骨胳肌,Skeletal muscle
1)Skeletal muscle骨胳肌
1.The role of skeletal muscle in lactate production and disposal;骨胳肌在乳酸生成和清除中的作用
2.The uncoupling proteins are now known to be mitochondrial inner membrane proteins,which express in brown adipose tissue(BAT)、white adipose tissue(WAT)、skeletal muscle and organs,Ther are main thermogenic sites of non-shivering thermogenesis(NST)and other thermogenesis in mammalians and avian,and play an important role in maintaining the body temperature and energy balance.解偶联蛋白属线粒体内膜载体蛋白,存在动物体的棕色脂肪组织(brown adipose tissue,BAT)、白色脂肪组织(white adipose tissue,WAT)、骨胳肌以及各种器官中。

1.The Pathogenesy and Protection of Myocardial Injury during Skeletal Muscle Ischemia Reperfusion;骨胳肌缺血再灌注的心肌损伤机理及其保护
2.Transient immobilization and stravation add to this impost on the skeletal muscle mass.暂时的卧床和饥饿更加重了这种骨胳肌的消耗。
3.Content variety of 8 kinds trace elements in the skeletal muscle after exhaused movement of mouse;极量运动对小鼠骨胳肌八种元素含量的影响
4.Extraction and Detection of Type I Collagen From Skeletal Muscle of Sunit Sheep苏尼特羊骨胳肌I型胶原蛋白的提取及鉴定
5.The segment of a somite in a vertebrate embryo that differentiates into skeletal muscle.肌节在脊椎动物的胚胎中,分成骨胳肌的部分体节
6.Experimental Research on the in Vitro/in Vivo Tumor-Inhibitory Action of Skeletal Muscle Derived Tumor Suppressor;骨胳肌源性抑瘤物体内、体外抑瘤作用的实验研究
7.Effect of IGF-Ⅰon Regeneration of SD Rat Skeletal Muscle After Motility Damage;胰岛素样生长因子-Ⅰ在大鼠骨胳肌运动性损伤再生中的作用
8.Research on Effects of Ginsenoside Rg1 on the Skeletal Muscle Micro-injury after Eccentric Exercise in Rats;人参皂甙Rg1对大鼠离心运动后骨胳肌微损伤的作用研究
9.To improve the low limbs amyotrophy , varix , to keep the good states of the skeleton and joint.能改善下肢肌肉萎缩,静脉曲张,保持骨胳及关节的良好状态。
10.arm, leg, face, etc muscles胳膊、 大腿、 面部等的肌肉
11.These cells destroy bone, trimming off rough edges, helping sculpture the bone back to its original shape.这些细胞破坏骨胳,修去骨胳上的粗糙的边,帮助雕塑骨胳,恢复原状。
12.BJ is the head( leader), but sh is FAT( worker)!!一个人有头脑,有肌肉,有骨胳,有脂肪,在任何时候,脂肪是可以舍弃的,而头是要保护的!!
13.The structure of the pelvic bones showed the skeleton was that of a female.骨盆构造说明,这个骨胳是女性的。
14.A sustained pull applied mechanically especially to the arm, leg, or neck so as to correct fractured or dislocated bones, overcome muscle spasms, or relieve pressure.牵引尤指对胳膊、腿或脖子机械地不断地拉以便矫正骨折或脱臼的骨头,治愈肌肉痉挛以及减轻压力
15.Only the bone data needs to be stored for every frame of the animation. Usually, the bone data is represented by quaternions.存储动画帧我们仅仅需要骨胳的数据。通常,骨胳数据由四元数表示。
16.Mesh( vertices) or skin is attached to the bones. Hence, when the bones move/ rotate, the vertices attached to the bone also move/ rotate.网格(点)皮被纳入到骨胳里。因此,当骨胳移动/转,顶点也随之移动/转。
17.He flung out a lean arm.他猛地举起了他的瘦骨嶙峋的胳膊。
18.fishes in which the skeleton may be calcified but not ossified.骨胳能钙化却不能硬化的鱼。

skeletal muscle micro-injury骨胳肌微损伤
1.It has been well recognized that eccentric exercise-induced skeletal muscle micro-injury has great effects on the exercise capacity.离心运动导致的骨胳肌微损伤对机体的运动能力有较大影响。
3)skeletal muscle extracts骨胳肌提取液
1.The skeleton of a silver fox consists of skull, and bones of trunk and free members.银黑狐的骨胳由头骨、躯干骨和四肢骨组成。
5)skeletal muscle ischemia reperfusion骨胳肌缺血再灌注

骨胳肌   由骨胳肌细胞构成的一种肌组织。大多数骨胳肌都附着于骨上,是体内数量最多的组织,在人体中占体重的40%。骨胳肌细胞又称肌纤维,有横纹,受躯体神经支配,属于有横纹的随意肌。骨胳肌细胞呈细长圆柱形,长度数毫米至数十厘米,细胞内多核,核位于肌膜(细胞膜)下。细胞质称肌质,内含大量的肌原纤维。肌原纤维与肌纤维的纵轴呈平行排列。肌原纤维中有由收缩蛋白质构成的粗肌丝和细肌丝。粗、细肌丝在肌原纤维中呈规则的、有序的排列。由于粗、细肌丝之间的相互作用和滑行,产生了肌肉的收缩。在体内骨胳肌纤维平聚集成肌束并有结缔组织包裹,由肌束再集合成肌肉眼。大多数肌肉的两端都和肌腱相连,肌肉跨过关节以肌腱附着于骨上。肌肉收缩可牵动骨,环绕关节运动。人体的各种躯体运动都昌由神经控制骨胳肌的收缩和舒张而实现的。   人体有肌肉600多块,在完成躯体的各种活动中起着不同的作用。对各块肌肉作用的了解,过去主要是用解剖推算法,根据肌肉起止点及其通过关切之间的位置关系以判断该肌肉的作用。近年来应用肌电图的方法进行研究,配合遥测技术及快速摄影等方法,在人体作各种运动时,可以测出不同部位的许多肌肉同时活动情况,使对活体上同胳肌功能 的研究达到了新的水平。有关肌肉功能的了解在临床各科尤其是神经科和整形外科,对疾病的诊断、预后和治疗是不可少的,对设计制作假肢,研究、指导体育训练也是很重要的基础理论。