博士生,doctoral candidates
1)doctoral candidates博士生
1.A Study on Quality Guarantee Mechanism of the Chinese and American Doctoral Candidates Cultivation;中美博士生培养质量保障机制研究
2.Innovational ability improvement of doctoral candidates and reform of cultivation mode博士生创新能力的提高与培养模式改革
3.This article analyzes the problems of enrollment system、cultivation、dissertation defence and tutor of the cultivation of doctoral candidates in China and explores the countermeasures.当前我国博士生培养中存在着招生制度不健全;培养环节流于形式;评审、答辩把关不严;导师指导水平参差不齐等问题。

1."Full and associate professors, and Ph D advisers"教授,副教授,博士生导师
2.Give the doctoral student (candidate) an oral examination on his dissertation.举行博士生论文答辩会
3.The doctor was at peace.博士生活得很安宁。
4.Research Areas for MPhil and PhD include:硕士研究生及博士生的研究领域:
5.Thinking of the Self-training for Doctor from the Perspective of an Engineering PhD Student关于硕博连读型博士生自我培养的探析——以一个工科博士生的视角
6.There are3 doctorial graduate students,22 master graduate students and99 undergraduate college students.现有博士生3人,硕士生22人,本科生99人。
7.Report on Education Quality of Ph.D Students;博士研究生教育质量状况调查报告(博士生导师卷)
8.On the Doctorial Advisor Team Construction and the Measures to Improve the Training of the Doctorial Students;博士生导师队伍建设与博士生培养质量的思考及措施
9.The Attitudes of Unmarried Female PHD Candidates towards Romance and Marriage--A Study Based on Interviews With 5 Female PHD Candidates未婚单身女博士生婚恋观调查——基于对5位女性博士研究生的访谈
10.The Reforms on Doctoral Education in France under the Background of the Bologna Process博洛尼亚进程背景下的法国博士生教育改革
11.Cancelling Doctor s Degree System:the Fundamental Measure to Vindicate Dignity of Doctor s Degree;取消博士生学制是维护博士学位尊严的根本措施
12.(The writer is a PhD student at Taiwan's National Chengchi University.)·作者是台湾政治大学博士生
13.Doctor of Science in Public Health Engineering (DSPHE)公共卫生工程学博士
14.Larger Than Life; A Biography of the Remarkable Dr. Armand Hammer超越生命-哈默博士
15.Mr. Smith is a Doctor of Laws.史密斯先生是法学博士。
16.The best physicians are Dr. Diet, Dr. Quiet, and Dr. Merryman.节食博士、精心博士、快乐博士,三人都是最好的医生。
17.Dr Fung, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,冯博士、各位嘉宾、女士们、先生们:
18.Man2: "Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde."男士二:是“杰基尔博士和海德先生。”

doctoral students博士生
1.On improvement of doctoral students training quality with innovation as impetus;以创新为抓手 提高博士生培养质量
2.The necessity of Mid-period comprehensive examination for doctoral studentsis discussed.对博士生中期考核的必要性进行了深入探讨,认为实行博士生中期考核对保证博士学位授予质量,实现博士培养中期质量跟踪和监控,促进学风根本好转,改进培养管理工作具有重要意义,并提出了中期考核工作中变集中的被动考核为分散的主动考核;按专业成立考核专家组,作为博士生中期考核的常设机构;加大"考"的力度,着重学生的知识深广度和能力水平的考核等改进措施。
3.Data shows that study has a great influence on marriage and career,and this brings pressure to doctoral students.当前激烈竞争的社会使博士生群体面对相当严重的压力,并且这种压力状况与博士生不能完成社会化转折,必须同时进行学习和成家立业的社会化过程有关。
3)doctorial student博士生
1.This paper analyzes the present situation and trend of the assessing system of doctoral dissertations in the course of training doctorial students and elaborates several problems concerned.通过分析我国目前博士生培养过程中论文评审制度的现状与趋势,阐明了我国博士生教育中论文评审制度所存在的几个问题,提出了今后改革的建议和措施,以期为我国博士生教育的发展提供借鉴。
1.Research on a Evaluation System of Investigating Information Literacy of Doctors Studying at Universities;高校在培博士生信息素质调查评估系统研究
5)doctoral student博士生
1.By employing questionnaires and mathematical statistics,an investigation and analysis has been conducted on the health of doctoral students of five key universities in Nanjing.运用问卷调查和数理统计法,对南京市5所重点高校的博士生进行健康调查与分析,了解他们的健康状况和体育态度。
2.This paper discusses the significance of training top-notch doctoral students and the way how to train them.论述了在博士生中培养拔尖人才的意义 ,指出培养拔尖博士生要充分发挥博士生的自主精神 ,要注重个性培养和团队精神 ,要为博士生创造宽松而浓郁的学术环
6)Ph.D candidate博士生
1.Based on the combination of fuzzy analytic hierarchy process and information synthesis,a new method is presented and then a corresponding model is established to solve the problem of Ph.采用基于信息合成的模糊层次分析方法,以中国矿业大学博士生招生指标分配问题为背景,将层次分析法中判断矩阵进行优化,运用多个专家的判断矩阵信息进行合成,建立相应的数学模型。

恶生王生入地狱【恶生王生入地狱】 (传说)毗奈耶杂事九曰:“佛记恶生王于七日后为猛火焚烧,堕在无间大地狱中。恶生闻之,大惧怖。苦母曰:如乞索婆罗门,入舍乞求,不得物时,欲使其家生种种不吉祥事。何况沙门乔答摩所有亲族,被王诛尽,宁无深重怨恨之言耶。随其恶心为咒诅耳。王若惧,则于后园中池水内造一柱楼,王应诣彼七日居住,日满后,方可入城。王便使造楼,将诸宫人及苦母升楼住。一夜过已,苦母白王言:大王,一夜已过,余六夜过,当共入城。如是二三乃至七日。苦母言今日安稳可共入城中。时四面忽云起。诸宫人相谓曰:庄严结束,可往城中。有一女以日光珠安偃枕上自严饰。云去天晴,日光忽现,照触宝珠便火出,烧其偃枕。猛炎上腾,即烧楼阁。诸宫人等四散驰走,恶生苦母皆被火烧,身皆烂熟,俱大号叫,便堕无间大地狱中,受诸极苦。”涅槃经二十曰:“阿阇世王,复于前路闻舍婆提毗流离王乘船入海遇火而死。”琉璃王经曰:“佛言诸比丘:彼琉璃王,肆意恶逆,罪盛乃尔。却后七日,有地狱火,当烧杀之,现世作罪便现世受。大使奏谶,怪与佛同。王大恐怖,乘船入海,冀得自免。停住海中,至七日期尽,水中则有自然火出。烧船及王,一时灰灭。”楞严经八曰:“琉璃大王,善星比丘,琉璃为诛瞿昙族姓。善星妄说一切法空,生身陷入阿鼻地狱。”