问卷分析,questionnaire analysis
1)questionnaire analysis问卷分析

1.Analysis of EPQ on 50 Prostitutes;50名卖淫妇女艾森克人格问卷分析
2.An Analysis of a Survey of the Teaching Effect of Plane Formation Course;对《平面构成》课教学效果的问卷分析
3.Application of Gene Expression Programming in Questionnaire Analysis基因表达式编程在问卷分析中的应用
4.Factor Analysis Personality Questionnaire因素分析型人格问卷
5.An Analysis of the Principal Questionnaire on the Random Fee Collection;关于乱收费问题校长调查问卷的分析
6.Application of "comprehensive happiness questionnaire" in the aging group;《综合幸福问卷》在老年人群中应用分析
7.Analysis on Questionnaire of Enterprise Overall-risk Management in China;我国企业全面风险管理问卷调查分析
8.A Survey on Study Requests of the Students in Vocational College Students;高职学生英语学习需求问卷调查分析
9.Analysis and Reflection on the Survey of Information Quality of University Students;大学生信息素质问卷调查分析与思考
10.Job Satisfaction Questionnaire for the Grass Roots Border-control Policeman: Development, Reliability and Validity;边防警官工作满意度问卷编制及分析
11.Compiling and analyzing the Questionaire about Classical Literature Curriculum Teaching;古代文学课程教学调查问卷汇总分析
12.The Influence of "Resistant of the Mentality" to the Questionnaire Research;“心理饱和”对问卷调查的影响分析
13.Analysis of 3PL Logistic Supply Based on the Questionnaires;基于问卷调查的第三方物流供给分析
14.Analysis on Questionnaire Investigation of Rizhao Ecological Industrial Park Planning;日照生态工业园规划问卷调查与分析
15.The Factor Analysis of the EPQ Structural Validity;艾森克个性问卷理论结构的因素分析
16.The Analysis of Questionnaire Survey of enforcement Situation of Accounting Law;新《会计法》实施情况的问卷调查分析
17.Validity Analysis on the Evaluation Questionnaire"SEEQ;教学效果评价问卷SEEQ信度分析
18.The Questionnaire Analysis on Foreign Teacher s Oral English Teaching;外籍教师英语口语教学问卷调查分析

Position analysis ria questionnaires职位问卷分析法
3)questionnaire and empirical analysis问卷调查与分析
4)Clinical Analysis Questionnaire临床分析问卷
5)Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ)职位分析问卷
6)Questionnaires Methods问卷调查分析
