核算模式,accounting mode
1)accounting mode核算模式
1.On rural team accounting mode under village autonomy;乡村自治下农村村组财务核算模式研究
2.The accounting mode of the cost of personnel training is defined.论述了高等学校引入人才成本核算的必要性,明确了人才培养成本的核算模式,对人才成本核算的对象、成本范围如何确定,对成本的分类、费用的归集和分配、成本计算期、人才成本计算公式进行了详细的阐述,提出了人才培养成本分析的方法。
3.Value added tax is the biggest tax sort,and the differ- ences between value added tax accounting and financial accounting is quite wide,this kind of financial and tax uni- fication accounting mode make the comparability and the comparability between pay and gain of financial accounting information and the fidelity of tax accounting information we.增值税是我国第 一大税种,并且增值税会计与财务会计的差异比较大,这种财税合一的核算模式使得财务会计信息的可比性、配比 性与税务会计信息的保真度在某种程度上受到了弱化,给财务会计信息和税务会计信息的使用者带来不便,甚至 可能误导投资者和债权人。

1.Research on Cost Calculation Mode Improvement in War Industry Research Institute;军工科研单位成本核算模式改进研究
2.National Wealth: the Review on Nordhaus-Tobin Accounting Model;国民福利:诺德豪斯—托宾核算模式评析
3.Accounting Model of the Comprehensive University under the Network Environment;网络环境下分散式综合大学的会计核算模式
4.Establishment of Forest Land Accounting System and Making It Join into Governmental Macro-accounting;林地核算模式构建及纳入国民经济核算体系的思考
5.Thoughts on Social Model of Enterprise And Administrate Unit Accounting Treatment企事业单位会计核算模式社会化之设想
6.Integrated Business Process Outsourcing Delivery and Accounting Model Research;商业流程外包整合管理及会计核算模式研究
7.The Research on the Reform of the Accounting System s Mode of the Operational Public Institution in Our Country;我国经营性事业单位会计核算模式改革研究
8.Exploration of Human Resour ce Measuring Mode on the Basis of ABC Management Method;基于ABC管理法的人力资源核算模式的研究
9.Comparison of Accounting for Nonprofit Entities between China and Foreign Countries;中西方国家非营利组织会计核算模式的比较
10.The study of logistics expense calculation pattern about Electrical appliances enterprise in our country;我国家电企业的物流费用核算模式研究
11.Analysis of Business Enterprise Accounting Mode under the Condition of Ownership and Legal Property Right Seperation;两权分离条件下商业企业核算模式的探析
12.Reconstruction of Cost Accounting Model and Its Application in Logistics;重构成本核算模式及其在物流中的应用
13.A Study on the Way of Concentration Check-The Mode s Research of Accountancy Company;集中核算方式——会计公司模式的研究
14.On engineering account examination in the model of bills of quantity;浅谈清单计价模式下的工程结算审核
15.To Establish the Framework of Model 4-SAM Account;模式4-SAM核算的基本框架构建
16.Hospital Bonuses Numeration System Based on B/S Mode基于B/S模式的医院奖金核算系统
17.Constructivism -based Computerize d Accounting Calculation Case Syste m Mode;基于建构主义的电算化会计核算案例教学模式
18.The Hospital Adopts the Operation Mode of Cost Accounting and the System of Cost Accounting to Build Practical Operation医院全成本核算的运行模式与成本核算体系构建

multi-mode treatment多模式核算
3)accounting and management model核算与管理模式
1.In order to discuss how to construct and improve an appropriate accounting and management model,analysis and control system,this paper proposes a model and then explicates it.为此 ,本文针对高校实施会计电算化后 ,如何建立和完善与之相适应的核算与管理模式、分析与控制机制进行了探讨 ,设计并实施了一个模型予以阐述 ,提出了深化高校会计电算化管理的一个解决方
4)pattern matching operation模式核对运算
5)mode of rural accounting农村会计核算模式
1.Factors which affect the rural accounting are various, This article has conducted the research from the mode of rural accounting and its choice.影响农村会计核算规范的因素是多方面的,本文从农村会计核算模式选择的角度进行了研究。
6)establish new type of accounting calculation model建立新型会计核算模式

矿产资源核算与国民经济核算矿产资源核算与国民经济核算mineral resources accounts on the system of national accounts kuangehan ziyuan hesuan yu guominjingJ一hesuan矿产资源核算与国民经济核算(而ne耐resouI’cesac-eounts on the叮stem of national accounts)在国民经济核算体系中建立与矿产资源核算的关系。在国民经济核算体系中反映矿产资源的各种经济数量状况:①把矿产资源勘查部门、矿产资源所有者和矿产资源使用者都列人机构部门,分别归人不同核算范围;②将矿产资源列人资产范围,属于非金融非生产资产;③将矿产资源勘查列人固定资本形成总额。由此即可进人国民经济核算体系的国内生产总值核算、投人产出核算、资源流量核算、资产负债核算中。 中国在1992年颁布实施新国民经济核算体系。联合国等有关组织1993年发表的《1993年版国民经济核算体系》中都有矿产资源核算内容。这标志着矿产资源核算与国民经济核算体系建立了初步联系。矿产资源核算与国民经济核算体系的关系还需要不断改进和完善。(何贤杰纪方)