扫雷,mine sweeping
1)mine sweeping扫雷
1.Power characteristics of solid FAE's blast field near ground and its application in mine sweeping固态燃料空气炸药近地面爆炸场威力特性分析及扫雷应用
2.At last, The trial of mine sweeping by using kilowatt class fiber laser was presented.最后介绍了利用所研制的千瓦级大功率光纤激光器进行扫雷的试验。

1.mine warfare ship布扫雷船布—扫雷
2.Parametric Instal and Magnetic Field Analysis Based on Mine Dredger's Non-contact Magnetic Mine Sweeping Formation扫雷舰非接触磁扫雷编队参数设置及磁场分析
3.They are patrol boats, mine-layers, mine-sweepers and so on.有巡逻艇、布雷舰、扫雷舰、等等。
4.It says that is the most land cleared in one year since modern de-mining efforts started in nineteen eighty.它还谈到这是自1980年现代扫雷努力开展后扫雷面积最大的一年。
5.In 1998, the Chinese government donated US$ 100,000 to the UN Voluntary Trust Fund for mine clearance operations in Bosnia-Herzegovina.1998年,中国向联合国扫雷自愿信托基金捐款10万美元用于波黑扫雷
6.China continues to promote domestic and international mine clearance efforts.中国继续推动国内和国际扫雷努力。
7.Study on the Method of Traction Control of the Towed Mine-hunting and Mine-sweeping Armaments拖曳式猎扫雷装备循迹控制方法研究
8.Efficiency Evaluation of Cooperative Mine Sweeping Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process基于层次分析法的协同扫雷效能评估
9.electronically scanned stacked beam radar电子扫描迭加波束雷达
10.a radar operator, installation, scanner雷达手、 设备、 扫描天线.
11.Conical scanning radar receiver圆锥扫描雷达接收机
12.the activity of detecting and disposing of marine mines.探测并扫除水雷的活动。
13.electronically steerable array radar电子操纵相控阵雷达电子扫描雷达
14.sector scan监视某一有限地区的雷达扫描
15.eagle scanner飞机雷达投弹瞄准器扫掠装置
16.The area was scanned for signs of enemy aircraft.该空域用雷达扫描以便发现敌机踪迹。
17.Grace gave the room a thorough cleaning.格雷斯对房间进行彻底的打扫。
18.A directed energy beam would scan the area from above.定向能源束从上空扫描雷区,

1.The control technology research on high precision joint minesweeping based on DSP;基于DSP的高精度联合扫雷控制技术研究
2.Application of GPS Technique to Hydrographic Minesweeping;GPS在水道扫雷中的应用
3.An efficient sparker for a pulse powered underwater acoustic source for minesweeping is capable of repetitive discharges at about 15Hz for at least one hour without replacement or maintenance.水下扫雷用的、用于脉冲水下声源的高效火花发生器能够重复放电,频率约为15 Hz,持续时间至少1h,无需更换和维护。
1.Before and after the exposure to environmental magnetic field in minesweepers, the crewman's ECG,ICG, pulmonary function, oxygen saturation and rheoencephalograms were examed. 探讨了扫雷艇同步扫雷时环境磁场对艇员某些生理检查指标的作用。
2.To research shield material into minesweeper magnetic-protective clothing. 探讨扫雷艇磁场防护服屏蔽材料。
3.Objective: To observe changes of heart functions in the minesweeper crew after the synchronous magnetic minesweeping operations.目的 :观察扫雷艇同步扫雷通磁作业前后艇员心功能的变化。
4)synchronous mine sweeping同步扫雷
1.To investigate the effect of environmental magnetic field upon crewman's physiological indexes during synchronous mine sweeping. 探讨了扫雷艇同步扫雷时环境磁场对艇员某些生理检查指标的作用。
2.Objective: To study the change of plasma HSP70 in the shipcrew exposured to environmental magnetic field during synchronous mine sweeping.目的 :探讨某部队同步扫雷通磁作业前后艇员血浆热应激蛋白 70的变化。
3.To investigate the effect of environmental magnetic field upon crewman s physiological indexes during synchronous mine sweeping.探讨了扫雷艇同步扫雷时环境磁场对艇员某些生理检查指标的作用。
5)mine sweep扫雷具
1.It is directly related to the organization and implement of anti-mine operation to make a precise evaluation for the mine sweep.准确评估扫雷具作战效能,直接关系到反水雷作战能否有效地组织与实施。
6)radar scan雷达扫描
1.Proposed control room of the wharf ground to realize unloading ship machine of long-distance controls and achieve the unloading ship machine’s roboticized work Simultaneity take the radar scan technology and the picture processing technology as the core, designed one thing and position automatic detection system applied mechanically to automatically the unloading ship machine.同时以雷达扫描技术和图像处理技术为核心,设计了一套用于自动卸船机的物位自动检测系统。

扫雷扫雷mine clearing SQ0lei扫雷(mine elearing)搜索和清除地雷、陆军水雷及其他爆炸物的行动。通常是在己方占领和收复的地区内进行。目的是保障军队行动自由和居民生命财产的安全,尽快恢复正常的生产和生活秩序。按清扫范围分为道路扫雷、江河扫雷、全面扫雷、在地雷场中开辟和扩大通路。通常由工程兵专业分队和经过专门训练的其他人员实施。 方法在己方地区扫雷的主要手段是人工扫雷,必要时辅以爆破法扫雷、机械扫雷或磁扫雷器(见扫雷器)扫雷。人工扫雷即以手工方法使地雷、水雷及未爆炸的炸弹等爆炸物失效,或将其移走、销毁。人工扫雷是最早的并且至今仍在使用的一种简便可靠的扫雷方法,通常由训练有素的人员或分队实施。这种方法扫雷彻底,适用于各种地形和天候条件,但作业速度慢,扫雷效率低。爆破法扫雷是利用炸药爆炸产物和冲击波诱爆地雷或使其失效(图l)。常用曝 图l爆破法扫雷的扫雷装药有直列装药、集团装药和导爆索网(或导爆索帘)。扫雷装药多用人工送人,必要时也可以用炸药抛射、火箭拖带、坦克牵引或推送、直升机投放等方式将其送人地雷场。爆破法扫雷速度快,但扫雷难以彻底,常需辅以人工搜排。机械扫雷是使用机械扫雷器扫雷。对防步兵地雷场,有时也可使用履带式车辆、压路机等碾压扫除。磁扫雷器扫雷仅适用于扫除装有磁感应引信的爆炸物。 组织与实施战斗过程中扫雷,一般由合成军队司令部统一计划,由下属各有关部队、分队组织实施。工程兵地雷爆破分队通常担任对道路及重要目标、地域的扫雷,并对其他兵种扫雷进行技术指导。扫雷时先实施侦察,尔后清扫;如时间紧迫,可边探边扫,有时不经探测即直接清扫。 战后全面扫雷,是对曾经进行过战斗的田野、江河、山林及居民地、道路等,实施全面侦察和彻底清扫地雷等爆炸物的行动。由于区域广阔,任务繁重,所需兵力和时间较多,除重要目标和地段由工程兵清扫外,一般地区可由其他兵种或民兵在工程兵指导和协助下进行清扫。扫雷前要搜集敌布雷、投弹的有关文件和情报资料,以便有针对性地采取措施。对于担任扫雷任务的其他兵种和民兵要进行探雷、扫雷的技术训练。组织作业时,可使每个分队担任一个区域或目标的侦察和搜排;也可编成侦察分队和搜排分队,分别展开作业。扫雷分队要适时向上级报告作业情况并在完成任务后呈报扫雷报告表。领导机关对已扫雷区域(目标)要组织复查或质量抽查,确认清扫彻底后,方可准许军队进驻或移交地方当局。