药材保障,medicinal materials guarantee
1)medicinal materials guarantee药材保障
1.This article analyzed the requirement of wartime medicinal materials guarantee of military medical service detachment in the future.本文针对未来我军卫勤分队战时药材供应保障的要求,提出了战时药材供应保障实行联勤供应保障、加快药材保障信息化建设、健全战时药材保障体制、建立军民联合保障机制、加快新药材、新装备的研制的对策。
2)ammunition support弹药保障
1.The relation between ammunition packaging and ammunition support was analyzed.简要分析了弹药包装与弹药保障的关系,从包装结构、包装通用化、系列化、标准化程度和集装化程度方面系统分析了我军现行弹药包装存在的问题及其对弹药保障的影响,提出了弹药包装改进的几点具体建议。
2.The concept and basic characters of ammunition unit package was put forward from the angle of ammunition support in wartime.从战时弹药保障角度提出了弹药单元化包装的基本概念和基本特点,论述了弹药单元化包装对战时保障的重要意义,提出了实现我军弹药包装单元化的技术途径。
3.This paper analyzes the influence on the support time in the case of convey bounded or unbounded and the optimizing combination between the ammunition support mode and the ammunition packing mode joint with the characteristics of ammunition support of our army.从包装的角度分析了在时间、运力不受限和受限的情况下对保障时间的影响,同时结合我军弹药保障的特点,对弹药保障模式与弹药包装模式的优化组合进行了分析。

1.Modeling Research of Ammunition Logistics Workload Calculation Software Based on UML基于UML的战役弹药保障任务测算软件建模研究
2.Research on Aerial Ammunition Supply Support Decision Support System;航空弹药供应保障决策支持系统研究
3.Construct General Ammunition Supply Support Visualization System of Our Army;构建我军通用弹药供应保障可视化系统探讨
4.Analysis on Ammunition Logistics System Oriented to Emergent Supply;面向应急保障的弹药物流体系分析研究
5.Discussion on System of Ammunition Support and Pallet Integrated Packaging;弹药供应保障物流系统与托盘集合包装的诌议
6.Research on General Ammunition Supply Support Business Process Evaluation Index System通用弹药供应保障业务流程评价指标体系研究
7.Research on Visible Support of General Ammunition Packaging Unit Based on RFID基于RFID技术的通用弹药集装单元可视化保障研究
8.Emergency Drug Supply and Pharmaceutical Support in Case of Emergent Events突发事件的药品应急保障和药学支援
9.Analysis on Guarantee Conditions of Implementing Flexible Learning System in Secondary Vocational Schools;中职实行弹性学习制度保障条件分析
10.Flexible Retirement System and Pension Security System弹性退休制度与养老保险保障制度整合初论
11.According to the regulation reporting ADR and assuring the safety for the people依法报告药品不良反应 切实保障公众用药安全
12.Reform Fooddrug Supervision System Promote Public Food Medicine Safety;改革食品药品监管体制 保障公众饮食用药安全
13.Improve the Registration of Pharmaceutical Packaging Materials for the Safety and Effect of Medicines;完善药包材注册管理 保障药品安全有效
14.Cooperative Medicine Stores Would Be the Road to Solving Medical Security in Villeges;合作社药店是解决农村医药保障的途径
15.Ensuring and monitoring teaching quality under the apprentice system of Chin ese medicine中医药师承制教育质量的保障和监督
16.Thinking of Essential drugs system and Medical Insurance System in China基本药物制度与医疗保障制度的思考
17.Thought of the Medical Security System on Account of the Specialty of Drugs and Medical Services基于医药特殊性的医疗保障制度思考
18.Emergent Medicine Supply in Momentous Public Emergency Events重大公共突发事件应急药品保障探讨

ammunition support弹药保障
1.The relation between ammunition packaging and ammunition support was analyzed.简要分析了弹药包装与弹药保障的关系,从包装结构、包装通用化、系列化、标准化程度和集装化程度方面系统分析了我军现行弹药包装存在的问题及其对弹药保障的影响,提出了弹药包装改进的几点具体建议。
2.The concept and basic characters of ammunition unit package was put forward from the angle of ammunition support in wartime.从战时弹药保障角度提出了弹药单元化包装的基本概念和基本特点,论述了弹药单元化包装对战时保障的重要意义,提出了实现我军弹药包装单元化的技术途径。
3.This paper analyzes the influence on the support time in the case of convey bounded or unbounded and the optimizing combination between the ammunition support mode and the ammunition packing mode joint with the characteristics of ammunition support of our army.从包装的角度分析了在时间、运力不受限和受限的情况下对保障时间的影响,同时结合我军弹药保障的特点,对弹药保障模式与弹药包装模式的优化组合进行了分析。
3)ammunition supply弹药保障
1.This paper points out the weakness of ammunition supply evaluation method,puts forth the optimum method——the AHP - Fuzzy Evaluation Method, builds up the hierar-chy structure of ammunition supply evaluation, illustrates the fuzzy method, and describes theprocess of evaluating ammunition supply in detail.简要分析了我军弹药保障效果评价工作的不足之处,在此基础上,综合运用层次分析技术(AHP)和模糊评判技术(Fuzzy),对战场上弹药保障效果评价进行了探讨。
2.In the paper, according to the characteristics of division s ammunition supply, the molels of the adapt-yourself developing estimation about ammunition consume and the goal programming about the plans of ammunition supply are created by studying the previous da- ta.本文依据师弹药保障的特点,通过对历次作战军械保障资料的统计研究,建立了动态自适应弹药消耗预计模型和弹药保障方案目标规划模型,并给出了计算机程序实现框图。
4)Air materiel support航材保障
1.In this paper, based on the data warehouse for the system of air materiel support, the synthetic evaluation model of air materiel support effectiveness is developed by the theory of the grey correlation.本文基于航材保障系统的数据仓库,运用灰色关联分析理论,提出了一种航材保障效能综合评估模型,最后给出了一个运用此方法的实例。
2.The flighting rate at peacetime or wartime,the flighting intensity and the flighting safety of airplane and so on, are all influenced by air materiel support.飞机平时和战时的出勤率、出动强度以及飞行安全等,无不受到航材保障的制约和影响。
5)material support器材保障
1.Inventory Control of the Material Support Supply Chain Management;关于器材保障供应链管理库存控制
2.In this paper by indroducing MGIS(Military Geography Information System)into the areas of ship material support it can combine the support units with geographic information,thus the system can realize the visualization and intelligent management of ship material support,and this paper analyzes the system functions,including bidirectional query,visualization and assista.通过引入军事地理信息系统(MGIS),可把舰船器材保障的各个组成单元与地理信息有机结合起来,实现保障资源的可视化和智能化管理。
3.With the influence of traditional model, there are many problems about material supporting in our army.精确、及时、高效的器材保障是夺取现代战争胜利的关键因素。
6)Equipment Support器材保障
1.Study of Equipment Support Supply-Chain Performance Evaluating;器材保障供应链绩效评价
2.In this paper, according to preliminary application of IC card technique in information managment of our army s equipment, mainly expounds the specialties and compositions of the portable information system of equipment support based on IC card technique and introduces key technique to realize the system.主要就IC卡技术在我军器材保障信息管理中的初步应用,阐述了基于IC卡技术的便 携式器材保障信息系统的特点和系统组成方案,并介绍了实现这种系统方案的关键技术。

军队药材保障军队药材保障support of military medical supplies  )undui yaoeai baozhang军队药材保障(support。f mixit脚me山-cal suPPlies)军队组织实施药品、卫生器材供应与管理的卫勤保障活动。目的是及时、合理地供应适用的药品、仪器设备和卫生材料,保障伤病防治工作的需要。 简史先秦时期,中国军队医药不分,由方士主持军中的医药事宜。唐初,置天策上将府,有功曹参军2人,兼管本府医药事务。五代时,军队所需药物由太医署考寻医方,调剂供应。宋代,在夏秋或疾病流行季节,常由太医局定方,配制夏药和瘴药,由“和剂局”和“惠民局”发给各军常备药物。明代军中药物都由国家免费供应。明清两代军队中都设有管理药材的宫员和惠军药局,专司药材供应工作。夏季或疫病流行时,由太医院配发时症药物及战救药品,如疹药平安丹、回生第一仙丹及如意拔毒散等,供士兵服用。中华民国时期,国民党军队所需药材,除由分设于后方及兵站区的补给机构供应外,野战区还由集团军卫生材料分库、军卫生材料支库和师卫生材料分配所就地补给。在药材供应方式上,古代战争中主要由军队就地筹措和自行携运。如中国汉代军中用药函和药盛豪携带行军作战的必备药品。19世纪由于武器的发展,伤员增多,药材需要量增大。同时,药物学有了迅速发展,研制出吗啡、乙醚、氯仿、奎宁等药物,药材品种大大增加,单靠部队就地筹措,自行携运,远远不能满足需要。有些国家军队的药材保障,平时由驻军野战医院的药房供应,战时则由军团和后方的野战医院仓库补给。部队卫生勤务部门的药材,用编制的药房车携带。第一次世界大战期间,德、俄军队药材保障开始实行医药物资统一化,并实施药材成套供应制,以简化供应。第二次世界大战期间,许多国家军队已有完整的药材保障体系,编设有各级药材供应机构,制定了标准制度和供应办法。 中国人民解放军在土地革命战争时期,许多医院设有中药科,组织采药队,各根据地开办药厂,用当地中草药加工制成丸剂、水剂等成药,以解决药品的短缺。抗日战争时期,各根据地的药厂、器材厂相继建立,能生产针、丸、片、水剂等,并能自制一些玻璃和金属医疗用具。解放战争时期,能生产原料药、麻醉药、疫苗、血清和医疗用具,巡 药材仓库总后勤部卫生部供稿产品质量也有提高。到后期,部队所需药品的70%以上是解放区药厂生产的。战争年代,在敌占区采购和缴获的药材,对当时药材保障也起了一定的作用。