下颌孔,Mandibular Foramen
1)Mandibular Foramen下颌孔
1.Study on the Location of Mandibular Foramen and the Measurement of Sigmoid Notch and Ramus;成人下颌孔的位置及下颌切迹和下颌支的测量
2.Objective To provide anatomical reference for anesthesia surgery through measureing mandibular foramen and many other bone marks.目的通过对下颌孔位置进行测量,为临床美容手术提供解剖学参考和依据。
3.Objective To study the location of mandibular foramen in male and female with digital image of orthopanotomography.目的利用数字成像曲面断层技术获得有关成人下颌孔位置的影像数据,以进一步了解性别、颌骨形态对其位置有无影响以及是否存在左右侧的差异性,为临床应用提供解剖与影像方面的参考和指导。

1.The largest distortion was at mental and mandible foramen regions at standard positon.在基准位置下,颏孔及下颌孔部的变形失真率最大。
2.Location Study on Mandibular Foramen in Adults with Digital Image of Orthopanotomography;利用数字成像曲面断层技术对18岁-28岁成人下颌孔位置的研究
3.The jaw, especially the lower jaw.(下)颌颌,尤指下颌
4.Morphology of Physiological Foramen of Mandibular Premolars;下颌前磨牙生理性根尖孔形态的研究
5.Clinical Study of Maxillary Sinus Cystectomy Through Its Anterior Wall with Nasal Endoscope鼻内镜下经上颌窦前壁锁孔入路摘除上颌窦囊肿的临床研究
6.Cases of Endoscopic Sinus Surgery for Antrochoanal Polyp鼻内镜下手术治疗儿童上颌窦后鼻孔息肉
7.Conclusion Operation is effective for temporomandibular joint disc perforation.结论手术治疗对于颞下颌关节盘穿孔具有显著疗效。
8.Ultrastructure changes of temporomandibular jointa temporomandibular joint after disc perforation:a scanning electron microscopic study关节盘穿孔对兔颞下颌关节影响的扫描电镜观察
9.The effect of three materials in repairing pulp chamber perforation of mandibular second deciduous molars下颌第二乳磨牙髓室底穿孔三种材料修复的疗效观察
10.Sex estimation by exmincotiou of mandibula;下颌角下颌支部残碎下颌骨判定性别的研究
11.The lower jaw of a vertebrate animal.下颌骨脊椎运动的下颌骨
12.(3)shorter mandibular length with mandibular and chin retrognathia;(3)下颌短,下颌与颏部明显后缩;
13.A Study of Three-dimensional Reconstruction and Measurement of Edentulous Jaws;下颌无牙颌后牙区颌骨的三维重建及测量研究
14.The Influence of Facial Asymmetric Deformity and Orthognathic Surgery on the Temporomandibular Joint偏颌畸形及其正颌手术对颞下颌关节的影响
15.Having the lower jaw or teeth projecting beyond the upper;underhung.下门牙或下颌突出的下颌或牙突出超过上颌或牙的;下颚突出的
16.Effects of Orthodontic Treatment on Temporomandibular Joint and Mandibular Position in Young Adults with Mandibular Deviation;正畸治疗对年轻成人下颌偏斜患者颞下颌关节及下颌位置的影响
17.lingual mandibular salivary gland depression涎腺下颌骨舌侧陷入
18.tangential position roentgenography of mandibular ramus下颌升支切线位投照术

mandibular accessory foramen下颌副孔
3)foramen of mandibular nerve下颌神经孔
4)lower jaw (jaw)下颌(颌骨)
1.Review about the changes of mandibular crowding during post-retention period;下颌前牙拥挤在保持期后的变化研究进展
1.Nursing Care for the Patients with Acute Submaxillay Phlegmon;急性颌下蜂窝组织炎的护理

第二孔(继发孔)型缺损第二孔(继发孔)型缺损ostium secondary defect 是心房间隔在形成上发生障碍,一般缺损较大,多在卵圆孔附近称第二孔(继发孔)型缺损。