军队中小医院,military medium-small hospital
1)military medium-small hospital军队中小医院

1.Investigation on Establishment of Equipment and Reservation Mechanism of Emergency Supplies in Small and Medium-Sized Military Hospitals军队中小医院建立应急物资装备储备机制初探
2.Based on Self Characteristics to Build up Core Competition of Middle and Small Military Hospitals立足自身特点 打造军队中小医院核心竞争力
3.A successful attempt in medium-small hospital development by innovation-- interview to Liu Wenhua hospital dean in 359 Hospital,the People?s Liberation Army军队中小医院创新发展的成功探索——访解放军第三五九医院刘文华院长
4.Taking Model of Large-special and Small-general Department to Promote Development of Small Military Hospitals军队小医院“大专科小综合”建设模式
5.New Construction Mode of Military Special Hospital:Depending on General Hospital依托军区总医院的军队专科医院建设
6.Investigation of the Situation and Studying on Countermeasures of Employed Doctors in Military Hospitals;军队中心医院聘用医生现状调查及对策研究
7.The Construct and Verification of Relational Competitiveness Measuring Method for Modern Medical Care and Health Market and the Choice and Analysis of Management Strategies for Medium and Small-sized Military Hospitals;现代医疗市场相关性竞争力测定方法的建立和实证与军队中小型医院经营战略的选择分析
8.Practice and Studing of Crisis Management on Construction and Development of Military Hospital;危机管理在军队医院建设中的应用研究
9.Study on the Military Hospital's Participating in Community Health Service军队中心医院参与社区卫生服务建设研究
10.Functions of Military Three-class Hospitals in Rear Medical Rescue in Wenchuan Earthquake Areas军队三甲医院在汶川地震后方救治中的作用
11.medicine combined with western medicine in military sanatorium军队疗养院中西医结合人才培养方法及对策
12.Application of Crisis Management in the Military Hospital危机处理在军队医院风险管理中的应用
13.Innovate Thought and Take the Road to Develop the Military Hospital with Chinese Characteristics以创新的思维走中国特色的军队医院发展之路
14.Maintenance of Nonmilitary Personnel Stability in Military Hospital军队医院文职人员队伍稳定性的维护
15.Research on Competition of the Military Hospital Participating the Medical Service Market;军队医院参与医疗服务市场竞争研究
16.Standardized Management of Medical Item Investment and Financing in the Military Hospital军队医院医疗项目投融资规范化管理
17.Management and Maintenance of Readiness Medical Equipment in Military Hospital军队医院战备医疗仪器的管理与维护
18.Study on a Comprehensive Evaluation Index System of Key Medical Centres or Institutes in Military Hospitals;军队医院重点医学专科中心(研究所)水平综合评价指标系统的研究

small military hospital军队小医院
1.The adjustment of personnel system brought new problems for small military hospitals that the reduced resources to satisfied the unreduced medical demands of the army and the development of the hospital.军队小医院在编制体制调整后,既要面对一系列实际困难,又要满足体系部队医疗保障需求,如何建设与发展是一道难题。
3)military central hospital军队中心医院
1.This article talk about how military central hospital achieved good and fast development and how to keep its combat effectiveness and assure the people s heath in the terms of cutting down hospital staff.对军队中心医院在精简整编条件下又好又快发展,履行好保健康、保战斗力进行了探讨,提出中心医院要实现全面、可持续发展,需要在定位上求准避偏,战略规划上求远避近,发展速度求稳避急,专科特色求精避滥,为部队服务求实避虚。
2.To explore an effective education pattern with the shortage of paramedic and the uneven educational abil- ity in a military central hospital,the author proposed to apply health education path by choosing right diseases, writing tables of the path,instructing patients and their relatives in the stipulated state and with stipulated contents.针对当前军队中心医院护理人员短缺、教育能力参差不齐的现实,探索一种行之有效的教育模式。
3.The author put forward the project of building capability with local primary community health service organization to find solution to compensate for lack of military central hospital\'s self-development capacity.着眼于军队中心医院自身发展能力不足的现实问题,通过与地方共建基层社区卫生服务机构,帮助医院院提高区域医疗资源控制力,优化医院病员结构,以此增强可持续发展能力,总结了军队中心医院行为特征,提出了参与社区卫生服务建设四步骤。
4)military hospital军队医院
1.Status quo of employed nurse in military hospitals;军队医院聘用护士的现状
2.Career-oriented training of employed staff in military hospital based on CBE;基于CBE的军队医院聘用人员任职教育
3.Status quo of technical personnel security of military hospitals and thoughts on countermeasures;军队医院科技人才安全的现状与思考
5)Military hospitals军队医院
1.Panel data-based study on economy of scale in military hospitals基于面板数据的军队医院规模经济研究
2.Participating in the reformation of the social medical insurance is a good chance for the military hospitals.军队医院参与社会医疗保险改革是医院发展难得的机遇。
3.The history, current status of the military hospital information system at home and abroad and future prospect of our military hospitals are reviewed.本文介绍了国内外军队医院的信息化建设的发展过程及现状 ,展望了我军医院信息系统的发展方
6)Army hospital军队医院
1.Risk factors and prevention of sharp injuries among nurses in army hospitals;军队医院护士锐器伤的不安全因素与防护措施
2.In the“Eleventh Five Years”,army hospitals should improve the performance of current system and construct a safe and steady platform of hospital information,enhance the application of clinical system and upgrade the level of hospital infarmatiztion,think much of the application and q.军队医院信息化经历了10年的建设和发展,在“十一五”期间应该继续完善现有系统性能,构建安全稳定的医院信息业务平台;加强临床系统建设,逐步提高医院信息化的整体应用水平;重视数据的应用和质量管理,实现数据共享和深层次的应用;重视信息标准化应用,实现流程规范、数据共享;充分发挥医院信息系统在临床诊疗、患者服务和医院管理各方面的作用,提高医院医疗、服务和管理水平。
3.In order to explore the way of teaching management in the affiliated hospitals of military medical universities in the new period, we expound on the basic principles and relevant issues in teaching in army hospitals by combining the opportunities and challenges facing teaching management in army hospitals and the actual situation of teaching in our hospital.为探讨新形势下军队医院教学工作的管理方法,在总结当前军队医院教学管理工作面临机遇和挑战的基础上,结合医院教学工作实际,提出了军队医院教学工作的基本出发点及应把握的几个问题。

军队医院  为军队伤病员进行门诊和住院治疗的机构。是实施平时和战时卫生勤务的主要力量。基本任务是运用医疗护理设施和医药技术手段救治伤病员,帮助和指导部队的医疗预防工作,保障军人健康,巩固部队战斗力。    简史  在欧洲,公元前4世纪,古希腊和古罗马军队里开始有了军队医院的雏形。15~16世纪,西欧军队平时有常设医院,战时有移动医院。中国战国时期,据《墨子·号令篇》记载有:"伤甚者令归治,病家善养,予医给药,赐酒日二升,肉二斤。"这是中国军队医院雏形。2世纪中叶,东汉后期将领皇甫规攻羌,军中发生流行病,临时在庵庐中隔离治疗传染病患者,这是中国军队早期的传染病医院。元代曾为出征回程的伤病军人设立类似兵站医院的"安乐堂"。清代末年设立"随营医院"和"前敌行营医院",近似后来的野战医院。中华民国时期国民党军队平时设有陆军医院,战时设有野战医院、兵站医院。中国人民解放军于1928年在井冈山革命根据地创建了第一所红军医院。随着革命战争的发展建立起更多的医院,1932年以后逐步分为野战医院、兵站医院和后方医院。中华人民共和国成立后,扩建和新建了大量的军队医院,多数野战医院发展成为平时常设的综合性医院。    医院分类  军队医院,平时和战时有所不同。平时的军队医院由门诊部、住院部和其他保障部门组成,主要担负医疗、教学和科研任务,经常做好平时转入战时的准备工作。中国人民解放军的医院,根据任务和规模分为驻军医院、中心医院、总医院等类型。不同类型和不同规模的医院,医疗科室的设置有所区别,有些医院除设有各种西医科室外,还设有中医科室,采用中西医结合的方法医伤治病。      战时的军队医院由平时的军队医院和地方医院临时扩建或改编而成,通常根据任务、设备和配置位置分为野战医院和后方医院。野战医院组织精干,装备轻便,具有较强的机动能力,可在各种复杂条件下独立执行救治任务。主要有综合性野战医院、野战外科医院、野战内科医院、野战传染病医院和轻伤病医院等,主要配置在战役后方,有时也用于加强师医疗力量。后方医院是具有各种专科设备、优良技术和较大收治能力的固定性大型医院,主要接收从野战医院转送下来的伤病员,进行专科治疗和最终治疗。其主要类型有后方伤病员分类医院、后方治疗医院、康复医院等,通常配置在战略后方。    发展趋势  根据现代战争的特点和要求,许多国家的军队医院采取精简机构、配备轻便医疗装备等措施,增强战时的机动能力。在救治技术上强调综合治疗与专科治疗相结合,提高对各种新式武器伤害的救治能力,使军队医院向现代化、战斗化的方向发展。