直接标记,direct labeling
1)direct labeling直接标记
1.The direct labeling method of monoclonal antibodies with generator produced rhenium 188 is studied in detail.本工作对 188Re直接标记抗人结肠癌单克隆抗体 CL- 3的方法进行了详细的研究。
2.Inflow cytometer measurement,in general,thedirect labeling has little nonspecific bindingand disturbance,and the experiment data iseasy to process,However,because of themagnifying function,the indirect labeling hasmuch nonspecific binding and serous distur-bance.直接标记和间接标记是免疫荧光测量中两种不同的标记方法。
3.A method of direct labeling IgG with 188Re was studied.0的条件下,以SnCl2快速还原188ReO4-,进行了单克隆抗体IgG的直接标记

1.Study of Direct Labeling Antibody With ~(188)Re~(188)Re直接标记抗体方法研究
2.Construction of an antibody microarray based on direct labeling strategy基于直接标记法抗体微阵列的初步构建
3.Rhenium-188 Radiolabeled RGD-4CK Using Prethinning Method: Preparation, Characterization and Studies in Mice and Rabbits;预锡化法~(188)Re直接标记RGD-4CK的制备、鉴定及其动物体内研究
4.Investigations of Directly Labeling Octreotide with Rhenium-188;~(188)Re直接法标记octreotide的实验研究
5.This symbol vision sense organ meets straight, the variation is strong, easy to distinguish, the memory.此标志视觉感官直接,差异化强,易识别、记忆。
6.One straightforward way is to use many scalers and many registers.一个直接途径就是用很多定标器和很多记录仪。
7.~(99)Tc~m Direct Labeling Angiostatin and the Distribution in Mice Bearing Tumor;~(99)Tc~m直接法标记Angiostatin及其在荷瘤小鼠体内研究
8.Javadoc will generate HTML with the @see tags hyperlinked to the other documentation.对于这个标记,javadoc会生成相应的HTML,将其直接链接到其他文档。
9.Aimed straight at the mark or target without allowing for the drop in a projectile's course.平射的直接瞄准标记或目标而不考虑投射物轨迹下降的
10.(1) The provisions of the preceding Article shall apply in cases of direct or indirect use of a false indication of the source of the goods or the identity of the producer, manufacturer, or merchant.(1)前条各款规定应适用于直接或间接使用虚伪的货源标记、生产者、制造者或商人标记的情况。
11.Electron microscopic observations showed that some BDA labeled axon terminals made synaptic contact with dendrites labeled with BDA.电镜下发现标记的轴突末梢和标记的树突之间存在直接的突触连接。
12.direct acting type recording ammeter直接作用式记录安培计
13.direct acting type recording wattmeter直接作用式记录瓦特计
14.direct acting type recording voltmeter直接作用式记录伏特计
15.direct writing electromagnetic oscillograph直接记录式电磁示波器
16.direct application of international standard国际标准的直接应用
17.NPSC (American Standard Straight Pipe Thread in Coupling)美国标准接头直管螺纹
18.close enough to go straight to the target.近到能直接击中目标。

direct labelling method直接标记法
3)AlkPhos direct labelling碱性磷酸酶直接标记
1.Alternatively, AlkPhos direct labelling method was also used to label cDNA recovered from electrophoresis.利用地高辛(DIG)标记和碱性磷酸酶直接标记的cDNA探针核酸分子杂交及RT-PCR方法对PRSV进行了检测。
4)ECL direct nucleic acid labelling and detectionECL直接核酸标记及检测
1.Non-radioactive ECL direct nucleic acid labelling and detection system was used for RFLP analysis inrice.近年发展起来的非放射性ECL直接核酸标记及检测系统具有灵敏度高、背景低、安全、快捷等优点,已开始为研究工作者所注意。
5)Direct labelling of isotope同位素直接标记法
6)direct recording直接记录

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