成本核算系统,cost accounting system
1)cost accounting system成本核算系统
1.Application of low-cost dynamic steelmaking cost accounting system in Chongqing Iron & Steel Co.,Ltd.低成本炼钢动态成本核算系统在重钢的应用
2.Now we design a cost accounting system combining Microsoft Excel with a parallel summary process costing method, which can achieve accuracy and timeliness and can succee.在大量、大批、装配式、多步骤生产企业里,采用平行结转分步法,从整体的角度将各步骤计算的应由产成品成本负担的份额平行汇总,成本核算工作量大,且成本数据间的链接关系错综复杂,而Microsoft Excel与平行结转分步法相结合的成本核算系统,能够很好地实现成本核算的准确性、及时性,在激烈的市场竞争中以低成本、高收益取胜。

1.The Research on the Generality of Integrated Cost Accounting System;基于集成的成本核算系统通用性研究
2.Single shipboard cost account system based on materials supplying management物资供应管理中的单船成本核算系统
3.Application of low-cost dynamic steelmaking cost accounting system in Chongqing Iron & Steel Co.,Ltd.低成本炼钢动态成本核算系统在重钢的应用
4.Study of Cost Accounting System Based on Activity Accounting and Throughput Accounting基于作业会计和有效产出会计的成本核算系统
5.Development of Costing System of Kunming Railway Large-Scale Road-Maintaining Mechanism Corporation;昆明中铁大型养路机械成本核算系统的开发
6.ERP Cost Calculation System s Application and Research in the Medium and Small Enterprise;ERP成本核算系统在中小企业的应用研究
7.Design of Costing System Based on ABC for Workshop;基于ABC的车间生产成本核算系统的设计
8.A Cost Accounting System Combining Microsoft Excel with a Parallel Summary Process Costing Method;Microsoft Excel与平行结转分步法相结合的成本核算系统
9.The Improvement of CBRC Cost Accounting System长客庞巴迪公司成本核算系统的改进措施
10.Design and Realization of Cost Accounting System based on Web for Teams and Groups of Mine Enterprise基于Web的矿山班组成本核算系统的设计和实现
11.Automatic amalgamation of costing systems, HIS and financial data in hospitals医院成本核算系统与HIS和财务数据的自动融合
12.The Design and Practice of Cost Management System Based on ERP基于ERP的实际成本核算系统的设计与实现
13.The Research and Application of the Cost Management System;印刷行业ERP成本核算研究与三层成本系统设计
14.Research and Implementation of Quality Costing Model for Discrete Manufacturing;离散制造企业质量成本核算模型及系统实现
15.Analysis and Expression of Rules about Flexible Cost Caculation and System Implementation;多适应性成本核算规则分析与表达及系统实现
16.ERP System Using Activity Based Costing Method;基于作业成本核算的ERP系统研究与设计
17.The Cost Accounting of Commercial Banks and its Innovation of Management System;试论商业银行成本核算及其管理系统变革
18.Research and Implementation of Data Acquisition System on Cost Accounting in Our Hospital我院成本核算数据采集系统的设计与实现

Locomotive Cost Accounting System机车成本核算系统
1.Locomotive Cost Accounting System and analysis and maintenance of its common fault;机车成本核算系统及其常见故障的分析与维护
3)uniform costing system统一成本核算法
4)cost accounting system成本核算体系
1.The prerequisite of evaluating kinds of electricity generation technologies scientifically and fairly is to establish a unified conception,model and method of the generating cost accounting system.基于此,初步分析资源的耗竭、生态破坏、环境污染等因素对电力成本核算体系的影响,描述不同的电力生产方式中资源成本、外部成本的内涵,并对各种成本的核算进行分析,形成绿色成本的构思,建立包括资源成本、外部成本在内的电力成本核算体系,对实现电力行业内部结构的优化,引导电源结构朝着合理的、可持续方向发展具有积极作用。
2.According to both methods the process to direct expense is the same, and the both methods connected with each other is a whole cost accounting system, but the manufecturing cost accounti.本文对作业成本法的最新理论及应用实践进行了系统分析,通过比较作业成本法与传统成本法的联系和区别,得出作业成本法与传统成本法都有其相适应的环境和特定条件,两种成本核算体系中对直接费用的处理一致,两者相互融合是一种现实的成本核算体系,但是作业成本法由于先汇集各个作业中心消耗的各种资源,再将各作业中心的成本按各自的作业动因单独计算其分配率,最后把该作业的成本分配到每一种产品,因此更具有准确性。
5)cost calculation成本核算
1.How to make cost calculation for construction unit in bidding process;施工单位在投标过程中如何进行项目成本核算
2.Research on the Reverse Logistics Cost Calculation of the Third Party Enterprise;第三方物流企业逆向物流服务成本核算研究
3.Research on Cost Calculation Theory and Method of Construction Project based on BIM基于BIM的工程项目成本核算理论及实现方法研究
6)cost account成本核算
1.Discuss on hospital cost account and containment;关于医院成本核算与控制问题的探讨
2.Task-cost is one way of cost account based on task volumes with task as the basic unit for cost appointment.作业成本法是以作业量为成本分配基础,以作业为成本分配的基本对象,旨在为企业作业管理提供更为相关、相对准确的成本信息的成本计算方法,目的在于提高企业成本核算的准确性及决策相关性。
3.This paper discusses that when construction enterprise is accounting cost, each expense of cost account objects, which appear during construction and management of enterprise, should be converged according to cost items.论述了施工企业在核算成本时,要按照成本项目来归集企业在施工生产经营过程中所发生的应计入成本核算对象的各项费用。

成本核算成本(costingaccount)  用来核算生产经营过程中各个成本计算对象所发生的各项费用,并据以确定其实际成本的账户。有两种不同的概念。一种是指有关产品成本核算的账户。如“生产成本--基本生产成本”、“生产成本--辅助生产成本”、“制造费用”、“废品损失”、“待摊费用”、“预提费用”等账户。另一种概念是指企业供、产、销各过程以及其他方面的有关成本计算的账户。它是账户按其用途和结构的一种分类。这类账户包括:“材料采购”、“生产成本--基本生产成本”、“生产成本--辅助生产成本”、“在建工程”等账户。“制造费用”账户属集合分配账户,“待摊费用”与“预提费用”账户属跨期摊配账户,均不属第二种概念的成本核算账户。