短跑训练,dash training
1)dash training短跑训练
1.How to control the exercise volume and intensity in the dash training of high vocational academies and schools;高职院校短跑训练中如何把握运动量和运动强度
2.The capabilities of supplying energy and enduring lactic acid must be developed during dash training, and the absolute speed as well as the endurance of speed should also be increased.短跑训练必须发展这两个系统的供能能力和耐受乳酸能力,发展绝对速度和速度耐力。

1.On the Skills and Training of Relaxation in Sprint Training浅析短跑训练中的放松技术及其训练
2.Maximal Strength and Fast Strength Training for Sprinter;论短跑训练中的最大力量训练与快速力量训练
3.Application of Modern Relax Skills to Short - distance Running in Middle School;现代短跑放松技术在中学短跑训练中的应用
4.The Technology and Training of the Sprinter's Starting Running短跑运动员的起跑技术及其训练研究
5.A Talk on the Short-term Training in the Dash in Universities and Colleges by Huang Qiong s Results;从黄琼的成绩谈高校短跑的短期训练
6.The Training Thought for Short-tern Training of Middle and Long Distance Event in Colleges and Universities;高校中长跑项目短期集训的训练思路
7.Modern Method to Strength Training for the Dash--On Calf Muscle Training现代短跑专项力量——胫前肌训练论述
8.A Research on Characteristics and Training Methods of Speed Strength in Sprint短跑项目的速度力量特点及训练方法
9.On-Slope Training Method for Short Track Speed Skaters;短跑道速度滑冰运动员坡路训练方法
10.Probing into the Short Distance Athletic Training Program for Juvenile Men s;少年男子短跑运动员基础训练的探索
11.The Research of the Physical Ability Training Structure of the Sprinter;短跑运动员体能训练结构特征的研究
12.Sprinter s Pre-Game Mental Barriers and Psychological Training;短跑运动员赛前心理障碍与心理训练
13.Discuss on the Training Method of the College Amateur Short - distance Athlete;高校业余短跑运动员训练方法的探讨
14.The Primary Research on the Training Ways of the Short-running Athletes Breakthrough of Speed;短跑运动员突破速度障碍训练法初探
15.Discussion of the Strength Training Methods and Means for Short Distance Runners;短跑运动员力量训练方法与手段探析
16.Tentative analysis of functions of relaxing-training in the improvement of teenagers dash results;放松训练对青少年短跑成绩提高初探
17.Special Technical Trainings of Sprinters in Higher Schools;高校田径短跑运动员的专项技术训练
18.A further discussion of the sprinters power training;对现代短跑运动员力量训练的再认识

Modern Sprint Training浅谈短跑训练
4)On Dash Training Methods短跑训练方法研究
5)treadmill training跑台训练
1.Influences of treadmill training on ultrastructure and synaptophysin expression in rats with focal cerebral ischemia;跑台训练对脑缺血大鼠脑组织超微结构及突触素表达的影响
2.Objective To investigate the changes in α-actin and myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms mRNA expression in skeletal muscles after two weeks treadmill training.目的:研究2周跑台训练对雄性SD大鼠骨骼肌肌动蛋白(α-actin)和肌球蛋白重链(myosinheavychain,MHC)基因表达的影响。
3.By experiments,the change of plasma testosterone,luteinizing hormone and 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in the rats after eight-week treadmill training are studied.对8周跑台训练后的大鼠血浆睾酮、血浆黄体生成素及率丸中睾酮合成酶进行分析。
6)exercise training跑台训练
1.The purpose of this article is to investigate the influences of chronic hypoxia and exercise training on the gene expression of MyoD and myogenin of skeletal muscle in rat.旨在研究慢性低氧及跑台训练对大鼠骨骼肌成肌调节因子MyoD和myogenin基因表达的影响,对揭示肌肉收缩蛋白性能的变化机制具有特定的意义。
2.The purpose of this paper is to investigate the influences on the gene expression of myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms of skeletal muscle in rats by chronic hypoxia and exercise training.为研究慢性低氧及跑台训练对大鼠骨骼肌肌球蛋白重链(MHC)亚型基因表达的影响,对揭示肌肉收缩蛋白性能的变化机制具有特定的意义。
