部分容积效应,partial volume effect
1)partial volume effect部分容积效应
1.Partial volume effect in PET images: phantom study;PET显像部分容积效应的实验研究
2.Objective The aim of this study was to investigate the partial volume effect of positive nodules on positron emission tomography(PET) and set up a correction method.目的研究PET阳性结节部分容积效应(P V E)的规律和校正方法。

1.Correction of Partial Volume Effect of Positive Nodules on PETPET阳性结节灶的部分容积效应校正
2.Volumetric efficiency and structure design to certain radial piston pump with axial flow distribution某型轴配流径向柱塞泵容积效率分析
3.Analysis on the Acceptable Scale and Energy Substitution Effects of the Coal Conversion to Oil Projects in Western China;西部煤制油项目可容纳规模与能源替代效应分析
5.The value of isotropic scanning in accessory nasal sinuses各向同性容积CT扫描在鼻窦部检查中应用
6.Like hydration, the final effects of fluid and salt depletion depend on the volume of fluid.象水合作用一样,水和盐分耗竭的最终效应,也是根据液体的容积而定的。
7.Synthetically Apply "Gather Together Differential"and"Divide Part Integral" Method to Solve a Problem;综合应用“凑微分”与“分部积分”法解题
8.using measurement by volume, as in volumetric analysis.测量容积的,如容量分析。
9.parallel middlebody volume平行船体中部排水容积
10.Full Reach and Burde全部载货容积与载重量
11.Popularization of Subsection Integral Method--Derivation and Integral,Subsection Integral Method;分部积分法的推广——导积分部积分法
12.The article studied on the treatment of papermaking wastewater with MBR, and contrasted with bio-contact oxidation(BCO) method.研究内容主要分为两部分,即膜生物反应器处理废水效果和膜污染的研究。
13.An Analysis of a Positive Effect for China and Russia to Establish a Free Trade Zone;中俄建立自由贸易区的积极效应分析
14.Effect and Adjustment of Positive Finance Policy;积极财政政策的效应分析与现实选择
15.The Analyze of Haul Effective by National about Chinese Positive Finaning Policy;中国积极财政政策国债挤进效应分析
16.the part of calculus that deals with integration and its application in the solution of differential equations and in determining areas or volumes etc..微积分学中有关积分与它在微分方程和测定面积,体积等的应用的部分。
17.It is concluded that the amplitude changes in the plethymogram may be used as the objective index of analysing the effectiveness of acupuncture anesthesia.末梢血管容积的改变,可以作为评定针麻效果的客观反应指标。
18.The Relationship Between Primary Tumor Volume and Treatment Outcome in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma with Radiotherapy;鼻咽癌放射治疗中肿瘤容积效应及相关因素的研究

partial volume部分容积
3)Partial volume analysis部分容积分析法
4)excluded volume effect排斥容积效应
1.In general, cellular interiors are 20%~30% volume occupied physically by macromolecules, and such an intracellular environment has been termed as "macromolecular crowding" or "the excluded volume effect" more precisely.对源于排斥容积效应的拥挤理论分析表明它对所有大分子之间的反应在热力学和动力学上都有很大的影响 。
5)Volume efficiency of pulmonary blood肺血容积效应
6)underwater volume水下部分容积

部分容积效应部分容积效应  声束宽度在非聚焦区可达数毫米至1cm以上,因此当遇到小于声束切面厚度的病灶时,在声像图上出现病灶区与其周围区回声相互重叠的图像,即部分容积效应。