愉快因子,jolly factors
1)jolly factors愉快因子
1.Evaluation of jolly factors stimulus therapy on patients with chronic headache caused by cerebral trauma;愉快因子刺激疗法对颅脑外伤致慢性头痛的效果评价

1.The evaluation of effect of jolly factors stimulation in old patietns对高龄病人实施“愉快因子刺激疗法”的护理与评价
2.The children celebrated the Christmas with delight.小孩子愉快地庆祝圣诞。
3.The Burden on likes is cheerfully Borne爱挑的担子,就愉快轻松
4.I will make you feel much better as a bird,@ the prince said happily.我会让你变成心情更愉快的鸟,”王子愉快地说道。
5.Merry Education and Joyous Children-on the Effect of Merry Education;愉快教育和快乐孩子——论愉快教育对提高教育质量的影响
6.The boy was whistling a tune merrily.那个孩子很愉快地在吹奏曲子。
7.Because she had always been happy, she wanted everyone about her to be happy or, at least, pleased with themselves.因为她经常是愉快的,她要周围所有的人也都愉快,至少感到舒适。
8.the quality of being disagreeable; and unpleasant.因为不和谐而带来的不愉快的情绪;不愉快的情绪。
9.Slightly and pleasantly intoxicated.微醉的因微醉而感到轻松和愉快的
10.pack one's bags收拾行李,卷铺盖,(因不愉快事)出走
11.(of a person's eyes)look bright or sparkle, esp because one is amused(指人的眼睛)发亮,闪光(尤指因愉快)
12.He was delighted with the present you sent.他因你们所送的礼物而感到愉快。
13.His handsome features glowed with pleasure.他的漂亮的面貌因愉快而焕发光彩。
14.She felt very awkward about the unpleasant situation.她因不愉快的场面而感到十分困窘。
15.Please don't remember this unpleasant matter against me.请别因为这件不愉快的事情而记恨我。
16.My son has settled happily in America.我儿子已在美国愉快地定居了。
17.`I'll do the dishes,' he said pleasantly.‘我会洗盘子的,’他愉快地说。
18.The children rattled away merrily.这些孩子愉快地喋喋不休地说话。

joyous children愉快的孩子们
4)Fling off a merry tune哼一支愉快的曲子
5)Happy Teaching愉快教学
1.A comparison between Happy Teaching and Traditional Teaching applied in English classes in higher vocational education;愉快教学与传统教学应用在高职英语课堂上的对比研究
2.These can make teacher and students gain happy experience of teaching and studying,realization happy teaching.在生物课堂教学中要从改革课堂教学方法,理论联系实际,教师的“情感投入”等方面入手,使师生获得教与学的愉快体验,实现愉快教学。
3.We should set down a happy teaching scene, activate students studying intention studying interest and active motion experience and we should wake the students independence activision and creation, In this way, the students can seek happiness in the lovely development, and the development can be got happily.本课题以愉快教育思想为宗旨,以马克思教育理论、合作学习理论、教学互动理论、建构主义理论、主体性教学理论为指导,在实践中不断探索适应新课理念、中学地理愉快教学的实施策略,研究愉快教学策略的实施产生的教育教学效果。
6)happy education愉快教育
1.On the analysis of happy education and its basic theory,this paper presents its practical reason and teaching concept in the college course of Ideological and moral cultivation.文章从愉快教育及其理论基础的分析入手,指出高校“思想道德修养”课倡导愉快教育的现实理由和教学理念,最后着重探析了“思想道德修养”课倡导愉快教育的实施要求。
2.In the refonn of the Chinese teaching of the middle schools, happy education is a product of the quality education.在中学语文教学改革中,愉快教育是素质教育的产物,它从美学意义上开拓的新思路能够产生审美快 感,从而推动教师成功地教,学生积极地学。
