力量练习,strength training
1)strength training力量练习
1.Objective: To explore the effect on the elderly male physique with the exercise prescription strength training which based on the general fitness exercise prescription,so as to provide the scientific basis to design exercise prescription for older men.探讨在一般健身运动处方中强化力量练习后,对男性老年人身体形态的影响,为制定科学的运动处方提供依据;健康老年男性(60-69岁)120名,随机分为对照组、一般组、力量组,每组40人。

1.A Study On The Effect Of Shouldering A Person In Training Lower Limbs Strength;人扛人力量练习在下肢力量练习中的应用
2.Elementary Analysis of How Strength Exercises Benefit Improving Short-putting result;浅析力量练习对提高铅球成绩的效益
3.The Filtration of the Indexes of Postmenopausal Well-educated Women s Muscle Strength Exercises;绝经后高知妇女肌肉力量练习指标的筛选
4.Study on the Application of Strength Practice in Ball-Throwing Teaching in P.E Institute;力量练习在体育院系推铅球教学中的应用研究
5.Design And Select Of The Specific Strength Training For Sprinter;高速度跑运动员专项力量练习的设计与选择
6.Developing and application of upper limbs event-related power training equipment of rowing;赛艇运动员上肢专项力量练习器的研制及应用
7.Research on Means of Power Training in Long Jumpers;对跳远运动员速度性力量练习手段的研究
8.Study on the Effect of Different Speed-Strength Training Methods with Combinative Training Way in Jumping Events of Athletics;田径跳跃运动项目不同速度力量练习手段组合训练效果研究
9.Core Strength Exercises to Improve General Undergraduate Football Players Experimental Study on the Rapid Force核心力量练习对提高普通本科生足球运动员快速力量的实验研究
10.Influence of The Physiological Mechanism of Chinese Medicine's Strength-raising Means and Strength Exercises on the Function of the Skeletal Muscle中药强力手段及力量练习对骨骼肌生理功能影响的探讨
11.Influence of Representation Exercise on Strength Training;表象练习对力量素质训练效果的影响
12.Research on the Application of "Progressive" Combined Practice in Strength Training for Sprint“渐进式”组合练习在短跑力量训练中的运用
13.Those dancers there are practicing dramatic leaps which require strength and balance.在练习戏剧跳跃,那要靠力量和平衡。
14.It's like weight lifting, if you train with feather dusters your strength will not increase.这就像举重练习,如果你用鸡毛掸练习,你的力量就不会增强。
15.Comparative Research on Effects Imposed by Training Methods of WTVLL and DJD;负重振动练习与超等长练习对下肢力量影响的比较研究
16.Best weight for event specific speed and power training of shot-putters铅球运动员专项速度力量的最佳练习重量
17.Effect of the Jumping-depth and Jumping-up Exercise in the Training of the Super-equilength Strength on the Physical Ability of the Hurdle-race Atheletes.;超等长力量训练中的跳深纵跳练习对跨栏运动员机体能力的影响
18.A Positivist Research on Effect of Depth-Jumping Exercise for Increasing Athletes Quick Power;跳深练习对发展运动员快速力量的实证研究

the strength practice力量性练习
3)low-load strength training小力量练习
1.Therefore,reverse-tensions and low-load strength training exercise after special event training of moving-target could be arranged.解决这一难题的关键在于射击移动靶运动员在专项训练课结束后,进行逆向牵拉及小力量练习训练。
4)exercise for specialized paner专门力量练习
5)The means of power practice力量练习手段
6)muscle strength exercise肌力练习
1.The effects of the muscle strength exercise on knee osteoarthritic patients with muscle weakness;肌力练习对膝关节骨关节炎肌肉软弱的影响
