特色办学,characteristic education
1)characteristic education特色办学
1.Local colleges and universities have their theoretical foundations on characteristic education.地方高校特色办学有其理论基础。
2.In the course of development,we must adhere to the scientific outlook on development,follow the road to characteristic education,train characteristic personnel and promote graduate\'s employment by multi-channel.在高等院校的发展过程中,必须坚持科学发展观,走特色办学发展之路,培养特色人才,多渠道促进毕业生就业,从而实现高等院校的全面、协调、可持续发展。

1.Thouhts about Running Characteristic Universities Rising from Normal College;师范专科学校升本后特色办学的思考
2.The Distinctive Characteristics of School-running Is Derived from Scientific Orientation of School-running鲜明的办学特色源自科学的办学定位
3.School-running Orientation and Features of Ordinary Local Higher Learning Institutions;普通地方高校的办学定位与办学特色
4.Training Running Characteristics and Implementing Feature Developing College培育办学特色 实施特色兴校——独立学院办学特色问题的思考
5.A Research on Educational Quality and Characteristics of Civilian-run Universities;民办高校的教育质量和办学特色探究
6.To innovate the school-running system for establishing special nursing education;创新办学体制 办有特色的护理教育
7.School-running characteristics and common features of world first-class universities;世界一流大学的办学特色及共性特征
8.Characteristics of running a university:meaning and influencing factors--Discussing the characteristics of BUPT;大学办学特色:内涵与影响因素——兼论北京邮电大学的办学特色
9.Comparative Study the Idea and Character of Oxford and Harvard University;牛津和哈佛大学办学理念与办学特色比较研究
10.The Collegiate Spirit is the Soul of School Running--School running characteristics series II;大学精神是高校办学特色的灵魂——高校办学特色系列研究之二
11.Features and revelations of the technologic institutes of university in France;法国大学技术学院的办学特色及启示
12.Comment on the School-running Orientation and Characteristics of Local Higher Vocational Colleges;地方高职院校办学定位与办学特色研究述评
13.Some Thoughts on Orientation and Characteristics of Running A Higher Vocational College;高职院校办学定位及突出办学特色的思考
14.Discovering the Fixed position and the Special Features on Education about Universities Set up newly;新建本科院校的办学定位与办学特色探索
15.Exploring the Orientation and Characteristics of Running a Newly-built University;探索新建本科院校的办学定位与办学特色
16.On the Characteristics of Primary and Middle Schools Run by Local People in China Neoteric Times;论中国近代民办普通中小学的办学特色及启示
17.Use the Experience of Running a School of other Universities in Shanghai to Explore the Characteristic for Running a School of Universities in Yunnan;借鉴上海高校办学经验,探索云南高校办学特色
18.On the Relationships between the Idea and Characteristics in Running a School and the School Spirit and Motto试论办学理念、办学特色、校风、校训之间的关系

characteristic school-running特色办学
1.Women s universities characteristic school-running is a development strategy required by the development of women s higher education.女子大学实施特色办学的发展战略是女性高等教育发展的本质要求,是对女性性别特征和女性成才规律的尊重,最终是为了促进女性的全面、自由与和谐发展,在实践中表现出来应该是全方位、多层面、立体化的。
3)school-running characteristics办学特色
1.Bringing into play school-running characteristics conducting teaching reform to build super university of Chinese medicine;发挥中医办学特色 实行教学改革 创建优秀中医药大学
2.Research on School-running Characteristics of Colleges and Universities in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region;内蒙古自治区高校办学特色的研究
3.By using stakeholder theory,this paper analyzes the stakeholders of four levels in university in China,elaborates the interaction between the stakeholders of four levels in university and the school-running characteristics of university,and probes into the ways for the construction of school-running characteristics of university based on the stakeholder theory.利用利益相关者理论,分析了我国高校4个层次的利益相关者,重点论述了这4个层次的利益相关者与高校办学特色之间的相互影响和作用,最后在利益相关者理论的基础上对高校办学特色建设的路径进行了探讨。
1.Characteristics,Development Pitfall and Correction Strategies of Locally-Run HEIs;地方高校办学特色、发展误区及其矫正策略
2.Small-but-excellent:analysis of characteristics of Princeton University小而精:普林斯顿大学办学特色分析
3.Beijing has entered the universal phase,in this context, the popularization of higher education with the perspective of Beijing to explore the development of higher vocational education from the perspective of the popularization of higher education in Beijing,especially on how to maintain the characteristics of higher vocational education is concerned.本文认为,北京高职教育办学特色,是高职教育规律与现实的使然,确立"终身、开放、服务、和谐"的办学理念是特色灵魂;健全的高职教育体系是特色的基础;专业建设是特色核心。
5)characteristics of running a school办学特色
1.The discussion about characteristics of running a school in the specialty of measurement and control technical and instrument;我校测控技术与仪器专业办学特色探讨
2.Characteristics of Running a School:New Views on Building Core Competitiveness in Higher Learning Institutes;办学特色——营造高校核心竞争力的新视点
3.This article probes into mainly the Open University s characteristics of running a school in Great Britain, in order to afford some beneficial enlightenment for the long-distance education of the university in China.本文主要探讨了英国开放大学的办学特色 ,以期为我国高等学校远程教育的发展提供一些有益的借
6)school-running feature办学特色
1.Strengthening school-running feature of higher education institutions in their development;在发展中强化高校办学特色
2.Orientation is the location lain in the society and higher education system chosen and determined by the school itself, which has a bearing on the developing direction and school-running feature of a school, as well as the guarantee for the school s last development.定位是学校对自身在社会及教育系统中所处位置的选择与确定,关系到学校的发展方向和办学特色,是学校持续发展的保证。
3.With the specific education function and certain social influence, school-running feature has been high on the agenda for colleges and universities to upgrade themselves in this new era.目前各国教育发展表明,办学特色已经成为评价一所大学的重要标准之一。
