运动性猝死,athletic sudden death
1)athletic sudden death运动性猝死
1.Aplly documentation method to analyse and conclude the definition of athletic sudden death, epidemiology, pathogeny and such kind of questions, and to explore the intervention measure of athletic sudden death.应用文献资料法,对运动性猝死的定义、流行病学和病因等问题进行了分析和总结,并探讨了运动性猝死的干预措施:如运动前体检,特别应重视心血管系统的功能检查,排除器质性病变,识别运动中可能发生猝死的高危人群和不宜参加竞技活动者;加强运动中、运动后的医务监督;预防过度运动与过度训练等。
2.By means of documentations on the athletic sudden death from 1990 to 2005,the cause of it has been researched.通过查阅1990—2005年有关运动猝死的大量文献,就国内外有关运动性猝死的调查研究材料加以分析,探讨其发生的原因、可能机制及影响因素,寻求相应的防范措施,为全民健身计划安全有效地开展提供科学的建议。
3.Athletic sudden death seldom takes place,domestic and international sport medical expert have never stop researching and studying athletic sudden death.国内外运动医学专家对运动性猝死的研究与探讨从未停止过,人们对运动性猝死的定义、病因及其预防有了进一步的了解。

1.Reasons and Prevention of Exercise Sudden Death in Young Athletes年轻运动员运动性猝死的原因及预防
2.Exercise Sudden Death in Young People and Congenital Anomalies of Heart and Vessal;年轻人运动性猝死与先天性心血管异常
3.Causes for kinetic sudden death of college students and preventive countermeasures;高校大学生运动性猝死原因及预防对策
4.Thinking About Preventing University Students' Exercise-Induced Sudden Death关于预防高校大学生运动性猝死的思考
5.The Mechanisms of Exercise Induced Sudden Cardiac Death in Cardiomyopathy;运动诱发心肌病猝死机制的初步研究
6.Investigation on Exercise-Related Sudden Death among College Students in China and Study on Countermeasures in Teaching;我国大学生运动猝死调查及教学对策研究
7.Relationship between physical exercise and sudden death and the physiological mechanism;体育运动与猝死的关系及其生理学机制
8.Value of the U-wave-inversion in Preventing the Sudden Campaign Death展望U波倒置在预防运动猝死中的价值
9.Investigation on Exercise Related Sudden Death in Chinese Mass Health-Building我国大众健身人群运动猝死的调查研究
10.Forensic pathological identification of 4 death cases from rupture of aortic aneurysm;心性猝死—4例主动脉瘤破裂的法医病理学鉴定
11.The Forensic Pathological Study on Sudden Coronary Death;冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病猝死的法医病理学研究
12.Coronary Angiographic Findings in Patientes of In-Hospital Sudden Coronary Death: A Report of 47 Cases冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病猝死患者冠脉造影特点分析
13.The Contrast of Therapeutic Efficiency to Prevention and Cure Sudden Cardiac Death with ICD, CRT, or CRT-D;ICD,CRT,CRT-D防治心性猝死的疗效对比
14.A Study on myocardial mitochondrial DNA~(4977) deletion in the cases of sudden death due to primary(cardiomyopathy);原发性心肌病猝死心肌mtDNA~(4977)缺失变化
15.Sudden cardiac death:a clinicopathologic analysis of 33 autopsy cases心源性猝死33例尸检临床病理分析
16.An autopsy study of 7 sudden death cases due to acute hemorrhagic enteritis;急性出血坏死性肠炎猝死7例尸检分析
17.Annie: It caused great damage to the athletes. I have read in the newspapers that some of the athletes died during the games because 0{ taking doping.安妮:也害了不少运动员,我在报纸上就看过因服兴奋剂在比赛 中猝死的。
18.Attendence and observation of 20 cases of sudden death with acute myocardial infarction急性心肌梗死突发猝死20例抢救及护理观察

exercise sudden death运动性猝死
1.Although the exercise sudden death doesn t happen frequently,there are a few cases of student s sudden death in exercise happened in universities recently,which has caused varies response.虽然运动性猝死并不常发生,但近几年来,高校连续发生了10余起运动中猝死事件,引起了很大的反响。
2.The present paper,based on literature review,is aimed at the analysis of the exercise sudden death pathogen and the possible ways to prevent the problem.文章应用文献资料法,对大学生运动性猝死的原因进行了调查与分析,结果表明:由冠心病、主动脉畸型、先天性心脏病等引发的心源性猝死是大学生运动性猝死的主要原因。
3)exercise-related sudden death运动猝死
1.The purpose of this study is to investigate the etiology and characteristics of exercise-related sudden death in central China,the circumstances surrounding 38 exercise-related sudden death are described.运动猝死是运动医学领域和体育界面临的最严重的问题之一,它给开展体育运动带来不良的心理影响。
2.By means of literature review,surveys,interviews and mathematical statistics,the authors have reviewed made researches on exercise-related sudden death among college students.通过文献资料法、调查法、访谈法、数据统计法,对我国大学生运动猝死进行回顾式研究。
3.This paper aims to discuss the fact that the exercise-related damage and even the exercise-related sudden death appear frequently nowadays from the aspects of individuals,schools and the society.针对目前频繁出现的运动损伤甚至运动猝死的发生,从个人、学校、社会三个层面进行探讨,分析了体育工作在组织管理、活动方式、思想意识等方面的不足;提出科学健身理念,认清自身的身体、心理、工作负荷状况,做好三类运动人群的区分与预防,进一步提出全民健身保险,呼吁维护体育参与者的健康权益,以及高校、社会、医院三方牵手设想。
4)Sudden Cardiac Death And Exercise运动与心脏猝死
5)sudden cardiac death心性猝死
1.The analysis of 97 cases of sudden cardiac death with forensic pathology;97例心性猝死的法医病理学分析
2.1% in the cases died of sudden cardiac death(.结论:主动脉瘤破裂病程短骤、凶险,是心性猝死的病因之一,早期症状与冠心病酷似,且病死率极高,因此应引起临床医师的高度重视,提高诊治水平。
3.TWA is a significance predictor for malignant ventricular arrhythmia and sudden cardiac death.T波电交替是心肌电活动不稳定的标志,可作为室性心律失常高危患者的危险分层,是人类及动物缺血心肌发生室性心动过速、心室颤动的标志,是发生恶性室性心律失常及心性猝死的无创预测指标。
6)sudden cardiac death心源性猝死
1.Related factors of influencing the survival of out-of-hospital sudden cardiac death patients;影响院外心源性猝死病人存活的相关因素
2.This article reviews methods and therapeutic strategies for sudden cardiac death (SCD) in patients with heart failure, in order to provide objective analysis of the prevention and therapy of SCD.重点探讨心力衰竭患者发生心源性猝死的预测方法和治疗策略,旨在为心源性猝死的预防及治疗提供客观依据。
3.Objective:To approach the etiopathogeneses and predisposing factors of sudden cardiac death(SCD)and to discuss the preventive measures.目的:探讨心源性猝死(SCD)不同年龄、性别的病因、诱因特点及相关预防措施。

家族性阵发性运动诱发性舞蹈手足徐动症家族性阵发性运动诱发性舞蹈手足徐动症  亦称“周期性肌张力不全”。系阵发性肌张力不全性舞蹈手足徐动症的一种类型。可为散发,或显性遗传。儿童期起病,青春期加频。临床特点是由主动运动而诱发肌张力不全、舞蹈手足徐动、强直。每日可出现数次,无意识障碍,脑电图正常。用小剂量抗癫痫药有较好效果;也有的用左旋多巴有效。