教学保障,teaching guarantee
1)teaching guarantee教学保障
1.Strengthening research and innovation,working well for teaching guarantee;加强研究创新,努力做好教学保障工作

1.Perfecting Instructional Management System and Reforming Experiment Teaching;完善实验教学保障 推进实验教学改革
2.Teaching support under the mode of hospital running school“医院办学”模式下的教学保障工作
3.Research on the Resource Optimization of the Educational Supporting System in Military Academies;军队院校教学保障系统资源优化研究
4.Strengthening the Management of Instrument and Equipment to Enhance the Efficiency of Teaching Support;加强仪器设备管理 提高教学保障效能
5.Establishing Modern Teaching Theory to Safeguard Teaching Quality in Institutions of Higher Learning;确立现代教学理念 保障高校教学质量
6.The Safeguard in Strengthing Teaching Management and Advancing Teaching Quality;强化教学管理是提高教学质量的保障
7.Discussion of the Primary and High School Teachers Further Education Quality Assurance Mechanism;论中小学教师继续教育质量保障机制
8.Thoughts on How to Guarantee the Teaching Quality in Higher Education;保障和提高高等教育教学质量的措施
9.Studies on the Construction of Teaching Quality Assurance System for Independent Colleges;独立学院教学质量保障体系构建研究
10.Teaching Quality Guarantee System in Colleges and Universities and ISO Authenticaition;高等学校教学质量保障体系与ISO认证
11.Practical Experience Ensures the Jurisprudence Teaching;实践经验是搞好法学教学的有力保障
12.Construction of Undergraduate Teaching Quality Guarantee System for Teaching-Research Colleges and Universities;教学研究型大学本科教学质量保障体系的构建
13.On the Lawful Protectction of the Rights of Teachers in Universities and Colleges;论普通高等学校教师权利的法律保障
14.Studies on the Constitutional Protection of the Right of Educational Equality of Rural Students;农村学生教育平等权的宪法保障研究
15.A Tentative Study of Teaching Quality Assurance System of Newly-established University;新建本科院校教学质量保障体系研究
16.Study on Security System of Internal Teaching Quality in Vocational College;高职院校内部教学质量保障体系研究
17.Exploration in Practice Teaching Quality Guarantee System Construction in Vocational Colleges;略论高职实践教学质量保障体系构建
18.Discussion on Construction of Teaching Quality Assurance in Higher Vocational Colleges;论高职院校教学质量保障体系的构建

educational guarantee system教学保障机制
1.Cultivation of outstanding theoretical talents needs unity between full play of subjective initiative and educational guarantee system.党校优质教育培训是党校可持续发展的生命线,优秀理论工作者的唯实创新是实现党校优质教育培训、永葆党校生机的源泉;党校注重优秀理论工作者的培养,有赖于主观能动性的发挥与教学保障机制的和谐统一。
3)teaching quality assurance教学质量保障
1.Research on Teaching Quality Assurance of Newly-established University in Guangxi;广西新建本科院校教学质量保障的研究
2.Analysis of the status of academic examination and the basic approach of teaching quality assurance in universities高校学业考试现状与高校教学质量保障的基本途径分析
3.Thus,the teaching quality assurance is stressed to a height that was never reached before.这样,我国高等学校的教学质量保障被提到了前所未有的高度。
4)teaching supp ort system教学保障体系
5)The supporting systematic resources on the teaching in military academies教学保障系统
6)teaching quality securing system教育教学质量保障体系
1.To achieve the goal of human resources cultivation,perfecting the complete teaching quality securing system is one of the fundamental measures.完善的教育教学质量保障体系是高校实现人才培养目标的根本措施之一。

教学保障教学保障teaching support  iiooxue baozhang教学保障(teaehing support)院校为保障完成教学任务所采取的措施。主要包括:①教材保障。指教材、讲义、参考资料的选订、印刷、保管、发放等。②经费物资保障。指经费和武器弹药、装备器材、油料以及制作器材设备所需材料的计划、筹措和供应等。③教学设施保障。指提供图书资料馆、专修室、实验室、教室和其他训练场所及设备器具等。④技术保障。指提供武器、装备器材和教学设备的维修保养技术,软件开发技术以及信息的收集整理等。⑤勤务保障。指提供专设或临时指定的教学勤务分队及示范人员等。教学保障通常由使用单位定期申报使用计划,经训练部门批准,由保障部门实施。教学保障工作,应以教学为中心,为教学服务;统筹安排,保证重点,正确解决需要与可能之间的矛盾;开展技术革新,不断改善保障条件,满足教学需要;贯彻勤俭节约原则,精打细算,专款专用;加强武器弹药、装备器材、教学设备、训练场地和各种物资的管理,建立和健全保管、检查、使用、维修制度。 (张振江)