一体化联合作战的出现必将对航材保障模式带来重大影响,有必要研究探索新的航材保障模式

1.The Right to Exist and Its Protection Models;最低生活保障权的性质及其保障模式
2.The Study on the Characteristics of the East Asian Social Security Mode and the Reminder of It;试论东亚社会保障模式的特点及启示
3.Housing Endowment Mode--A Supplementary Pension Protection Mode in China;“以房养老”:一种补充的养老保障模式
4.The Modes of Modern Social Security and the Contributing Factors;现代社会保障模式及其影响因素分析
5.Ideas to Support Mode of Equipment Maintenance Apparatus Based on SCM;基于SCM的装备维修器材保障模式构想
6.A Study on the Support Pattern of Eco-tourism for Sustainable Development in Less-developed Areas;可持续发展的生态旅游保障模式研究
7.Talking about University s R&D Information Security Mode;浅谈高校R&D信息保障模式的建立
8.Information Guarantee Model and Operation Mechanism of Knowledge Innovation;知识创新的信息保障模式与运行机制
9.On the Supply Models of Document Resources of Social Science in China;论我国社会科学文献资源的保障模式
10.On Popularization of Self - supporting - patterned Social Security;谈自助型社会保障模式在国内的推广
11.Social Security Tax:The Best Choice for Financing Models of the Optimized Social Security;社会保障税:优化社会保障筹资模式的最佳选择
12.On Social Security of Rural Migrant Workers between Guangdong Model and Shanghai Model农民工社会保障“广东模式”与“上海模式”研究
13.Study on the the Model of Circular Economy Operation and Its System Guarantee;循环经济运行模式及其制度保障研究
14.The Model of "Selling Houses to Live Out the Aged Lives in Retirement"-A New View of "Old-age Guarantee";售房养老模式—养老保障新视角探讨
15.The Research of PIPP Pattern in Public Housing Security System;基于PIPP模式的公共住房保障体系研究
16.Analysis on Factors Affecting the Ability Forming Model of Equipment Support;装备保障能力生成模式影响因素分析
17.Ideas,Mode and Guarantee in Shenzhen Urban Agricultural Development;深圳都市农业发展的思路、模式与保障
18.Study on Security Insurance Operation Model of Highway Passenger Transportation Enterprises;公路客运企业安全保障运作模式研究

Security Mode保障模式
1.Study on the Stratification Structure and Social Security Mode of the Aged;老年群体的层级结构与养老保障模式研究
2.This paper,by using the case of Huai\'an Economic Development Zone,makes deep study of these farmers\' security mode,An inaugurated security mode is put forward which is named "six in one" and the government should exert leading effect in this security mode.为此,以淮安市经济开发区为例,采用案例研究方法,对失地农民的保障模式进行深入的研究,提出了政府主导型失地农民保障模式,以货币补偿为前提,维持失地农民的基本生活;社会保障是关键,解决失地农民的后顾之忧;以土地换股权,让被征地农民有长久的资产性收入;以促进就业、扶持创业为重点,增强失地农民的谋生能力;建立居住安置机制,提高失地农民生活质量;建立面向农民的法律援助中心,便于农民寻求法律援助。
3)material-medium security model物质保障模式
4)basic security mode基本保障模式
5)logistics support mode物流保障模式
6)quality assurance pattern质量保障模式
1.The traditional university quality assurance pattern has three types: continental pattern, American pattern and British pattern.传统的高校质量保障模式有三种类型:大陆模式,美国模式和英国模式。

后勤持续保障能力(见后勤保障能力)后勤持续保障能力(见后勤保障能力)sustained logistic support capability  houqin chixu baozhQng nengli后勤持续保障能力(sus‘ained 10915‘ics叩port eaPability)见后勤保障能力。