有氧代谢能力,aerobic capacity
1)aerobic capacity有氧代谢能力
1.Research for Aerobic Capacity of Rowing-boat Athletes by Near Infrared Spectroscopy;近红外光谱技术监测赛艇运动员有氧代谢能力的研究
2.It also illustrates the importance of athlete s aerobic capacity in 800m running.并从训练角度阐述了如何提高800m跑的有氧代谢能力
3.In order to explore effects of interval hypoxic exposure(IHE) on aerobic capacity by testing of erythrocyte 2,3-diphosphoglycerate(2,3-DPG) and blood gas analysis of acute exercising rats.通过对急性运动大鼠红细胞2,3-二磷酸甘油酸、血气等指标进行测试,研究间歇性低氧暴露提高有氧代谢能力的可能机理。

1.Research on Influence of Oxygen Metabolism Abiling on Non-Oxygen Metabolism Ability of Topnotch Weight Lifters;优秀举重运动员有氧代谢能力对无氧代谢能力影响的研究
2.On the Features of Aerobic Metabolism Capacity of the Elite Taekwondo Athletes优秀跆拳道运动员有氧代谢能力的特征
3.Study on Feature of Aerobic Metabolism Capacity of Elite Wushu and Sanda Athletes;优秀武术散打运动员有氧代谢能力特征研究
4.A study on the aerobic metabolism of male Wushu routine athletes;男子武术套路运动员有氧代谢能力的研究
5.Research on Evaluation of Athlete s Aerobic Metabolism Ability Target;评定运动员有氧代谢能力指标的实验研究
6.Experimental study on training of aerobic metabolism of pilots of the third generation high function fighters;第三代高性能战机飞行员有氧代谢能力训练的实验研究
7.Experimental Study of the Effect and Time-efficiency of Interval Hypoxia Training on Aerobic Capacity;间歇性低氧训练对有氧代谢能力的影响及其时效性研究
8.Experiment Study of Effects of Interval Hypoxic Exposure on Aerobic Capacity of Acute ExerciseRats;间歇性低氧暴露对急性运动大鼠有氧代谢能力影响的实验研究
9.The Mechanism Analysis of Interval Hypoxic Training Improving the Oxygen Metabolism Ability;对间歇性低氧训练提高机体有氧代谢能力的机制分析
10.Experimental Study of Effect of Interval Hypoxic Training on Aerobic Capacity;间歇性低氧训练对大鼠有氧代谢能力影响的实验研究
11.The Research of Interval Hypoxic Training on Aerobic Metablism Power;间歇性低氧训练对机体有氧代谢能力影响的研究
12.The study of aerobic capacity and the choice of exercise intensity during endurance training;有氧代谢能力与耐力项目训练中运动强度的选择
13.Research for Aerobic Capacity of Rowing-boat Athletes by Near Infrared Spectroscopy;近红外光谱技术监测赛艇运动员有氧代谢能力的研究
14.Features of Aerobic Metabolism Capacity of Male Short-Distance Cyclists;优秀男子短距离自行车运动员有氧代谢能力特征
15.Influences of nutrition intervention on oxygen metabolism capacity of excellent university aerobics players;营养干预对高校高水平健美操运动员有氧代谢能力的影响
16.The Factors Regulating Metabolism during Aerobic Exercise(Review);有氧运动中影响运动能力的代谢因素
17.But at present, sufficient evidence supporting hypoxic training for its improvement on skeletal muscle aerobic oxidation and anaerobic capacity has not been obtained.而目前有关低氧训练改善骨骼肌有氧氧化、无氧代谢能力的证据并不充分。
18.Relationships between children s time of being able to swim before preliminary training and the development of aerobic metabolism;始训前儿童的水龄与发展有氧代谢供能能力的关系

aerobic metabolism capacity有氧代谢能力
1.This ability mainly includes aerobic metabolism capacity, anaerobic metabolism capacity and special strength as well as the relation between riding skill and aerobic and anaerobic capacities.自行车运动员的专项体能主要包括有氧代谢能力、无氧代谢能力和专项力量,以及骑行技术与有氧、无氧能力的关系等。
2.The aim of this study is to find out the features of aerobic metabolism capacity of the eliteTaekwondo athletes of 23 Chinese elite Taekwondo athletes.为了解我国优秀跆拳道运动员的有氧代谢能力的水平与特征。
3)aerobic metabolism有氧代谢能力
1.Experimental study on training of aerobic metabolism of pilots of the third generation high function fighters;第三代高性能战机飞行员有氧代谢能力训练的实验研究
2.A study on the aerobic metabolism of male Wushu routine athletes;男子武术套路运动员有氧代谢能力的研究
4)aerobic metabolizing ability有氧代谢功能
5)aerobic metabolism有氧代谢供能
1.Relationships between children s time of being able to swim before preliminary training and the development of aerobic metabolism;始训前儿童的水龄与发展有氧代谢供能能力的关系
6)anaerobic metabolic capacity无氧代谢能力
1.Through using the method of experiment,this paper made measurement and analysis on body composition and anaerobic metabolic capacity of 123 male junior athletes aged at 9~17,discussed the relation body composition and growth characteristics of anaerobic metabolic capacity.运用实验法,对123名9~17岁男子青少年运动员的身体成分和无氧代谢能力发育状况进行测试与分析,探讨青少年运动员身体成分与无氧代谢能力的发育特征及两者的相关关系。

运动中的有氧和无氧代谢  肌肉运动的形式尽管非常复杂而又多样,但从能量代谢的观点来看,不过是肌肉中化学能转变为肌肉收缩的机械能。运动的强度和持续时间不同,可决定肌肉是无氧代谢、有氧代谢或是有氧、无氧混合代谢。    所谓无氧代谢,就是肌肉剧烈运动时氧供应满足不了氧的需求,肌肉即利用三磷酸腺苷 (ATP)、磷酸肌酸(CP)的无氧分解和糖的无氧酵解生成乳酸,释放能量,再合成 ATP供给肌肉需要这样一种代谢过程。有氧代谢系指糖、脂肪在氧供应充足的条件下氧化分解成二氧化碳和水,同时释放大量能量,供 ATP再合成的过程。    不同运动项目、不同训练方法、不同强度、不同时间的训练,有氧代谢和无氧代谢的比例不同。如各种距离赛跑中,100米跑无氧代谢占98%以上,200米跑无氧代谢占90~95%,有氧代谢只占10~5%。距离越长,有氧代谢占的比例越大:如5000米跑,有氧代谢占80%,无氧代谢占20%;10000米跑,有氧代谢占90%,无氧代谢占10%;马拉松跑,有氧代谢占97.5%,无氧代谢只占2.5%。因此,了解不同运动项目的无氧代谢和有氧代谢所占的比例,就可以有针对性地选择发展某些代谢能力的训练方法、强度和时间,进行科学训练。    从生物化学上评定运动训练中有氧代谢和无氧代谢所占比重,可以采用血乳酸为指标,因为无氧代谢时肌糖元酵解为乳酸,乳酸的数量可说明无氧糖酵解代谢供能的程度。由于肌肉乳酸很快就扩散到血液中,一般认为在运动后3~5或10分钟,血乳酸可达最高值,故可在此时采血测定。安静时血乳酸数量为5~15毫克%,当运动强度加大,使血乳酸上升至36毫克%时,是糖酵解参与供能的一个标志,故称为无氧代谢阈。运动强度越大,血乳酸值越高,糖酵解供应能量的比值就越大。各种运动项目对无氧代谢供能的需求不同,在训练时可通过测定血乳酸来检查训练效果。    掌握运动时有氧代谢和无氧代谢的规律和特点,了解这两种代谢途径的相互控制和调节,提出发展这些代谢能力的训练方法和计划,是当前运动生物化学的重要研究课题。